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Utilities libraries.

  • abutil - A collection of often-used Golang helpers.
  • apm - A process manager for Golang applications with an HTTP API.
  • boilr - A blazingly fast CLI tool for creating projects from boilerplate templates.
  • command - Command pattern for Go with thread safe serial and parallel dispatcher
  • coop - Cheat sheet for some of the common concurrent flows in Go.
  • copy-pasta - Universal multi-workstation clipboard that uses S3 like backend for the storage.
  • Death - Managing go application shutdown with signals.
  • Deepcopier - Simple struct copying for Go.
  • delve - Go debugger.
  • dlog - Compile-time controlled logger to make your release smaller without removing debug calls.
  • excelize - Golang library for reading and writing Microsoft Excel (XLSX) files.
  • fastlz - Wrap over FastLz (free, open-source, portable real-time compression library) for GoLang.
  • filetype - Small package to infer the file type checking the magic numbers signature.
  • fzf - A command-line fuzzy finder written in Go
  • generate - runs go generate recursively on a specified path or environment variable and can filter by regex.
  • gentleman - Full-featured plugin-driven HTTP client library.
  • git-time-metric - Simple, seamless, lightweight time tracking for Git
  • go-bind-plugin - go:generate tool for wrapping symbols exported by golang plugins (1.8 only)
  • go-cron - A simple Cron library for go that can execute closures or functions at varying intervals, from once a second to once a year on a specific date and time. Primarily for web applications and long running daemons.
  • go-debug - Conditional debug logging for Golang libraries & applications.
  • go-dry - DRY (don't repeat yourself) package for Go.
  • go-funk - A modern Go utility library which provides helpers (map, find, contains, filter, chunk, reverse, ...)
  • go-rate - A timed rate limiter for Go.
  • go-sitemap-generator - XML Sitemap generator written in Go.
  • go-torch - Stochastic flame graph profiler for Go programs.
  • go-trigger - Go-lang global event triggerer, Register Events with an id and trigger the event from anywhere from your project.
  • go-underscore - A useful collection of helpfully functional Go collection utilities.
  • goback - Go simple exponential backoff package.
  • godaemon - Utility to write daemons.
  • godotenv - A Go port of Ruby's dotenv library (Loads environment variables from .env.)
  • godropbox - Common libraries for writing Go services/applications from Dropbox.
  • gohper - Various tools/modules help for development.
  • gojq - JSON query in Golang.
  • golarm - Fire alarms with system events.
  • golog - Easy and lightweight CLI tool to time track your tasks.
  • gopencils - Small and simple package to easily consume REST APIs.
  • goplaceholder - a small golang lib to generate placeholder images.
  • goreleaser - Deliver Go binaries as fast and easily as possible
  • goreq - Minimal and simple request library for Go language.
  • goreq - An enhanced simplified HTTP client based on gorequest.
  • gorequest - Simplified HTTP client with rich features for Go.
  • gotenv - Load environment variables from .env or any io.Reader in Go
  • grequests - An elegant and simple net/http wrapper that follows Python's requests library
  • htcat - Parallel and Pipelined HTTP GET Utility
  • httpcontrol - Package httpcontrol allows for HTTP transport level control around timeouts and retries.
  • hystrix-go - Implements Hystrix patterns of programmer-defined fallbacks aka circuit breaker.
  • JobRunner - Smart and featureful cron job scheduler with job queuing and live monitoring built in.
  • jsonapi-errors - Go bindings based on the JSON API errors reference.
  • jsonf - Console tool for highlighted formatting and struct query fetching JSON.
  • jsongo - Fluent API to make it easier to create Json objects.
  • kazaam - API for arbitrary transformation of JSON documents.
  • lrserver - LiveReload server for Go
  • mc - Minio Client provides minimal tools to work with Amazon S3 compatible cloud storage and filesystems.
  • mergo - A helper to merge structs and maps in Golang. Useful for configuration default values, avoiding messy if-statements.
  • minify - Fast minifiers for HTML, CSS, JS, XML, JSON and SVG file formats.
  • moldova - A utility for generating random data based on an input template.
  • mp - A simple cli email parser. It currently takes stdin and outputs JSON.
  • multitick - Multiplexor for aligned tickers.
  • netbug - Easy remote profiling of your services.
  • ngrok - Introspected tunnels to localhost.
  • okrun - go run error steamroller.
  • panicparse - Groups similar goroutines and colorizes stack dump.
  • peco - Simplistic interactive filtering tool.
