import { LogoConfig, NavConfig, Sidebar, SidebarSections } from "@/types/docs"; import { InstillAppType, InstillAppVersion } from "@/types/instill"; import { DiscordIcon, GitHubIcon, Logos, Icons, } from "@instill-ai/design-system"; import { LATEST_VERSIONS } from "./version.mjs"; const SITE = { title: "Documentation", description: "Your website description.", defaultLanguage: "en_US", }; /** * * ### About * - If the section has link props, it will has its own hyperlink to target page, which is useful to overview page. * - If you have setup the section link, the section will automatically be un-collapsable. And we will hide the collapsable button. We suggest that you manually set collapsable to false if the section has its own link. * */ export const getSections = (): SidebarSections[] => { return [ { text: "common:sidebarSections.getStarted", items: [], appType: "core", versions: [], isHeader: true, }, { text: "common:sidebarSections.welcome", link: `/docs/welcome`, items: [], appType: "core", versions: ["latest"], }, { text: "common:sidebarSections.quickstart", link: `/docs/quickstart`, items: [], appType: "core", versions: ["latest"], }, { text: "common:sidebarSections.faq", link: `/docs/faq`, items: [], appType: "core", versions: ["latest"], }, { text: "common:sidebarSections.license", link: `/docs/license`, items: [], appType: "core", versions: ["latest"], }, { text: "common:sidebarSections.roadmap", link: `/docs/roadmap`, items: [], appType: "core", versions: ["latest"], }, { text: "common:sidebarSections.instillCloud", items: [], appType: "core", versions: [], isHeader: true, }, { text: "common:sidebarSections.introduction", link: `/docs/cloud/introduction`, items: [], appType: "core", versions: ["latest"], }, { text: "common:sidebarSections.instillCredit", link: `/docs/cloud/credit`, collapsible: false, items: [], appType: "core", versions: ["latest"], }, { text: "common:sidebarSections.instillHub", link: `/docs/cloud/hub`, collapsible: false, items: [], appType: "core", versions: ["latest"], }, { text: "common:sidebarSections.instillCore", items: [], appType: "core", versions: [], isHeader: true, }, { text: "common:sidebarSections.introduction", link: `/docs/core/introduction`, items: [], appType: "core", versions: ["latest"], }, { text: "common:sidebarSections.deployment", link: `/docs/core/deployment`, collapsible: true, items: [ { text: "common:sidebarSections.cli", link: `/docs/core/deployment/cli`, }, { text: "common:sidebarSections.dockerCompose", link: `/docs/core/deployment/docker-compose`, }, { text: "common:sidebarSections.kubernetesUsingHelm", link: `/docs/core/deployment/kubernetes-using-helm`, }, ], appType: "core", versions: [], }, { text: "common:sidebarSections.configuration", link: `/docs/core/configuration`, items: [], appType: "core", versions: ["latest"], }, { text: "common:sidebarSections.contributing", link: `/docs/core/contributing`, collapsible: true, items: [ { text: "common:sidebarSections.development", link: `/docs/core/contributing/setup-local-development`, }, ], appType: "core", versions: [], }, { text: "common:sidebarSections.instillVDP", items: [], appType: "core", versions: [], isHeader: true, }, { text: "common:sidebarSections.introduction", link: `/docs/vdp/introduction`, items: [], appType: "core", versions: ["latest"], }, { text: "common:sidebarSections.createPipeline", link: `/docs/vdp/create`, items: [], appType: "core", versions: ["latest"], }, { text: "common:sidebarSections.runPipeline", link: `/docs/vdp/run`, items: [], appType: "core", versions: ["latest"], }, { text: "common:sidebarSections.releasePipeline", link: `/docs/vdp/release`, items: [], appType: "core", versions: ["latest"], }, { text: "common:sidebarSections.sharePipeline", link: `/docs/vdp/share`, items: [], appType: "core", versions: ["latest"], }, { text: "common:sidebarSections.secret", link: `/docs/vdp/secret`, items: [], appType: "core", versions: ["latest"], }, { text: "common:sidebarSections.instillFormat", link: `/docs/vdp/instill-format`, items: [], appType: "core", versions: ["latest"], }, { text: "common:sidebarSections.instillComponent", items: [], appType: "core", versions: [], isHeader: true, }, { text: "common:sidebarSections.introduction", link: `/docs/component/introduction`, items: [], appType: "core", versions: ["latest"], }, { text: "common:sidebarSections.genericComponent", link: `/docs/component/generic`, collapsible: true, items: [ { text: "common:sidebarSections.iterator", link: `/docs/component/generics/iterator`, }, ], appType: "core", versions: [], }, { text: "common:sidebarSections.aiComponent", link: `/docs/component/ai`, collapsible: true, items: [ { text: "common:sidebarSections.instill", link: `/docs/component/ai/instill`, }, { text: "common:sidebarSections.archetypeAI", link: `/docs/component/ai/archetypeai`, }, { text: "common:sidebarSections.openAI", link: `/docs/component/ai/openai`, }, { text: "common:sidebarSections.stabilityAI", link: `/docs/component/ai/stabilityai`, }, { text: "common:sidebarSections.huggingFace", link: `/docs/component/ai/huggingface`, }, { text: "common:sidebarSections.anthropic", link: `/docs/component/ai/anthropic`, }, ], appType: "core", versions: [], }, { text: "common:sidebarSections.dataComponent", link: `/docs/component/data`, collapsible: true, items: [ { text: "common:sidebarSections.bigquery", link: `/docs/component/data/bigquery`, }, { text: "common:sidebarSections.gcs", link: `/docs/component/data/googlecloudstorage`, }, { text: "common:sidebarSections.pinecone", link: `/docs/component/data/pinecone`, }, { text: "common:sidebarSections.redis", link: `/docs/component/data/redis`, }, ], appType: "core", versions: [], }, { text: "common:sidebarSections.applicationComponent", link: `/docs/component/application`, collapsible: true, items: [ { text: "common:sidebarSections.numbersProtocol", link: `/docs/component/application/numbers`, }, { text: "common:sidebarSections.slack", link: `/docs/component/application/slack`, }, { text: "common:sidebarSections.googlesearch", link: `/docs/component/application/googlesearch`, }, { text: "", link: `/docs/component/application/restapi`, }, { text: "", link: `/docs/component/application/website`, }, { text: "", link: `/docs/component/application/email`, }, ], appType: "core", versions: [], }, { text: "common:sidebarSections.operator", link: `/docs/component/operator`, collapsible: true, items: [ { text: "common:sidebarSections.base64", link: `/docs/component/operator/base64`, }, { text: "common:sidebarSections.json", link: `/docs/component/operator/json`, }, { text: "common:sidebarSections.text", link: `/docs/component/operator/text`, }, { text: "common:sidebarSections.image", link: `/docs/component/operator/image`, }, { text: "common:sidebarSections.document", link: `/docs/component/operator/document`, }, ], appType: "core", versions: [], }, { text: "common:sidebarSections.instillModel", items: [], appType: "core", versions: [], isHeader: true, }, { text: "common:sidebarSections.introduction", link: `/docs/model/introduction`, items: [], appType: "core", versions: [], }, { text: "common:sidebarSections.createModel", link: `/docs/model/create`, collapsible: true, items: [ { text: "common:sidebarSections.namespaceModel", link: `/docs/model/create/namespace`, }, { text: "common:sidebarSections.prepareModel", link: `/docs/model/create/prepare`, }, { text: "common:sidebarSections.buildModel", link: `/docs/model/create/build`, }, { text: "common:sidebarSections.pushModel", link: `/docs/model/create/push`, }, ], appType: "core", versions: [], }, { text: "common:sidebarSections.modelInference", link: `/docs/model/inference`, items: [], appType: "core", versions: ["latest"], }, { text: "common:sidebarSections.modelState", link: `/docs/model/state`, items: [], appType: "core", versions: ["latest"], }, { text: "common:sidebarSections.aiTasks", link: `/docs/model/ai-task`, items: [], appType: "core", versions: ["latest"], }, { text: "common:sidebarSections.instillSDK", items: [], appType: "core", versions: ["latest"], isHeader: true, }, { text: "common:sidebarSections.pythonSDK", link: `/docs/sdk/python`, items: [], appType: "core", versions: ["latest"], }, { text: "common:sidebarSections.typescriptSDK", link: `/docs/sdk/typescript`, items: [], appType: "core", versions: ["latest"], }, ]; }; // Parse logo a/c to appType export function getLogoConfig(): LogoConfig { return { element: , href: "/", }; } // Parse menu items a/c to appType export function getSidebarSections() { return getSections(); } // Construct the sidebar items export function getSideBar(): Sidebar { return { leftSidebar: { logo: getLogoConfig(), sections: getSidebarSections(), }, rightSidebar: { tableOfContentHeaders: ["h1", "h2", "h3"], }, }; } // Construct the navbar items export function getNavbar( appType: InstillAppType, appVersion: InstillAppVersion, isDark: boolean ): NavConfig { return { logo: getLogoConfig(), title: appType, items: [ { key: "docs-nav-item-border-api-reference", href: "", className: "api-reference-link", position: "left", label: "API Reference", appType: null, }, { key: "docs-nav-dropdown-menu", href: "/", className: "", position: "right", label: "", iconElement: ( ), appType: null, items: [ { key: "docs-nav-dropdown-resources", position: "right", border: true, label: "common:navbar.resources", appType: null, }, { key: "docs-nav-dropdown-product-website", href: "/", className: "", position: "right", label: "common:navbar.productWebsite", iconElement: ( ), appType: null, }, { key: "docs-nav-dropdown-tutorials", href: "/tutorials", className: "", position: "right", label: "common:navbar.tutorials", iconElement: ( ), appType: null, }, { key: "docs-nav-dropdown-blog", href: "/blog", className: "", position: "right", label: "", iconElement: ( ), appType: null, }, { key: "docs-nav-dropdown-newsletter", href: "/newsletter", className: "", position: "right", label: "common:navbar.newsletter", iconElement: ( ), appType: null, }, { key: "docs-nav-dropdown-help", position: "right", border: false, label: "", appType: null, }, { key: "docs-nav-dropdown-help", position: "right", border: true, label: "", iconElement: ( ), appType: null, }, { key: "docs-nav-dropdown-discord", href: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_DISCORD_INVITATION_LINK || "/", className: "", position: "right", label: "common:navbar.discord", iconElement: ( ), appType: null, }, { key: "docs-nav-dropdown-github-discussions", href: "", className: "", position: "right", label: "common:navbar.gitHubDiscussions", iconElement: ( ), appType: null, }, { key: "docs-nav-dropdown-github-issues", href: "", className: "", position: "right", label: "common:navbar.gitHubIssues", iconElement: ( ), appType: null, }, ], }, { key: "docs-nav-item-border-discord-link", href: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_DISCORD_INVITATION_LINK || "/", className: "discord-social-link", iconElement: ( ), position: "right", label: "", appType: null, }, { key: "docs-nav-item--github-link", href: "", className: "github-social-link", iconElement: ( ), position: "right", label: "", appType: null, }, { key: "docs-nav-item--twitter-link", href: "", className: "twitter-social-link", iconElement: isDark ? ( ) : ( ), position: "right", label: "", appType: null, }, { key: "docs-nav-item-1", position: "right", border: true, label: "", appType: null, }, { key: "docs-nav-dropdown-version-menu", href: "/docs/welcome", className: "navbar-dropdown-menu", position: "right", label: `${appVersion} ${ appVersion === LATEST_VERSIONS[appType] ? "(latest)" : "" }`, appType: null, }, { key: "docs-nav-item-2", position: "right", border: true, label: "", appType: "core", }, ], }; } // main config function export function docsConfig( appType: InstillAppType, appVersion: InstillAppVersion, isDark = false ) { return { site: SITE, nav: getNavbar(appType, appVersion, isDark), sidebar: getSideBar(), }; } export const BlogCategories = [ "Home", "Insights", "Story", "Events", "Product Updates", ] as const; export type BlogCategory = (typeof BlogCategories)[number];