# PLOORAL ... is a multi-tenant collaboration whiteboard located in your browser **proof of concept**. I'd suggest to not look at the code since it is a shining counterexample of clean code which will hopefully be refactored someday. # Development Everything runs in docker (20.10+) containers during development. ### 1. Install robo [robo](https://github.com/tj/robo) is a simple YAML-based task runner written in Go. ```sh $ curl -sf https://gobinaries.com/tj/robo | sh ``` ### 2. Startup ``` $ robo kickstart ``` Spins up all necessary containers for local development with hot reload. ## Utilized Technologies - [Vue 3](https://vuejs.org/) (including a sad first attempt using the new [Composition API](https://v3.vuejs.org/api/composition-api.html#composition-api)) - [Bootstrap](https://getbootstrap.com/) - [Konva.js](https://konvajs.org/) builds the basic heart of the board itself - [Golang](https://golang.org/) # License "PLOORAL" is Open Source software released under the MIT license.