  • pester - Go HTTP client calls with retries, backoff, and concurrency.
  • pm - Process (i.e. goroutine) manager with an HTTP API.
  • profile - Simple profiling support package for Go.
  • rclient - Readable, flexible, simple-to-use client for REST APIs.
  • realize - Go build system with file watchers and live reload. Run, build and watch file changes with custom paths.
  • request - Go HTTP Requests for Humans™.
  • rerate - Redis-based rate counter and rate limiter for Go.
  • rerun - Recompiling and rerunning go apps when source changes.
  • resty - Simple HTTP and REST client for Go inspired by Ruby rest-client.
  • robustly - Runs functions resiliently, catching and restarting panics.
  • scheduler - Cronjobs scheduling made easy.
  • sling - Go HTTP requests builder for API clients.
  • spinner - Go package to easily provide a terminal spinner with options.
  • sqlx - provides a set of extensions on top of the excellent built-in database/sql package.
  • Task - simple "Make" alternative
  • toolbox - Slice, map, multimap, struct, function, data conversion utilities. Service router, macro evaluator, tokenizer.
  • ugo - ugo is slice toolbox with concise syntax for Go.
  • xferspdy - Xferspdy provides binary diff and patch library in golang
  • xlsx - Library to simplify reading the XML format used by recent version of Microsoft Excel in Go programs.
  • silex - Collection of tools varying from ML extensions to additional RDD methods.
  • sparkly - Helpers & syntactic sugar for PySpark.
  • apgdiff - Compares two database dump files and creates output with DDL statements that can be used to update old database schema to new one.
  • ERAlchemy - ERAlchemy generates Entity Relation (ER) diagram from databases.
  • mysql-postgresql-converter - Lanyrd's MySQL to PostgreSQL conversion script.
  • ora2pg - Perl module to export an Oracle database schema to a PostgreSQL compatible schema.
  • pg_activity - top like application for PostgreSQL server activity monitoring.
  • pganalyze - PostgreSQL Performance Monitoring (Commercial Software).
  • pgbadger - Fast PostgreSQL Log Analyzer.
  • PgBouncer - Lightweight connection pooler for PostgreSQL.
  • pgCenter - Provides convenient interface to various statistics, management task, reloading services, viewing log files and canceling or terminating database backends.
  • pgclimb - Export data from PostgreSQL into different data formats.
  • pgfutter - Import CSV and JSON into PostgreSQL the easy way.
  • PGInsight - CLI tool to easily dig deep inside your PostgreSQL database.
  • pgloader - Loads data into PostgreSQL using the COPY streaming protocol, and does so with separate threads for reading and writing data.
  • pgpool-II - Middleware that provides connection pooling, replication, load balancing and limiting exceeding connections.
  • pgsync - Tool to sync PostgreSQL data to your local machine.
  • PGXN client - Command line tool to interact with the PostgreSQL Extension Network
  • postgresql-metrics - Tool that extracts and provides metrics for your PostgreSQL database.
  • PostgREST - Serves a fully RESTful API from any existing PostgreSQL database.
  • yoke - PostgreSQL high-availability cluster with auto-failover and automated cluster recovery.
  • pglistend - A lightweight PostgresSQL LISTEN/NOTIFY daemon built on top of node-postgres.
  • ZSON - PostgreSQL extension for transparent JSONB compression
  • cargo - Asset manager
  • chance.lua - Library for generating random data
  • GifCat - A simple module for saving gifs from LÖVE
  • i18n - Internationalization library designed to help localize your game
  • log.lua - Library for configurable log output
  • love-loader - Threaded resource loading
  • love2d-assets-loader - Assets Loader
  • Luvent - Simple event-driven programming
  • splashy - Splash Screen Library
  • Talkback - Observer pattern library with two-way communication
  • tick - Useful timing tweaks for LÖVE's run loop
  • athena - An automation platform with a plugin architecture that allows you to easily create and share services.
  • Chaperone - A single PID1 process designed for docker containers. Does user management, log management, startup, zombie reaping, all in one small package. by @garywiz
  • codelift - CodeLift is an automated Docker image build utility for 'dockerizing' services by @BoozAllen
  • Codenvy - One-click Docker environments and cloud workspace for development teams
  • Compose Registry - A very handy search engine for Compose Files
  • Composerize - Convert docker run commands into docker-compose files
  • dexec - Command line interface written in Go for running code with Docker Exec images.
  • dext-docker-registry-plugin - Search the Docker Registry with the Dext smart launcher.
