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Business API Ecosystem Docker Image

The Business API Ecosystem can be deployed with Docker using two different approaches. On the one hand, for all the components that made up the Business API Ecosystem it has been provided a Docker image that can be used jointly with docker-compose in order to deploy and configure the ecosystem.

On the other hand, this repo includes a single Docker image which already includes all the different Business API Ecosystem modules. NOTE: THIS OPTION HAS BEEN DEPRECATED, BEING THE LAST VERSION THE 6.4.0

The Business API Ecosystem requires instances of MySQL and MongoDB running. In this regard, you have three possibilities:

  • You can have your own instances deployed in your machine
  • You can manually run docker containers before executing the Business API Ecosystem
  • You can use docker-compose to automatically deploy both components

OAuth2 Authentication

The Business API Ecosystem authenticates with the FIWARE identity manager. In this regard, it is needed to register an application in this portal in order to acquire the OAuth2 credentials.

There you have to use the following info for registering the app:

BAE Deployment

BAE Modules Images

As stated, it is possible to deploy the Business API Ecosystem using the Docker images available for each of the BAE modules with docker-compose. In particular, the following images have to be deployed:

For deploying the BAE using this method the first step is creating a docker-compose.yml file with the following contents:

version: '3'
        image: mongo:3.2
        restart: always
            - ./mongo-data:/data/db

        image: mysql:5.7
        restart: always
            - ./mysql-data:/var/lib/mysql
            - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=my-secret-pw
            - MYSQL_DATABASE=RSS

        image: fiware/biz-ecosystem-charging-backend:develop
            - mongo
            - mongo
                    - charging.docker
            - 8006:8006
            # - ./charging-settings:/business-ecosystem-charging-backend/src/user_settings  # Used if the settings files are provided through the volume 
            - ./charging-bills:/business-ecosystem-charging-backend/src/media/bills
            - ./charging-assets:/business-ecosystem-charging-backend/src/media/assets
            - ./charging-plugins:/business-ecosystem-charging-backend/src/plugins
            - ./charging-inst-plugins:/business-ecosystem-charging-backend/src/wstore/asset_manager/resource_plugins/plugins
          - BAE_CB_PAYMENT_METHOD=None  # Paypal or None (testing mode payment disconected)
          # - BAE_CB_PAYPAL_CLIENT_ID=client_id
          # - BAE_CB_PAYPAL_CLIENT_SECRET=client_secret

          # ----- Database configuration ------
          - BAE_CB_MONGO_SERVER=mongo
          - BAE_CB_MONGO_PORT=27017
          - BAE_CB_MONGO_DB=charging_db
          # - BAE_CB_MONGO_USER=user
          # - BAE_CB_MONGO_PASS=passwd

          # ----- Roles Configuration -----
          - BAE_LP_OAUTH2_ADMIN_ROLE=admin
          - BAE_LP_OAUTH2_SELLER_ROLE=seller
          - BAE_LP_OAUTH2_CUSTOMER_ROLE=customer

          # ----- Email configuration ------
          - [email protected]
          # - BAE_CB_EMAIL_USER=user
          # - BAE_CB_EMAIL_PASS=pass
          # -
          # - BAE_CB_EMAIL_SMTP_PORT=587

          - BAE_CB_VERIFY_REQUESTS=True  # Whether or not the BAE validates SSL certificates on requests to external components 

          # ----- Site configuration -----
          - BAE_SERVICE_HOST=http:https://proxy.docker:8004/  # External URL used to access the BAE
          - BAE_CB_LOCAL_SITE=http:https://charging.docker:8006/  # Local URL of the charging backend

