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44 lines (42 loc) · 4.91 KB

File metadata and controls

44 lines (42 loc) · 4.91 KB


Augmentation of the development process at a fundamental level.

  • FPSGraph - Small FPS graphing utility
  • debugGraph - Small OO FPS graphing utillity based on FPSGraph
  • Lovebird - Browser-based debug console
  • Lovecat - Edit your game parameters in a browser and see the changes in the running game in real time
  • LoveDebug - Inline console-like debugger utility
  • lurker - Auto-swaps changed Lua files in a running game
  • LÖVE API - The complete API documentation of LÖVE in a Lua table
  • AccessibleBundle - Define your class' getters, setters and constructor using powerful annotations.
  • ApiExceptionBundle - Exception API Bundle.
  • AvAjaxBundle - This bundle offers a simple structure to run ajax actions.
  • BeelabTestBundle - This bundle contains just an opinionated extension of Symfony WebTestCase.
  • CacheAdministrationBundle - This bundle includes a controller with actions to clear the various caches.
  • ControllerExtraBundle - Set of useful Controller annotations.
  • DunglasActionBundle - A replacement for the Symfony controller system based on the Action-Domain-Responder pattern.
  • http-bundle - Provides extra HTTP related functionality.
  • JMSDebuggingBundle - Provides advanced debugging tools.
  • LadybugBundle - The Simple and Extensible PHP Dumper.
  • LiipCodeBundle - A set of Symfony2 console commands to help developers deal with the various ways of identifying classes, templates, bundles, services, etc.
  • LiipFunctionalTestBundle - Some helper classes for writing functional tests in Symfony 2.
  • ListenersDebugCommandBundle - A console command to debug listeners.
  • ParamConverterBundle - This bundle provides additional param converters for Symfony.
  • PhpMetricsCollectorBundle - Integrates PhpMetrics in Symfony2 debug toolbar.
  • PsyshBundle - Provides an enhanced PHP interactive shell loaded with a Symfony context.
  • PUGXGeneratorBundle - An enhancement of SensioGeneratorBundle.
  • redaktilo-bundle - Integrates Redaktilo into Symfony 2.
  • SandboxBundle - Overriding controller logic & response in a Sandbox environment.
  • StatsDClientBundle - Easily monitor your symfony2 production env., with ready-to-use stats.
  • TagDebugCommandBundle - Integrate TagDebug library for inspecting and debugging tags.
  • TwigReflectionBundle - Displays what's in Twig.
  • WebfactoryExceptionsBundle - Easily develop custom, user-friendly error pages.
  • WebProfilerExtraBundle - Adding routing, container, assetic & twig information in the web profiler.
  • XhprofBundle - XHProf bundle.
  • AspectJ - Seamless aspect-oriented programming extension.
  • DCEVM - Modification of the JVM that allows unlimited redefinition of loaded classes at runtime.
  • Faux Pas - Library that simplifies error handling by circumventing the issue that none of the functional interfaces in the Java Runtime is allowed by default to throw checked exceptions.
  • HotswapAgent - Unlimited runtime class and resource redefinition.
  • JavaParser - Parse, modify and generate Java code.
  • JavaSymbolSolver - A symbol solver for Java.
  • JRebel ![c] - Instantly reloads code and configuration changes without redeploys.
  • Spring Loaded - Class reloading agent.