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259 lines (190 loc) · 18.4 KB

File metadata and controls

259 lines (190 loc) · 18.4 KB

2.5.0 (Unreleased)


  • New Resource: vcd_nsxv_dnat DNAT for advanced edge gateways using proxied NSX-V API - [#328]
  • New Resource: vcd_nsxv_snat SNAT for advanced edge gateways using proxied NSX-V API - [#328]
  • New Data Source: vcd_org Organization - ([#218])
  • New Data Source: vcd_catalog Catalog - ([#218])
  • New Data Source: vcd_catalog_item CatalogItem - ([#218])
  • New Data Source: vcd_org_vdc Organization VDC - ([#324])
  • New Data Source: vcd_external_network External Network - ([#218])
  • New Data Source: vcd_edgegateway Edge Gateway - ([#218])
  • New Data Source: vcd_network_routed Routed Network - ([#218])
  • New Data Source: vcd_network_isolated Isolated Network - ([#218])
  • New Data Source: vcd_network_direct Direct Network - ([#218])
  • New Data Source: vcd_vapp vApp - ([#218])
  • New Data Source: vcd_nsxv_dnat DNAT for advanced edge gateways using proxied NSX-V API - [#328]
  • New Data Source: vcd_nsxv_snat SNAT for advanced edge gateways using proxied NSX-V API - [#328]


  • resource/vcd_org Add import capability and full read support [#218]
  • resource/vcd_catalog Add import capability and full read support [#218]
  • resource/vcd_catalog_item Add import capability and full read support [#218]
  • resource/vcd_external_network Add import capability and full read support [#218]
  • resource/vcd_edgegateway Add import capability and full read support [#218]
  • resource/vcd_network_routed Add import capability and full read support [#218]
  • resource/vcd_network_isolated Add import capability and full read support [#218]
  • resource/vcd_network_direct Add import capability and full read support [#218]
  • resource/vcd_vapp Add import capability and full read support [#218]
  • resource/vcd_network_direct: Direct network state ID changed from network name to vCD ID
  • resource/vcd_network_isolated: Isolated network state ID changed from network name to vCD ID
  • resource/vcd_network_routed: Routed network state ID changed from network name to vCD ID
  • resource/vcd_vapp: vApp state ID changed from vApp name to vCD ID
  • resource/vcd_vapp: Add properties status and status_text
  • resource/catalog_item added catalog item metadata support [#285]
  • resource/vcd_catalog: Catalog state ID changed from catalog name to vCD ID
  • resource/vcd_catalog_item: CatalogItem state ID changed from colon separated list of catalog name and item name to vCD ID
  • resource/catalog_item added catalog item metadata support [#298]
  • resource/catalog_media added catalog media item metadata support [#298]
  • resource/vcd_vapp_vm supports update for network block [#310]
  • resource/vcd_vapp_vm allows to force guest customization [#310]
  • resource/vcd_vapp supports guest properties [#319]
  • resource/vcd_vapp_vm supports guest properties [#319]
  • resource/vcd_network_direct Add computed properties (external network gateway, netmask, DNS, and DNS suffix) [#330]
  • vcd_org_vdc Add import capability and full read support [#218]
  • Upgrade Terraform SDK dependency to 0.12.8 [#320]
  • resource/vcd_vapp_vm has new field computer_name [#334]


  • Change default value for vcd_org.deployed_vm_quota and vcd_org.stored_vm_quota. It was incorrectly set at -1 instead of 0.
  • Change Org ID from partial task ID to real Org ID during creation.
  • Wait for task completion on creation and update, where tasks were not handled at all.
  • resource/vcd_firewall_rules force recreation of the resource when attributes of the sub-element rule are changed (fixes a situation when it tried to update a rule).
  • resource/vcd_network_isolated Fix definition of DHCP, which was created automatically with leftovers from static IP pool even when not requested.
  • resource/vcd_network_routed Fix retrieval with early vCD versions [#344]


  • The ability of deploying a VM implicitly within a vApp is deprecated. Users are encouraged to set an empty vApp and add explicit VM resources vcd_vapp_vm. For this reason, the following fields in vcd_vapp are deprecated:
    • template_name
    • catalog_name
    • network_name
    • ip
    • cpus
    • memory
    • network_name
    • initscript
    • ovf
    • accept_all_eulas

