# LogBazooka LogBazooka - For when print statements aren't enough. ## What is it? Many years ago (around 2000) I was working a lot with Crystal Reports. I would extend Crystal Reports with CRUFL libraries, and debugging between what was going on in Crystal reports and what was going on in the library meant a lot of slow debug statements everywhere. So, I had a VB6 application called "Coulls Tools" that subclassed a VB window frame, and redirected WM_COPYDATA messages through a routine to copy out the memory and thus, I could see logically what was happening in real time as the reports ran. Fast forward to 2023 and I realised that even though many people know what I do, there's nothing public in a repo showing people what I am capable of... Despite spending 90% of my working days in Python on a Mac, I also wanted to show that I still had some Windows chops, and so here we are.... "Coulls Tools" is now "LogBazooka" and it's written in C++ using Win32. ## Is it complete? No. It's a work in progress. I've not even written instructions on how to use it. I do have a roadmap in my head, though. ## Warning Use at your own peril.