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File metadata and controls

38 lines (36 loc) · 3.66 KB


Libraries that provide external configuration.

  • config - JSON or YAML configuration wrapper with environment variables and flags parsing.
  • configure - Provides configuration through multiple sources, including JSON, flags and environment variables.
  • env - Parse environment variables to Go structs (with defaults).
  • envcfg - Un-marshaling environment variables to Go structs.
  • envconf - Configuration from environment
  • envconfig - Read your configuration from environment variables.
  • gcfg - read INI-style configuration files into Go structs; supports user-defined types and subsections
  • goConfig - Parse a struct as input and populates the fields of this struct with parameters fom command line, environment variables and configuration file.
  • gofigure - Go application configuration made easy
  • hjson - Human JSON, a configuration file format for humans. Relaxed syntax, fewer mistakes, more comments.
  • ingo - Flags persisted in an ini-like config file
  • ini - Go package for read and write INI files
  • mini - A golang package for parsing ini-style configuration files
  • store - A lightweight configuration manager for Go
  • viper - Go configuration with fangs
  • Configatron - Simple and feature rich configuration system for Ruby apps.
  • Configus - Helps you easily manage environment specific settings.
  • dotenv - Loads environment variables from .env.
  • Econfig - Flexible configuration for Rails applications.
  • ENVied - ensure presence and type of your app's ENV-variables
  • Figaro - Simple, Heroku-friendly Rails app configuration using ENV and a single YAML file.
  • Global - Provides accessor methods for your configuration data.
  • RailsConfig - Multi-environment yaml settings for Rails3.
  • confex - Helper module that provides a nice way to read environment configuration at runtime.
  • configparser_ex - A simple Elixir parser for the same kind of files that Python's configparser library handles.
  • conform - Easy release configuration for Elixir apps.
  • dotenv - A port of dotenv to Elixir.
  • ex_conf - Simple Elixir Configuration Management.
  • figaro - Simple Elixir project configuration.
  • figaro_elixir - Environmental variables manager for Elixir.
  • sweetconfig - Read YAML configuration files from any point at your app.
  • config - Configuration library for JVM languages.
  • ini4j - Provides an API for handling Windows' INI files.
  • owner - Reduces boilerplate of properties.