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Where to discover things (libraries, news e.g) about Ruby.

  • Promise Cookbook - The why, what, and how. "A brief introduction [...] primarily aimed at frontend developers".
  • Promises for Asynchronous Programming - Chapter from Exploring ES6
  • You Don't Know JS: Promises - Chapter from You Don't Know JS: Async & Performance
  • JavaScript Promises: an Introduction - Basics of JavaScript's native promise implementation.
  • JavaScript with Promises - from O'Reilly. Short and to-the-point. Uses native and bluebird.
  • Promise it won't hurt - An interactive nodeschool workshop
  • ES6 Kata Promises - Promises Katas : Basics
  • An Incremental Tutorial on Promises - An FAQ styled tutorial for beginners.
  • Promise Fun - @sindresorhus's notes, patterns, and solutions to common Promise problems
  • You're Missing the Point of Promises - Promises are much more than callback aggregation, and that jQuery's implementation (prior to 3.0) isn't enough.
  • We have a problem with promises - "Many of us are using promises without really understanding them."
  • Promise anti-patterns - Common misuses and how to avoid them.
  • Promise anti-patterns (2) - Another set of promises anti-patterns
  • Promise Ponderings, (Anti-)Patterns, and Apologies - Promise behaviour demonstrated and explained by common questions and their answers.
  • Javascript Promises...In Wicked Detail - Recreate the promise implementation
  • Writing Promise-Using Specifications - "This document gives guidance on how to write specifications that create, accept, or manipulate promises"
  • Fates and States - Quick definitions of possible states.
  • Promisees - Promise visualization playground for the adventurous.
  • pinkie - Ponyfill. Node-oriented, but browserifyable. Extremely small implementation.
  • native-promise-only - Polyfill. Browser and node-compatible.
  • es6-promise - Opt-in polyfill. A strict-spec subset of rsvp.js.
  • lie - Small, browserifyable with an opt-in polyfill.
  • bluebird - Fully featured, extremely performant. Long stack traces & generator/coroutine support.
  • creed - Hyper performant & full featured like Bluebird, but FP-oriented. Coroutines, generators, promises, ES2015 iterables, & fantasy-land spec.
  • rsvp.js - Lightweight with a few extras. Compatible down to IE6!
  • Q - One of the original implementations. Long stack traces and other goodies.
  • then/promise - Small with nodeify, denodify and done() additions.
  • when.js - Packed with control flow, functional, and utility methods.
  • native-or-bluebird - Helps transition to completely native.
  • pinkie-promise - Use native, or fall back to pinkie. Great for node library authors.
  • any-promise - Loads the first available implementation. Safe for browserify.
  • delay - Delay a promise a specified amount of time.
  • pify - Promisify ("denodify") a callback-style function.
  • loud-rejection - Make unhandled promise rejections fail loudly instead of the default silent fail.
  • hard-rejection - Make unhandled promise rejections fail hard right away instead of the default silent fail
  • p-queue - Promise queue with concurrency control
  • p-break - Break out of a promise chain
  • p-lazy - Create a lazy promise that defers execution until .then() or .catch() is called
  • p-defer - Create a deferred promise
  • p-if - Conditional promise chains
  • p-tap - Tap into a promise chain without affecting its value or state
  • p-map - Map over promises concurrently
  • p-all - Run promise-returning & async functions concurrently with optional limited concurrency
  • p-limit - Run multiple promise-returning & async functions with limited concurrency
  • p-times - Run promise-returning & async functions a specific number of times concurrently
  • p-catch-if - Conditional promise catch handler
  • p-time - Measure the time a promise takes to resolve
  • p-log - Log the value/error of a promise
  • p-filter - Filter promises concurrently
  • p-settle - Settle promises concurrently and get their fulfillment value or rejection reason
  • p-memoize - Memoize promise-returning & async functions
  • p-whilst - Calls a function repeatedly while a condition returns true and then resolves the promise
  • p-throttle - Throttle promise-returning & async functions
  • p-debounce - Debounce promise-returning & async functions
  • p-retry - Retry a promise-returning or async function
  • p-wait-for - Wait for a condition to be true
  • p-timeout - Timeout a promise after a specified amount of time
  • p-race - A better Promise.race()
  • p-try - Promise#try() ponyfill - Starts a promise chain
  • p-finally - Promise#finally() ponyfill - Invoked when the promise is settled regardless of outcome
  • p-any - Wait for any promise to be fulfilled
  • p-some - Wait for a specified number of promises to be fulfilled
  • p-pipe - Compose promise-returning & async functions into a reusable pipeline
  • p-each-series - Iterate over promises serially
  • p-map-series - Map over promises serially
  • p-reduce - Reduce a list of values using promises into a promise for a value
  • p-props - Like Promise.all() but for Map and Object
  • promise-method - Standalone bluebird.method. Turn a synchronously-returning method into a promise-returning one.
