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Blocklist for newly created scam and phishing domains automatically retrieved daily using Google Search API, automated detection, and other public sources.


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Jarelllama's Scam Blocklist

Blocklist for scam sites automatically retrieved from Google Search and public databases, updated daily at 17:00 UTC.

Format Syntax
Adblock Plus ||^
Dnsmasq local=/
Unbound local-zone: "" always_nxdomain
Wildcard Asterisk *
Wildcard Domains


Retrieve domains Check lists Test functions

Total domains: 23163

Statistics for each source:

Today | Yesterday | Dead | Source
    0 |       126 |   0% | Google Search
    0 |         8 |  11% |
    0 |       133 |   0% |
    0 |         0 |  13% |
    0 |         0 |   8% |
    0 |         0 |   0% |
    0 |      1175 |   5% |
    0 |         0 |  20% |
    0 |         0 |   6% |
 7376 |      1442 |   8% | All sources

*Dead domains are counted upon retrieval
 and are excluded from the blocklist.
*Only active sources are shown. See the
 full list of sources in

All data retrieved are publicly available and can be viewed from their respective sources.

Retrieving scam domains from Google Search

Google provides a Search API to retrieve JSON-formatted results from Google Search. The script uses a list of search terms almost exclusively used in scam sites to retrieve domains. These search terms are manually added while investigating scam sites. See the list of search terms here: search_terms.csv


Scam sites often do not have a long lifespan; malicious domains may be replaced before they can be manually reported. By programmatically searching Google using paragraphs from real-world scam sites, new domains can be added as soon as Google crawls the site. This requires no manual reporting.

The list of search terms is proactively updated and is mostly retrieved from new scam site templates seen on r/Scams.


The Google Custom Search JSON API only provides ~100 free search queries per day. Because of the number of search terms used, the Google Search source can only be employed once a day.

To optimise the number of search queries made, each search term is frequently benchmarked on their numbers for new domains and false positives. The figures for each search term can be viewed here: source_log.csv

Queries made today: 0

Regarding other sources

The full domain retrieval process for all sources can be viewed in the repository's code.

Filtering process

  • The domains collated from all sources are filtered against a whitelist (scam reporting sites, forums, vetted companies, etc.), along with other filtering
  • The domains are checked against the Tranco 1M Toplist for potential false positives and flagged domains are vetted manually
  • Redundant entries are removed via wildcard matching. For example, '' is a wildcard match of '' and is, therefore, redundant and is removed. Many of these wildcard domains also happen to be malicious hosting sites

The full filtering process can be viewed in the repository's code.

Dead domains

Dead domains are removed daily using AdGuard's Dead Domains Linter. Note that domains acting as wildcards are excluded from this process.

Dead domains that have become alive again are added back into the blocklist. This check for resurrected domains is also done daily.

Why the Hosts format is not supported

Malicious domains often have wildcard DNS records that allow scammers to create large amounts of subdomain records, such as ''. To collate individual subdomains would be difficult and would inflate the blocklist size. Therefore, only formats supporting wildcard matching are built.

Additionally, wildcard domains are periodically added manually to the blocklist to reduce the number of entries via wildcard matching.


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See also


Thanks to the following people for the help, inspiration and support!