# git mergetool *.orig # Go embed files? *.go-e # Compiled python files *.pyc # OSX leaves these everywhere on SMB shares ._* # OSX trash .DS_Store # Eclipse files .classpath .project .settings/** # Files generated by JetBrains IDEs, e.g. IntelliJ IDEA .idea/ *.iml # Vscode files .vscode # Emacs save files *~ \#*\# .\#* # Vim-related files [._]*.s[a-w][a-z] [._]s[a-w][a-z] *.un~ Session.vim .netrwhist # Go test binaries *.test # Mercurial files **/.hg **/.hg* # Vagrant .vagrant network_closure.sh # make-related metadata /.make/ # Terraform plans get put here /out/ # Docker _src sync /docker/_src # build stuff .build .bazelbuild # autogenerated code we don't want to check in go-bindata upup/models/bindata.go # Ignore all Exhuberant Ctags files # Removed for now - we have a package named tags # tags # Bazel output directories bazel-bin bazel-genfiles bazel-kops bazel-out bazel-testlogs # Ignore default apiserver config apiserver.local.config # Ignore etcd default.etcd # Ignore awesome_bot markdown links check output ab-results-*.json addons/prometheus-operator/tmp # cloned git repo