  • is-promise - Determine if something looks like a Promise.
  • sprom - Resolve when a stream ends. Optional buffering (be careful with this!)
  • task.js - Write async functions in a blocking style using promises and generators. Like bluebird.coroutine.
  • co - Like task.js and bluebird.coroutine, but supports thunks too.
  • lie-fs - Promise wrappers for Node's FS API.
  • promise-do-until - Calls a function repeatedly until a condition returns true and then resolves the promise.
  • promise-do-whilst - Calls a function repeatedly while a condition returns true and then resolves the promise.
  • promise-semaphore - Push a set of work to be done in a configurable serial fashion
  • promise-nodeify - Standalone nodeify method which calls a Node-style callback on resolution or rejection.
  • Weekly C# Digest - Weekly email newsletter with manually curated top 5 links from the .NET community.
  • Automatic IV Calculator - Google spreadsheet to calculate IVs.
  • Best Movesets - List of best movesets by sorted by Pokemon.
  • CP per Power Up - Chart listing CP per power up for each Pokemon.
  • Evolution CP Calculator - Calculates expected CP from evolution
  • Exact CP Formula - Formula to determine exact CP.
  • Guide to figure Pokemon level from CP - Guide for figuring out Pokemon level from CP/HP.
  • HP and Stamina Calculation - How HP and Max stamina is calculated.
  • Max CP Chart - Max possible CP for every Pokemon.
  • Max CP/HP Chart - Max HP/CP for every Pokemon.
  • PidgeyCalc - A calculator for maximising your Lucky Egg XP gains in PokemonGO.
  • Pokemon CP/HP Ranges - Possible CP/HP ranges for every Pokemon.
  • Pokemon Go Type Effectiveness - Gives you the attack / defence strength and weakness of various Pokemons.
  • Weakness Chart - Calculated weakness types for different Pokemon types.
  • API documentation - Official jQuery documentation.
  • Code School - Learn the basic building blocks of jQuery 2.0 and enjoy new video tutorials for beginners with related programming challenges.
  • Codecademy jQuery track - Beginners track for learning jQuery.
  • Learning jQuery - Tips, techniques, and tutorials for the jQuery JavaScript library.
  • Style guides - jQuery's code style guides when contributing to jQuery projects.
  • Tuts+ - Useful and indepth articles about jQuery.
  • jQuery guide for teams - Tips to write consistent jQuery code, easy to use and understand by your team.
  • jQuery patterns - A variety of jQuery plugin patterns for jump starting your plugin development.
  • Learning jQuery Design Patterns - jQuery Plugin Design Patterns
  • Learn jQuery - jQuery learning center.
  • Snoopcode - jQuery tutorials.
  • Try jQuery - Learn basic building blocks of jQuery.
  • Extending jQuery - Extending jQuery’s selector capabilities.
  • JavaScript plus a dash of JQuery - A Sensible Introduction to Coding with JavaScript and jQuery, by Nicholas Johnson.
  • jQuery fundamentals - Comfortable working through common problems you'll be called upon to solve using jQuery.
  • jQuery in Action, Third Edition - Fast-paced and complete guide to jQuery, by Bear Bibeault, Yehuda Katz, and Aurelio De Rosa.
