Course card { img : String, title : String , desc : String (short), numChapters : Number, level : String } Single Course Data { title : String, desc : String, numChapters : Number, sections : [Section], approxTime : Number, skiilsyouwillgain : [String] //if possible } Section { course : String title : String, desc : String, lessons : [Lesson] } Lesson { topics : [{ title : String, content : String, img : { default : null, path : String } surpriseLEmenet : String (table) }], quiz : [Quiz], comments : [{ user : ObjectId , comment : String }], course : String, lesson : String, html : String } Quiz collection { course : String, lesson : String level : String , Questions : String, Options : [String] Answer : Number, isAttempted : boolean } user : { id : ObjectId, name : String, password : String, enrolledCourses : [{course : { Lesson : [{ lessonId : ObjectId lessonsAttwmpted : Number, lessonsCompleted : Number }], Quiz : [{ lessonId : ObjectId lessonsAttwmpted : Number, lessonsCompleted : Number }] } }], certificates : [String] } user auth struct { "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpZCI6IjY1ZTFmZTNlZmI5ZjM4MjI1MDkyZGNiOSIsImlhdCI6MTcwOTM3NjU4OCwiZXhwIjoxNzE3MTUyNTg4fQ.fjTxduIQKdn0Md_WlHOnoJOEe4o4seaqq6dWwjki2Qo", "data": { "_id": "65e1fe3efb9f38225092dcb9", "name": "demo", "email": "", "password": "$2b$12$STb42YT4p7rJl2xzuJJXBO6.43PwO/bs16QCBYF8wrv5CFpICPB8W", "enrolledCourses": [ { "course": "Introduction to Stock Markets", "_id": "65e1fea8d6abf817f0cc7196", "lessonsCompleted":Number } ], "lessonsCompleted": [ { "lessonName": "11. Corporate actions and impact on stock prices", "lessonId": "65e1fdb08e4c606494d13c80", "_id": "65e1fe5afb9f38225092dcc2" } ], "__v": 0 } } lesson quiz struct { question: 'What is the term ', questionNumber: 5, options: Array(4), answerId: 'B', answerText: 'Asset allocation', … } options 0 : {id: 'A', text: 'Fixed income instruments'} todo : 1)Make quiz for every lesson 2) Lesson completed button disable 3) Lesson access without course enrolled (done) 4) Password ermove