          # ----- APIs Conection config -----
          - BAE_CB_CATALOG=http:https://apis.docker:8080/DSProductCatalog
          - BAE_CB_INVENTORY=http:https://apis.docker:8080/DSProductInventory
          - BAE_CB_ORDERING=http:https://apis.docker:8080/DSProductOrdering
          - BAE_CB_BILLING=http:https://apis.docker:8080/DSBillingManagement
          - BAE_CB_RSS=http:https://rss.docker:8080/DSRevenueSharing
          - BAE_CB_USAGE=http:https://apis.docker:8080/DSUsageManagement
          - BAE_CB_AUTHORIZE_SERVICE=http:https://proxy.docker:8004/authorizeService/apiKeys

        image: fiware/biz-ecosystem-logic-proxy:develop
            - mongo
            - mongo
                    - proxy.docker
            - 8004:8000
            # - ./proxy-conf:/business-ecosystem-logic-proxy/etc  # To be used when congiguring the system with a config file provided in the volume
            - ./proxy-indexes:/business-ecosystem-logic-proxy/indexes
            - ./proxy-themes:/business-ecosystem-logic-proxy/themes
            - ./proxy-static:/business-ecosystem-logic-proxy/static
            - ./proxy-locales:/business-ecosystem-logic-proxy/locales
            - NODE_ENV=development  # Deployment in development or in production
            - COLLECT=True  # Execute the collect static command on startup

            - BAE_LP_PORT=8000  # Port where the node service is going to run in the container
            - BAE_LP_HOST=proxy.docker  # Host where the node service if going to run in the container
            # - BAE_SERVICE_HOST=  # If provided, this URL specifies the actual URL that is used to access the BAE, when the component is proxied (e.g Apache)
            # - BAE_LP_HTTPS_ENABLED=true  # If provided specifies whether the service is running in HTTPS, default: false
            # - BAE_LP_HTTPS_CERT=cert/cert.crt  # Certificate for the SSL configuration (when HTTPS enabled is true)
            # - BAE_LP_HTTPS_CA=cert/ca.crt  # CA certificate for the SSL configuration (when HTTPS enabled is true)
            # - BAE_LP_HTTPS_KEY=cert/key.key  # Key sfile for the SSL configuration (when HTTPS enabled is true)
            # - BAE_LP_HTTPS_PORT=443  # Port where the service runs when SSL is enabled (when HTTPS enabled is true)

            # ------ OAUTH2 Config ------
            - BAE_LP_OAUTH2_SERVER=http:https://idm.docker:3000  # URL of the FIWARE IDM used for user authentication
            - BAE_LP_OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID=e3d43e88-7049-434f-9824-2f0387d9860d  # OAuth2 Client ID of the BAE applicaiton
            - BAE_LP_OAUTH2_CLIENT_SECRET=06c888d5-a17a-4386-9e26-8ee4f7f77135  # OAuth Client Secret of the BAE application
            - BAE_LP_OAUTH2_CALLBACK=http:https://proxy.docker:8004/auth/fiware/callback  # Callback URL for receiving the access tokens
            - BAE_LP_OAUTH2_ADMIN_ROLE=admin  # Role defined in the IDM client app for admins of the BAE 
            - BAE_LP_OAUTH2_SELLER_ROLE=seller  # Role defined in the IDM client app for sellers of the BAE 
            - BAE_LP_OAUTH2_CUSTOMER_ROLE=customer  # Role defined in the IDM client app for customers of the BAE 
            - BAE_LP_OAUTH2_ORG_ADMIN_ROLE=orgAdmin  # Role defined in the IDM client app for organization admins of the BAE 
            - BAE_LP_OAUTH2_IS_LEGACY=false  # Whether the used FIWARE IDM is version 6 or lower

            # - BAE_LP_THEME=theme  # If provided custom theme to be used by the web site, it must be included in themes volume

            # ----- Mongo Config ------
            # - BAE_LP_MONGO_USER=user
            # - BAE_LP_MONGO_PASS=pass
            - BAE_LP_MONGO_SERVER=mongo
            - BAE_LP_MONGO_PORT=27017
            - BAE_LP_MONGO_DB=belp

            - BAE_LP_REVENUE_MODEL=30  # Default market owner precentage for Revenue Sharing models

            # ----- APIs Configuration -----
            # If provided, it supports configuring the contection to the different APIs managed by the logic proxy, by default
            # apis.docker, charging.docker and rss.docker domains are configured
            # - BAE_LP_ENDPOINT_CATALOG_PATH=DSProductCatalog
            # - BAE_LP_ENDPOINT_CATALOG_PORT=8080
            # - BAE_LP_ENDPOINT_CATALOG_HOST=apis.docker
            # ...