  • jQuery: Novice to Ninja: New Kicks And Tricks - fast track to mastering jQuery, by Earle Castledine & Craig Sharkie.
  • Learning jQuery - Fourth Edition - Guide to jQuery, by Jonathan Chaffer and Karl Swedberg.
  • jQuery Blog - News from the official jQuery website.
  • jQuery UI Blog - Official jQuery UI blog.
  • Sitepoint - Sitepoint's jQuery category section with useful articles.
  • Smashing Magazine - jQuery tag, useful jQuery articles and tutorial alike blog posts.
  • jQuery Foundation - Providing jQuery and many other projects home and support.
  • jQuery Source Viewer - Browser of jQuery method implementations.
  • Alternative jQuery Documentation Browser - Faster way to browse the jQuery documentation.
  • TodoMVC - Helps you select JavaScript framework. Same Todo application created in multiple popular JavaScript MV* frameworks including jQuery.
  • Plugins - Registry of jQuery plugins, previous one is now in read-only mode.
  • jQuery Rain - Top & Best jQuery plugins, tutorials, cool effects, examples, demos.
  • jQuery Unheap - A tidy repository of jQuery plugins.
  • Animsition - A simple and easy jQuery plugin for CSS animated page transitions.
  • fakeLoader.js - Lightweight plugin that helps you create an animated spinner with a fullscreen loading mask to simulate the page preloading effect.
  • jQuery Transit - Super-smooth CSS3 transformations and transitions for jQuery.
  • Material Design Preloader!s - Recreation of the Material Design preloader.
  • Midnight - Switches fixed headers on the fly.
  • Scrollify - Assists scrolling and snaps to sections. Touch optimised.
  • Waves - Click effect inspired by Google's Material Design.
  • Froala WYSIWYG HTML Editor - jQuery WYSIWYG Rich Text Editor based on HTML5.
  • Hallo - Simple rich text editor (contentEditable) for jQuery UI.
  • jQuery Notebook - A modern, simple and elegant WYSIWYG rich text editor.
  • jQuery TE - Lightweight HTML editor.
  • TinyMCE - Popular WYSIWYG editor with jQuery build and a jQuery integration plugin.
  • Bootstrap Multiselect - Multiselect for Bootstrap.
  • File Upload - File Upload widget with multiple file selection, drag&drop support, progress bar, validation and preview images, audio and video.
  • Ideal Forms - Framework for building and validating responsive HTML5 forms.
  • jQuery Form Plugin - Easy and unobtrusive HTML forms upgrade to use AJAX.
  • jquery-minicolors - A tiny color picker plugin.
  • Justified Gallery - Allows you to create a gallery with a justified grid.
  • Labelauty - A lightweight and beautiful plugin for radio and checkbox inputs.
  • Payform - A library (with jQuery plugin) for building credit card forms, validating inputs, and formatting numbers.
  • Pickadate - The mobile-friendly, responsive, and lightweight date & time input picker.
  • Select2 - Select box with support for searching, tagging, remote data sets, infinite scrolling.
  • AnyChart-jQuery - Plugin for easily using AnyChart JavaScript charting library with jQuery.
  • Arbor - Graph visualization library using web workers and jQuery.
  • Cropper - A simple image cropping plugin.
  • Dense.js - Serving retina-ready, high pixel ratio images with ease.
  • Flot - Attractive charts.
  • Gridder - Displays a thumbnail grid expanding preview similar to the effect seen on Google Images.
  • jquery.sparkline - Generate small sparkline charts.
  • jQuery.eraser - Erasing image with mouse or touch movements.
  • jQuery Mapael - Plugin based on raphael.js that allows you to display dynamic vector maps.
  • jQueryGantt - Gantt editor.
  • Nivo Slider - Beautiful and easy to use image slider.
  • Peity - Progressive pie, donut, bar and line charts.
  • Unite Gallery - Responsive jQuery image and video gallery plugin.
  • Viewer - A simple jQuery image viewing plugin.
