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PHP Unit Tests

A simple tool to help obtain fixture information from the FA Full-Time system.


  • PHP >= 8.1


composer require jadgray/full-time-api

Basic information needed for a request

To obtain information from the Full-Time system you will need a Season ID and Group ID, these can be obtained by visiting your desired division you'd like to access and extracting these from the URL.

e.g. selectedSeason=1234 & FixtureGroupKey=1_234

Get a team list

    use Jadgray\FullTimeApi\Division;
    $teams = (new Division())->getTeams(1234, '1_234');

Example output

Get unformatted fixtures

    use Jadgray\FullTimeApi\Division;
    $fixtures = (new Division())->getFixtures(1234, '1_234');

Example output

Get formatted fixtures

    use Jadgray\FullTimeApi\Division;
    $fixtures = (new Division())->getFormattedFixtures(1234, '1_234');

Example output

Get unformatted results

    use Jadgray\FullTimeApi\Division;
    $results = (new Division())->getResults(1234, '1_234');

Example output

Get formatted results

    use Jadgray\FullTimeApi\Division;
    $results = (new Division())->getFormattedResults(1234, '1_234');

Example output