        image: fiware/biz-ecosystem-apis:develop
        restart: always
            - 4848:4848
            - 8080:8080
            - mysql
            - mysql
                    - apis.docker
        # volumes:
        #    - ./apis-conf:/etc/default/tmf/  # Used if not configured by environment
            - BAE_SERVICE_HOST=http:https://proxy.docker:8004/
            - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=my-secret-pw
            - MYSQL_HOST=mysql

        image: fiware/biz-ecosystem-rss:develop
        restart: always
            - 9999:8080
            - 4444:4848
            - 1111:8181
            - mysql
            - mysql
                    - rss.docker
        # volumes:
        #    - ./rss-conf:/etc/default/rss  # Used if not configured by environment
            - BAE_RSS_DATABASE_URL=jdbc:mysql:https://mysql:3306/RSS
            - BAE_RSS_DATABASE_USERNAME=root
            - BAE_RSS_DATABASE_PASSWORD=my-secret-pw
            - BAE_RSS_DATABASE_DRIVERCLASSNAME=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver

        external: true

The next step is providing all the configuration files or environment variables required by the different components. For details on how to configure the different components please refer to the BAE Configuration Guide

It can be seen that the different images used as part of the Business API Ecosystem provide several volumes. Following it is descrived the diffent options provided by each image.

The biz-ecosystem-logic-proxy image defines 4 volumes. In particular:

  • /business-ecosystem-logic-proxy/etc: When file configuration is used, this volume must include the config.js file with the software configuration
  • /business-ecosystem-logic-proxy/indexes: This volume contains the indexes used by the Business API Ecosystem for searching
  • /business-ecosystem-logic-proxy/themes: In this volume, it can be provided the themes that can be used to customize the web portal
  • /business-ecosystem-logic-proxy/static: This volume includes the static files ready to be rendered including the selected theme and js files

Additionally, the biz-ecosystem-logic-proxy image defines two environment variables intended to optimize the production deployment of the BAE Logic proxy:

  • NODE_ENV: Specifies whether the system is in development or in production (default: development)
  • COLLECT: Specifies if the container should execute the collect static command to generate static files or use the existing on start up (default: True)

On the other hand, the biz-ecosystem-charging-backend image defines 4 volumes. In particular:

  • /business-ecosystem-charging-backend/src/user_settings: This directory must include the and files with the software configuration, when the volume configuration is used.
  • /business-ecosystem-charging-backend/src/media/bills: This directory contains the PDF invoices generated by the Business Ecosystem Charging Backend
  • /business-ecosystem-charging-backend/src/media/assets: This directory contains the different digital assets uploaded by sellers to the Business Ecosystem Charging Backend
  • /business-ecosystem-charging-backend/src/plugins: This directory is used for providing asset plugins (see section Installing Asset Plugins)
  • /business-ecosystem-charging-backend/src/wstore/asset_manager/resource_plugins/plugins: This directory includes the code of the plugins already installed

Once you have created the files, run the following command:

docker-compose up

Then, the Business API Ecosystem should be up and running in http:https://YOUR_HOST:PORT/ replacing YOUR_HOST by the host of your machine and PORT by the port provided in the Business Ecosystem Logic Proxy configuration

Once the different containers are running, you can stop them using:

docker-compose stop

And start them again using:

docker-compose start

Additionally, you can terminate the different containers by executing:

docker-compose down

Stand alone Image


It has been provided a stand alone BAE image which already includes all the modules installed.