  • JQuery-linechart - Simple and lightweight library for creating line charts
  • jQuery contextMenu - Management facility for context menus.
  • jPanelMenu - Creates a paneled-style menu (like the type seen in the mobile versions of Facebook, Google and native iPhone applications).
  • jQuery-menu-aim - Fires events when user's cursor aims at particular dropdown menu items.
  • mmenu - App look-alike on- and off-canvas menus with sliding submenus.
  • Multi-level push menu - Allows endless nesting of navigation elements.
  • Slidebars - jQuery framework for off-canvas menus and sidebars.
  • stickUp - Sticks an element to the top of the browser window while scrolling past it, always keeping it in view.
  • Superfish - Adds usability enhancements to existing multi-level drop-down menus.
  • Yamm - Yet another megamenu for Bootstrap 3.
  • animatedModal.js - Plugin for creating fullscreen modals with CSS3 transitions. You can use the transitions from animate.css or create your own.
  • Avgrund - Plugin for your modal boxes and popups with new concept of showing depth between popup and page.
  • Bootstrap Modal - Extends the default Bootstrap Modal class. Responsive, stackable and ajax.
  • iziModal - Elegant, responsive, flexible and lightweight modal plugin with jQuery.
  • jBox - Powerful and flexible plugin which takes care of all modal windows, tooltips and notices.
  • jQuery Modal - Simple and lightweight method of displaying modal windows.
  • jQuery Popup Overlay - Responsive and accessible modal windows and tooltips.
  • Magnific Popup - Fast, light and responsive lightbox plugin.
  • SweetAlert - A beautiful replacement for JavaScript's alert.
  • tipso - A Lightweight Responsive jQuery Tooltip Plugin.
  • vex - A modern dialog library which is highly configurable and easy to style.
  • Bootgrid - A grid control especially designed for bootstrap.
  • Bootstrap table - A powerful table control designed for bootstrap.
  • DataTables - Advanced interaction controls for HTML tables.
  • FancyGrid - JavaScript grid library with charts integration and server communication.
  • Filter Table - Live searching/filtering for HTML tables.
  • FooTable - Make HTML tables responsive.
  • Isotope - Filter & sort magical layouts.
  • HighchartTable - Simple way to convert HTML data tables to Highcharts graphs.
  • jqGrid - Grid plugin.
  • jQuery treetable - Show a tree structure in a table.
  • jsGrid - Lightweight grid plugin.
  • Stackable.js - Stacking tables on small screens.
  • Stupid Table Sort - A stupidly small and simple jQuery table sorter plugin.
  • tableExport.jquery.plugin - Export HTML table to JSON, XML, CSV, TXT, SQL, Word, Excel, PNG or PDF.
  • jQuery Timer Plugin - Start/Stop/Resume/Remove pretty timer inside any HTML element.
  • Timeago - Easy support of automatic updating fuzzy timestamps (e.g. "4 minutes ago").
  • i18n properties - Lightweight plugin for providing internationalization to JavaScript from .properties files
  • jquery.i18n - jQuery based Javascript internationalization library for easy internationalization of web application
  • jquery.localize.js - Easy internationalization of your static web site
  • FormValidation - Form fields validator, designed for Bootstrap, Foundation, Pure, Semantic UI, UIKit and other frameworks.
  • h5Validate - An HTML5 form validation plugin for jQuery.
  • jQuery Form Validator - Validate user input while keeping your HTML markup clean from JavaScript code.
  • jquery-validation - Drop-in validation for your existing forms, while making all kinds of customizations to fit your application really easy.
  • jQuery.validationEngine - Validation of form fields in the browser.
  • Boilerplate - A jump-start for jQuery plugins development.
  • Interlink - Event interlink plugin.
  • Sisyphus - Gmail-like client-side drafts and bit more.
  • Slugify - Creates a URL slug as you type a page title (like Django slugify()).
  • Readmore.js - A lightweight jQuery plugin for collapsing and expanding long blocks of text with "Read more" and "Close" links.
  • jQuery mobile - Lightweight framework for building mobile web apps with HTML5.