  • Docker meets the IDE - Integrating your favorite containers in the editor of your choice by domeide
  • Docker Volume Clone Utility - A Docker Utility to Clone Volumes @gdiepen
  • docker-compose-search - A search engine for Docker Compose application stacks by @francescou
  • docker-do - hassle-free docker run, like env but for docker by @benzaita
  • docker-gen - Generate files from docker container meta-data by [@jwilder][jwilder]
  • docker-ls - CLI tools for browsing and manipulating docker registries by @mayflower
  • docker-replay - Generate docker runcommand and options from running containers. By bcicen
  • docker-volumes - Docker Volume Manager by [@cpuguy83][cpuguy83]
  • dockerize - Utility to simplify running applications in docker containers by [@jwilder][jwilder]
  • Dockly - Dockly is a gem made to ease the pain of packaging an application in Docker by @swipely
  • dockramp - Proof of Concept: A Client Driven Docker Image Builder by @jlhawn
  • draw-compose - Utility to draw a schema of a docker compose by @Alexis-benoist
  • Dropdock - A framework designed for Drupal to build fast, isolated development environments using Docker.
  • Dupper - Use git repository as Object Oriented Container. Setup Cloud Development environments with few commands for any git repository by @athakwani
  • DVM - Docker version manager by @getcarina
  • Eclipse Che - Developer workspace server with Docker runtimes, cloud IDE, next-generation Eclipse IDE
  • forward2docker - Utility to auto forward a port from localhost into ports on Docker containers running in a boot2docker VM by @bsideup
  • GoSu - Run this specific application as this specific user and get out of the pipeline (entrypoint script tool) by @tianon
  • ns-enter - no more ssh, enter name spaces of container by [@jpetazzo][jpetazzo]
  • OctoLinker - A browser extension for GitHub that makes the image name in a Dockerfile clickable and redirect you to the related Docker Hub page.
  • Powerline-Docker - A Powerline segment for showing the status of Docker containers by @adrianmo
  • Squid-in-a-can - in case of proxy problem by [@jpetazzo][jpetazzo]
  • Consolation - In-game debug console that displays output from Debug.Log.
  • CSharpatron (Paid) - Automatically convert scripts from UnityScript to C# without breaking existing game objects.
  • SnazzyGrid (Paid) - Makes it easy to manage positions of assets in the scene with easy to use snapping tools and many more features to improve the scene creation workflow.
  • UniMerge (Paid) - Editor extension for merging scenes and prefabs, also integrates with VCS.
  • UniRx - UniRx (Reactive Extensions for Unity) is a reimplementation of the .NET Reactive Extensions. Rx cures the "asynchronous blues" without async/await.
  • UnityToolbag - Collection of miscellaneous open source scripts and helpers for Unity 5.0.
  • lua-resty-taglib - LuaJIT FFI bindings for TagLib - An Audio Meta-Data Library
  • lua-resty-socket - Automatic LuaSocket/cosockets compatibility module
  • ar2ecto - Ar2ecto is a set of mix tasks to help you migrate from ActiveRecord to Ecto.
  • crutches - Utility library for Elixir, designed to complement the standard library bundled with the language.
  • deppie - Elixir's coolest deprecation logger.
  • dot-notes - Simple dot/bracket notation parsing/conversion for Maps/Lists.
  • dress - Cli app that makes your stdout fancy.
  • erlang-history - Hacks to add shell history to Erlang's shell.
  • erlsh - Family of functions and ports involving interacting with the system shell, paths and external programs.
  • erlware_commons - Additional standard library for Erlang.
  • exjprop - Elixir library for reading Java properties files from various sources.
  • fitex - FitEx is a Macro-Module which provides a bit of sugar for function definitions.
  • global - Wrapper of the Erlang :global module.
  • mandrake - Mandrake is a functional programming library that bring something else magic in elixir.
  • plasm - Plasm is Ecto's composable query multitool, containing higher-level functions such as .count, .random, .first, .last, .find, .inserted_before, .inserted_after, etc.
  • pubsub - A Publish-Subscribe utility library that implements a pub-sub mechanism to ease the burden of communication on the business logic processes.
  • quark - A library for common functional programming idioms: combinators, currying, and partial application.
  • retry - Simple Elixir macros for linear retry, exponential backoff and wait with composable delays.
  • sips_downloader - Elixir module for downloading the ElixirSips episodes and all other files.
  • sitemap - Sitemap is the easiest way to generate Sitemaps in Elixir.