2.4.0 (July 29, 2019)


  • New Resource: vcd_lb_service_monitor Load Balancer Service Monitor - (#256, #290)
  • New Resource: vcd_edgegateway creates and deletes edge gateways, manages general load balancing settings - (#262, #288)
  • New Resource: vcd_lb_server_pool Load Balancer Server Pool - (#268, #290, #297)
  • New Resource: vcd_lb_app_profile Load Balancer Application profile - (#274, #290, #297)
  • New Resource: vcd_lb_app_rule Load Balancer Application rule - (#278, #290)
  • New Resource: vcd_lb_virtual_server Load Balancer Virtual Server - (#284, #290, #297)
  • New Resource: vcd_org_user Organization User - (#279)
  • New Data Source: vcd_lb_service_monitor Load Balancer Service Monitor - (#256, #290)
  • New Data Source: vcd_lb_server_pool Load Balancer Server Pool - (#268, #290, #297)
  • New Data Source: vcd_lb_app_profile Load Balancer Application profile - (#274, #290, #297)
  • New Data Source: vcd_lb_app_rule Load Balancer Application rule - (#278, #290)
  • New Data Source: vcd_lb_virtual_server Load Balancer Virtual Server - (#284, #290, #297)
  • New build commands make test-env-init and make test-env-apply can configure an empty vCD to run the test suite. See for details.
  • resource/vcd_org_vdc added Org VDC update and full state read - (#275)
  • resource/vcd_org_vdc added Org VDC metadata support - (#276)
  • resource/vcd_snat added ability to choose network name and type. [#282]
  • resource/vcd_dnat added ability to choose network name and type. (#282, #292, #293)


  • resource/vcd_org_vdc: Fix ignoring of resource guarantee values - (#265)
  • resource/vcd_org_vdc: Org VDC state ID changed from name to vCD ID - (#275)
  • Change resource handling to use locking mechanism when resource parallel handling is not supported by vCD. [#255]
  • Fix issue when vApp is power cycled during member VM deletion. (#261)
  • resource/vcd_dnat, resource/vcd_snat has got full read functionality. This means that on the next plan/apply it will detect if configuration has changed in vCD and propose to update it.


  • resource/vcd_dnat and resource/vcd_snat - fix resource destroy as it would still leave NAT rule in edge gateway. Fix works if network_name and network_type is used. (#282)


  • resource/vcd_dnat protocol requires lower case values to be consistent with the underlying NSX API. This may result in invalid configuration if upper case was used previously!
  • resource/vcd_dnat default value for protocol field changed from upper case TCP to lower case tcp, which may result in a single update when running plan on a configuration with a state file from an older version.

2.3.0 (May 29, 2019)


  • Switch to Terraform 0.12 SDK which is required for Terraform 0.12 support. HCL (HashiCorp configuration language) parsing behaviour may have changed as a result of changes made by the new SDK version (#254)


  • Provider plugin will still work with Terraform 0.11 executable

2.2.0 (May 16, 2019)


  • vcd_vapp_vm - Ability to add metadata to a VM. For previous behaviour please see BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBILITIES (#158)
  • vcd_vapp_vm - Ability to enable hardware assisted CPU virtualization for VM. It allows hypervisor nesting. (#219)
  • New Resource: external network - vcd_external_network - (#230)
  • New Resource: VDC resource vcd_org_vdc - (#236)
  • resource/vcd_vapp_vm: Add network argument for multiple NIC support and more flexible configuration (#233)
  • resource/vcd_vapp_vm: Add mac argument to store MAC address in state file (#233)


  • vcd_vapp - Ability to add metadata to empty vApp. For previous behaviour please see BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBILITIES (#158)


  • vcd_vapp - Metadata is no longer added to first VM in vApp it will be added to vApp directly instead. (#158)
  • Tests files are now all tagged. Running them through Makefile works as before, but manual execution requires specific tags. Run go test -v . for tags list.
  • vcd_vapp_vm - Deprecated attributes network_name, vapp_network_name, network_href and ip in favor of network (#118)

