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Simple Ubuntu docker images with SSH access and nginx

Running zuolan/nginx-ssh

docker run -d -p 2222:22 -p 80:80 zuolan/nginx-ssh

The first time that you run your container, a random password will be generated for user root. To get the password, check the logs of the container by running:

docker logs <CONTAINER_ID>

You will see an output like the following:

	You can now connect to this Ubuntu container via SSH using:

	    ssh -p <port> root@<host>
	and enter the root password 'U0iSGVUCr7W3' when prompted

	Please remember to change the above password as soon as possible!

In this case, U0iSGVUCr7W3 is the password allocated to the root user.


Setting a specific password for the root account

If you want to use a preset password instead of a random generated one, you can set the environment variable ROOT_PASS to your specific password when running the container:

docker run -d -p 2222:22 -p 80:80 -e ROOT_PASS="mypass" zuolan/nginx-ssh

Adding SSH authorized keys

If you want to use your SSH key to login, you can use AUTHORIZED_KEYS environment variable. You can add more than one public key separating them by ,:

docker run -d -p 2222:22 -p 80:80 -e AUTHORIZED_KEYS="`cat ~/.ssh/`" zuolan/nginx-ssh

About Nginx

Start your image building the external ports 80 in all interfaces to your container:

docker run -d -p 80:80 zuolan/nginx-ssh

Test your deployment:

curl http:https://localhost/

Hello world!

Loading your custom application

In order to replace the "Hello World" application that comes bundled with this docker images, first create a new empty folder. Go to the new folder and create two subfolders: sites-enabled and app. Copy your configuration files to sites-enabled and you application files to app. Then create a new Dockerfile with the following contents:

FROM zuolan/nginx-ssh
ADD sites-enabled/ /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
ADD app/ /app/
RUN chown -R www-data:www-data /app/

Remember to put your configuration files under the folder named sites-enabled and your website files under the folder app. Also, if you want to use a different port, change the EXPOSE 80 in Dockerfile as well.(eg. EXPOSE 443 80 will allow connections go through port 443 and 80). After that, build the new Dockerfile:

docker build -t username/my-nginx-ssh

And test it:

docker run -d -P username/my-nginx-ssh

Test your deployment:

curl http:https://localhost/

That's it!