This image can be deployed with docker-compose using the following docker-compose.yml file:

version: "3"

        image: mysql:latest
            - "3333:3306"
            - ./mysql-data:/var/lib/mysql
            - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=my-secret-pw

        image: mongo:3.2
            - 27017:27017
            - ./mongo-data:/data/db

        image: fiware/business-api-ecosystem:6.4.0
            - "8004:8000"
            - mysql
            - mongo
            # Configuration files
            - ./conf/rss:/etc/default/rss
            - ./conf/charging:/business-ecosystem-charging-backend/src/user_settings
            - ./conf/proxy:/business-ecosystem-logic-proxy/etc

            # Charging volumes
            - ./charging-bills:/business-ecosystem-charging-backend/src/media/bills
            - ./charging-assets:/business-ecosystem-charging-backend/src/media/assets
            - ./charging-plugins:/business-ecosystem-charging-backend/src/plugins
            - ./charging-inst-plugins:/business-ecosystem-charging-backend/src/wstore/asset_manager/resource_plugins/plugins

            # Proxy volumes
            - ./proxy-indexes:/business-ecosystem-logic-proxy/indexes
            - ./proxy-themes:/business-ecosystem-logic-proxy/themes
            - ./proxy-static:/business-ecosystem-logic-proxy/static

            - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=my-secret-pw
            - MYSQL_HOST=mysql
            - PAYPAL_CLIENT_ID=your-paypal-client-id
            - PAYPAL_CLIENT_SECRET=your-paypal-client-secret
            - NODE_ENV=development

The next step is providing all the configuration files required by the BAE using the configured volumes. It is possible to find valid configuration files (as well as the docker-compose.yml) in the GitHub repo of the BAE

As you can see, the BAE image include some environment variables to be configured. In particular:

  • MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: Password of the root user of the configured MySQL instance
  • MYSQL_HOST: Host of the configured MySQL instance
  • PAYPAL_CLIENT_ID: the client id of your application PayPal credentials used for charging users (a Sandbox account can be used for testing).
  • PAYPAL_CLIENT_SECRET: the client secret of your application PayPal credentials used for charging users (a Sandbox account can be used for testing).
  • NODE_ENV: Determine if the software is being used in development or in production mode.

For providing configuration files 3 volumes are used:

  • /etc/default/rss: Thus directory must include the and files used for configuring the RSS
  • /business-ecosystem-charging-backend/src/user_settings: This directory must include the and files with the software configuration.
  • /business-ecosystem-logic-proxy/etc: This directory must include the config.js file with the software configuration

Additionally, for the assets managed by the charging backend 4 volumes are used. In particular:

  • /business-ecosystem-charging-backend/src/media/bills: This directory contains the PDF invoices generated by the Business Ecosystem Charging Backend
  • /business-ecosystem-charging-backend/src/media/assets: This directory contains the different digital assets uploaded by sellers to the Business Ecosystem Charging Backend
  • /business-ecosystem-charging-backend/src/plugins: This directory is used for providing asset plugins (see section Installing Asset Plugins)
  • /business-ecosystem-charging-backend/src/wstore/asset_manager/resource_plugins/plugins: This directory includes the code of the plugins already installed

Finally, for the management of logic proxy indexes and themes 3 volumes are provided:

  • /business-ecosystem-logic-proxy/indexes: This directory contains the indexes used by the Business API Ecosystem for searching
  • /business-ecosystem-logic-proxy/themes: This directory contains the themes that can be used to customize the web portal
  • /business-ecosystem-logic-proxy/static: This directory includes the static files ready to be rendered including the selected theme and js files

Once you have created the files, run the following command:

docker-compose up

Then, the Business API Ecosystem should be up and running in http:https://YOUR_HOST:PORT/ replacing YOUR_HOST by the host of your machine and PORT by the port provided in the Business Ecosystem Logic Proxy configuration

Once the different containers are running, you can stop them using:

docker-compose stop

And start them again using:

docker-compose start

Additionally, you can terminate the different containers by executing:

docker-compose down

Version 5.4.1

New versions than 5.4.1 had changed the way configuration is provided. In this regard, the deployment of BAE images for the version 5.4.1 is done in a different way to the explained in the previous section.