2.1.0 (March 27, 2019)


  • Please look for "v2.1+" keyword in documentation which is used to emphasize new features.
  • Project switched to using Go modules, while vendor is left for backwards build compatibility only. It is worth having a look at to understand how Go modules impact build and development (#178)
  • Project dependency of updated from v0.10.0 to v0.11.13 (#181)
  • MaxRetryTimeout is shared with underlying SDK go-vcloud-director (#189)
  • Improved testing functionality (#166)


  • New Resource: disk resource - vcd_independent_disk (#188)
  • resource/vcd_vapp_vm has ability to attach independent disk (#188)
  • New Resource: vApp network - vcd_vapp_network (#155)
  • resource/vcd_vapp_vm has ability to use vApp network (#155)


  • resource/vcd_inserted_media now supports force ejecting on running VM (#184)
  • resource/vcd_vapp_vm now support CPU cores configuration (#174)


  • resource/vcd_vapp, resource/vcd_vapp_vm add vApp status handling when environment is very fast (#68)
  • resource/vcd_vapp_vm add additional validation to check if vApp template is OK [#157]

2.0.0 (January 30, 2019)

Please look for "v2.0+" keyword in documentation which is used to emphasize changes and new features.


  • Vendor (vCD Golang SDK) switch from the old govcloudair to the newly supported go-vcloud-director


  • vCD 8.2, 9.0, 9.1 and 9.5 version support
  • Sys admin login support (required to support new higher privileged operations) - = "System" or provider.sysorg = "System"
  • Ability to select Org and VDC at resource level - org and vdc parameters
  • New Org resource - vcd_org
  • New Catalog resource - vcd_catalog
  • New Catalog item resource (upload OVA) - vcd_catalog_item
  • New Catalog media resource (upload ISO) - vcd_catalog_media
  • New direct and isolated Org VDC network resources (complements the routed network) - vcd_network_direct, vcd_network_isolated and vcd_network_routed
  • DNAT protocol and ICMP sub type setting - vcd_dnat.protocol and vcd_dnat.icmp_sub_type
  • Ability to accept EULAs when deploying VM - vcd_vapp_vm.accept_all_eulas
  • Setting to log API calls for troubleshooting - provider.logging and provider.logging_file


  • Fixes for guest customization issues
  • Improvements to error handling and error messages
  • New tests and test framework improvements
  • Provisional support for connection caching (disabled by default)


  • Resource vcd_network deprecated in favor of a new name vcd_network_routed
  • Previously deprecated parameter provider.maxRetryTimeout removed completely in favor of provider.max_retry_timeout


  • Test configuration is now included in a file (create vcd_test_config.json from sample_vcd_test_config.json) instead of being defined by environment variables


  • vcd_vapp - Fixes an issue with Networks in vApp templates being required, also introduced in 0.1.2 (#38)


  • vcd_vapp - Add support for defining shared vcd_networks (#46)
  • vcd_vapp - Added options to configure dhcp lease times (#47)

1.0.0 (August 17, 2017)


  • vcd_vapp - Fixes an issue with storage profiles introduced in 0.1.2 (#39)


  • provider: Deprecate maxRetryTimeout in favour of max_retry_timeout (#40)

0.1.3 (August 09, 2017)


  • vcd_vapp - Setting the computer name regardless of init script (#31)
  • vcd_vapp - Fixes the power_on issue introduced in 0.1.2 (#33)
  • vcd_vapp - Fixes issue with allocated IP address affecting tf plan (#17 & #29)
  • vcd_vapp_vm - Setting the computer name regardless of init script (#31)
  • vcd_firewall_rules - corrected typo in docs (#35)

0.1.2 (August 03, 2017)


  • Possibility to add OVF parameters to a vApp (#1)
  • Added storage profile support (#23)

0.1.1 (June 28, 2017)


  • New VM Resource: vcd_vapp_vm (#9)
  • New VPN Resource: vcd_edgegateway_vpn


  • resource/vcd_dnat: Added a new (optional) param translated_port (#14)

0.1.0 (June 20, 2017)


  • Same functionality as that of Terraform 0.9.8. Repacked as part of Provider Splitout