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221 lines (171 loc) · 9.51 KB

File metadata and controls

221 lines (171 loc) · 9.51 KB



This repository uses git submodules!

You will need visual studio 2017 and/or msbuild 15 for this project

Getting the Source Code

you'll need to issue the following command in your terminal:

git clone --recursive

If you are using TortoiseGit on Windows, you wil have to check the recursive box when cloning.

Updating the Source Code

To correctly update ALL the source code, you need to do an extra command after the classic git pull to also update the submodules :

git pull
git submodule update --recursive

If you are using TortoiseGit on Windows, you'll need to select Submodules update in the menu.

Build info

If missing a lib/exe when building, install MS BUILD TOOL for visual studio 2017 / SDK .net 4.6.2

How to configure DLLExport

This is already done, you shouldn't have to do this except if you want to change the export configuration.

  • Execute DllExport.bat -action Configure
  • This download packages\DllExport.1.6.0
  • Select your .sln solution file
  • Choose a namespace for the DllExport : RGiesecke.DllExport and target x86 + x64
  • Click apply
  • Read all the info here :

Manual build command

git submodule update --init --recursive
build.cmd /t:restore /verbosity:minimal
build.cmd 3P.sln /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform="Any CPU" /t:Rebuild /verbosity:minimal

Additionnal remarks

Why are the libraries like Oetools.Packager targetting explicitly net461 AND netstandard2.0?

This question is legit, according to this net-implementation-support table, we should be able to make our libraries target netstandard2.0 and that's it. Since our application is targetting v4.6.1 and since v4.6.1 implements netstandard2.0 we should be good. But nop! This is explained here :

So yeah. I have to explicitly target net461.


Using coverity

cd 3P
cov-build --dir cov-int "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\msbuild.exe" 3P.sln /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=AnyCPU /t:Rebuild /verbosity:minimal
7z a ./cov-int*


When releasing (Note to myself) :

Manual chores

  • Change the dll version of 3P in AssemblyInfo.cs, the format should be vX.X.X.X with v(major).(minor).(revision).(lastdigit) ; the last digit of the dll's version indicates if it's a pre-release build (1) or stable build (0)
  • Check the default Config + UserCommunication.Notify()
  • Create a new tag : git tag vX.X.X (the last digit must be left empty for the tag name!)
  • Push the tag git push --tags : this will trigger the build with the deployment on the appveyor
  • Wait for the build to be done, edit the newly created
    • don't forget to check/uncheck the prerelease option
    • Find a cool title
    • past the body from the file
    • Publish the release!

Done automatically by appveyor

  • Clean/Rebuild in release mode, not debug for both x86 and x64 versions
  • Create 2 .zip in the release on github :
    • "" containing the 3P.dll (32 bits) and eventually the .pdb file
    • "" containg the 3P.dll (64 bits!) and eventually the .pdb file


Update Notepad++ plugin manager

How to test the plugin manager

Dev list : http:

Normal list : http:

Mock the files download by the plugin manager with fiddler :

  • Set plugin manager to work with development list of plugins (in plugin manager settings).
  • install fiddler, start capturing traffic (File -> Capture); also activate Tools -> Options -> HTTPS -> decrypt https
  • Right panel, tab AutoResponder, import the .farx file describes below (replace the correct directory) :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<AutoResponder LastSave="2018-03-05T16:20:08.6128501+01:00" FiddlerVersion="5.0.20173.50948">
  <State Enabled="true" Fallthrough="true" UseLatency="false">
    <ResponseRule Match="EXACT:" Action="C:\Users\Julien\Desktop\pm\xml\" Enabled="true" />
    <ResponseRule Match="EXACT:" Action="C:\Users\Julien\Desktop\pm\xml\plugins64.md5.txt" Enabled="true" />
    <ResponseRule Match="regex:https://nppxmldev\.bruderste\.in/pm/validate\?md5=.+" Action="C:\Users\Julien\Desktop\pm\xml\203_Response.txt" Latency="80" Enabled="true" />
    <ResponseRule Match="EXACT:" Action="C:\Users\Julien\Desktop\pm\xml\plugins2.md5.txt" Latency="374" Enabled="true" />
    <ResponseRule Match="EXACT:" Action="C:\Users\Julien\Desktop\pm\xml\" Latency="169" Enabled="true" />
  • generate the real md5 with git bash md5sum myfile
  • 203_response.txt mock the validate md5 (validate?md5=)
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/1.11.13
Date: Mon, 05 Mar 2018 15:35:35 GMT
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 2
Connection: keep-alive
etag: "8fb12585774dd5672d03239d08c49e5bd6d36088"
last-modified: 2018-03-05T15:33:23.561Z
cache-control: max-age=14400, must-revalidate, public
accept-ranges: bytes

  • plugins2.md5.txt/plugins64.md5.txt contains md5 checksum for, just put something random so it is re-downloaded each time
  • contains 1 file which is the plugins list for each version :
copy plugins64.xml PluginManagerPlugins.xml
7z a "" "PluginManagerPlugins.xml"

copy plugins.xml PluginManagerPlugins.xml
7z a "" "PluginManagerPlugins.xml"

x32 plugin xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
	<plugin name="3P - Progress Programmers Pal">
	     <alias name="3P" />
	  <description>[Requires .net framework 4.6.2]\n\n3P is a notepad++ plug-in designed to help writing OpenEdge ABL (formerly known as Progress 4GL) code. It provides :\n\n- a powerful auto-completion\n- tool-tips on every words\n- a code explorer to quickly navigate through your code\n- a file explorer to easily access all your sources\n- the ability to run/compile and even PROLINT your source file with an in-line visualization of errors\n- more than 50 options to better suit your needs\n- and so much more!\n\nVisit http: for more details on the plugin</description>
	  <author>Julien Caillon</author>
	  <latestUpdate>More infos here :\n</latestUpdate>
	        <copy from="3P.dll" to="$PLUGINDIR$\" validate="true" />
	        <run file="NetFrameworkChecker.exe" arguments="-ShowOnlyIfNotInstalled" outsideNpp="0" />
	        <delete file="$PLUGINDIR$\3P.dll" />

x64 plugin xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
	<plugin name="3P - Progress Programmers Pal">
			<alias name="3P"/>
		<description>[Requires .net framework 4.6.2]\n\n3P is a notepad++ plug-in designed to help writing OpenEdge ABL (formerly known as Progress 4GL) code. It provides :\n\n- a powerful auto-completion\n- tool-tips on every words\n- a code explorer to quickly navigate through your code\n- a file explorer to easily access all your sources\n- the ability to run/compile and even PROLINT your source file with an in-line visualization of errors\n- more than 50 options to better suit your needs\n- and so much more!\n\nVisit http: for more details on the plugin</description>
		<author>Julien Caillon</author>
		<latestUpdate>More infos here :\n</latestUpdate>
	            <copy from="3P.dll" to="$PLUGINDIR$\" validate="true" />
				<run file="NetFrameworkChecker.exe" arguments="-ShowOnlyIfNotInstalled" outsideNpp="0" />
	            <delete file="$PLUGINDIR$\3P.dll" />