To the deploy the BAE image v5.4.1, you must create a folder to place a new file file called docker-compose.yml that should include the following content:

    image: mysql:latest
        - "3333:3306"
        - /var/lib/mysql
        - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=my-secret-pw

    image: fiware/business-api-ecosystem
        - "8000:8000"
        - biz_db
        - /your/bills/path:/apis/business-ecosystem-charging-backend/src/media/bills
        - /your/assets/path:/apis/business-ecosystem-charging-backend/src/media/assets
        - /your/plugins/path:/apis/business-ecosystem-charging-backend/src/plugins
        - /your/indexes/path:/apis/business-ecosystem-logic-proxy/indexes
        - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=my-secret-pw
        - MYSQL_HOST=biz_db
        - OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID=your-client-id
        - OAUTH2_CLIENT_SECRET=your-client-secret
        - PAYPAL_CLIENT_ID=your-paypal-client-id
        - PAYPAL_CLIENT_SECRET=your-paypal-client-secret
        - [email protected]
        - EMAIL_USER=your
        - EMAIL_PASSWD=your-passwd
        - EMAIL_SERVER_PORT=587
        - BIZ_ECOSYS_PORT=your-port
        - BIZ_ECOSYS_HOST=your-host

Additionally, you can run the containers manually using the following commands:

sudo docker run --name biz_db -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=my-secret-pw -p PORT:3306 -v /var/lib/mysql -d mysql

To Business API Ecosystem:

sudo docker run \
    -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=my-secret-pw \
    -e MYSQL_HOST=rss_db \
    -e OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID=your-oauth-client-id \
    -e OAUTH2_CLIENT_SECRET=your-oauth-client-secret \
    -e BIZ_ECOSYS_PORT=your-port \
    -e BIZ_ECOSYS_HOST=your-host \
    -e PAYPAL_CLIENT_ID=your-paypal-client-id \
    -e PAYPAL_CLIENT_SECRET=your-paypal-client-secret \
    -e [email protected] \
    -p your-port:8000 --link biz_db fiware/business-api-ecosystem

Note in the previous commands, that it is needed to provide some environment variables. In particular:

  • MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: Password of the MySQL root user
  • MYSQL_HOST: Host of MySQL. If you are linking instances this value will be the name of the MySQL container
  • OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID: Client id given by the FIWARE IdM for the application
  • OAUTH2_CLIENT_SECRET: Client secret given by the FIWARE IdM for the application
  • PAYPAL_CLIENT_ID: Client id given by PayPal for the application in order to charge customers (Sanbox accounts are allowed)
  • PAYPAL_CLIENT_SECRET: Client secret given by PayPal for the application in order to charge customers (Sanbox accounts are allowed)
  • ADMIN_EMAIL: Valid email required for administration
  • BIZ_ECOSYS_PORT: Port where the Business API Ecosystem is going to run
  • BIZ_ECOSYS_HOST: Host where the Business API Ecosystem is going to run

Additionally, it is possible to provide some optional variables that enable the software sending email notifications:

  • EMAIL_USER: User of the email account to be used for notifications
  • EMAIL_PASSWD: Password of the email account to be used for notifications
  • EMAIL_SERVER: SMTP server host of the email account to be used for notifications
  • EMAIL_SERVER_PORT: SMTP server port of the email account to be used for notifications

Moreover, the Business API Ecosystem image defines 4 containers intended to persist and share some information. Specifically, the following volumes have been defined:

  • /apis/business-ecosystem-charging-backend/src/media/bills: This volume is used for saving the generated PDF invoices
  • /apis/business-ecosystem-charging-backend/src/media/assets: This volume is used for saving the uploaded digital assets
  • /apis/business-ecosystem-charging-backend/src/plugins: This volume is intended for supporting the installation of digital assets plugins (see Installing Asset Plugins section)
  • /apis/business-ecosystem-logic-proxy/indexes: This volume is used for saving the indexes used for searching and paginating

Installing Asset Plugins

As you may know, the Business API Ecosystem is able to sell different types of digital assets by loading asset plugins in its Charging Backend. In this context, it is possible to install asset plugins in the current Docker image as follows:

  1. Copy the plugin file into the host directory of the volume /business-ecosystem-charging-backend/src/plugins

  2. Enter the running container:

docker exec -i -t your-container /bin/bash
  1. Go to the installation directory
cd /apis/business-ecosystem-charging-backend/src
  1. Load the plugin
./ loadplugin ./plugins/
  1. Restart Apache
service apache2 restart