  • Interdimensional - Spatial scrolling on mobile devices for your web pages.
  • OhSnap!.js - A simple jQuery/Zepto notification library designed to be used in mobile apps.
  • Dragula - Framework agnostic drag and drop library, supports jQuery integration.
  • jQuery UI - Curated set of user interface interactions, effects, widgets, and themes built on top of the jQuery.
  • jQuery Enhanced Splitter - Create draggable content splitters to emulate frames and separate content.
  • tabulous.js - Tabs for todays web
  • X-editable - In-place editing with Twitter Bootstrap, jQuery UI or pure jQuery.
  • Qunit - A JavaScript Unit Testing framework, used by the jQuery, jQuery UI and jQuery mobile projects.
  • Mockjax - Provides a simple and extremely flexible interface for mocking or simulating ajax requests and responses.
  • Bower - Useful package manager optimized for the front-end.
  • Cheerio - Fast, flexible, and lean implementation of core jQuery designed specifically for the server.
  • PHP front end setup without Node - Tutorial how to combine BowerPHP, Mini-Asset and into a PHP front end asset building pipeline.
  • symfony-collection - jQuery Plugin that manages adding, deleting and moving elements from a Symfony2 collection.
  • django-static-jquery - jQuery packaged in an handy Django app to speed up new applications and deployment.
  • jquery-rails - A gem to automate using jQuery with Rails.
  • jquery-ui-rails - jQuery UI for the Rails asset pipeline.
  • Forum - Official forum.
  • Freenode - Support IRC channel for users of jQuery, jQuery UI, and jQuery Mobile.
  • Stack Overflow - Support on Stack Overflow.
  • Facebook - Large and active group on Facebook.
  • - Large and active group on
  • Reddit - Discussion and sharing news, articles, plugins and tutorials, covering jQuery Core, jQuery UI, jQuery Mobile, and other related projects.
  • Google+ - Large and active group on Google+.
  • Quora - Ask and answer questions on Quora website.
  • Meetup - Get involved locally.
  • Twitter - Official news and updates from the jQuery team on Twitter.
  • awesome - Awesome lists
  • awesome-all - Awesome lists
  • emijrp/awesome-awesome - Awesome lists
  • erichs/awesome-awesome - Awesome lists
  • GetAwesomeness - Awesome lists
  • lists - Awesome lists
  • awesome-javascript - Awesome JavaScript list
  • awesome-javascript-books - Awesome JavaScript books
  • js-must-watch - List of must-watch videos devoted to JavaScript
  • Chinese - Chinese translation of Awesome jQuery.
  • Awesome Ruby @LibHunt - Your go-to Ruby Toolbox. The Awesome Ruby collection + ordering by popularity, additional metadata and comparisons.
  • GitHub Trending - Find what repositories the GitHub community is most excited about today.
  • Green Ruby News - A feed of fresh links of the week about ruby, javascript, webdev and devops.
  • Open Source Rails - A gallery of the best open source rack and Ruby on Rails web applications.
  • Ruby5 - The latest news in the Ruby and Rails community.
  • Ruby Bookmarks - Ruby and Ruby on Rails bookmarks collection.
  • RubyDaily - Community driven news.
  • RubyFlow - Ruby Programming Community Link Blog.
  • Ruby Rogues - Weekly panel discussion about programming, primarily in Ruby.
  • Ruby Weekly - A free, once–weekly e-mail round-up of Ruby news and articles.
  • The Ruby Toolbox - A comprehensive catalog of Ruby and Rails plug-ins, gems, tools and resources for Ruby developers with popularity ratings based on GitHub watchers and Gem downloads.
  • Symfony2 Service Config Converter - A simple service to convert services configuration between YAML, XML and INI.
  • Twigfiddle - Small development environment to develop, run, store and access Twig code online.
  • Ruby Weekly - A free, once–weekly e-mail round-up of Ruby news and articles.
  • Ruby5 - The latest news in the Ruby and Rails community
  • GemBundle - A place to discover new Ruby Gems