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# Introduction Evaluating causal inference methods in a scientifically thorough way is a cumbersome and error-prone task. To foster good scientific practice **JustCause** provides a framework to easily: 1. evaluate your method using common data sets like IHDP, IBM ACIC, and others; 2. create synthetic data sets with a generic but standardized approach; 3. benchmark your method against several baseline and state-of-the-art methods. Our *cause* is to develop a framework that allows you to compare methods for causal inference in a fair and *just* way. JustCause is a work in progress and new contributors are always welcome. # Installation If you just want to use the functionality of JustCause, install it with: ``` pip install justcause ``` Consider using [conda] to create a virtual environment first. Developers that want to develop and contribute own algorithms and data sets to the JustCause framework, should: 1. clone the repository and change into the directory ``` git clone https://github.com/inovex/justcause.git cd justcause ``` 2. create an environment `justcause` with the help of [conda], ``` conda env create -f environment.yaml ``` 3. activate the new environment with ``` conda activate justcause ``` 4. install `justcause` with: ``` python setup.py install # or `develop` ``` Optional and needed only once after `git clone`: 5. install several [pre-commit] git hooks with: ``` pre-commit install ``` and checkout the configuration under `.pre-commit-config.yaml`. The `-n, --no-verify` flag of `git commit` can be used to deactivate pre-commit hooks temporarily. # Related Projects & Resources 1. [causalml]: causal inference with machine learning algorithms in Python 2. [DoWhy]: causal inference using graphs for identification 3. [EconML]: Heterogeneous Effect Estimation in Python 4. [awesome-list]: A very extensive list of causal methods and respective code 5. [IBM-Causal-Inference-Benchmarking-Framework]: Causal Inference Benchmarking Framework by IBM 6. [CausalNex]: Bayesian Networks to combine machine learning and domain expertise for causal reasoning. ## Note This project has been set up using [PyScaffold] 3.2.2 and the [dsproject extension] 0.4. For details and usage information on PyScaffold see https://pyscaffold.org/. [conda]: https://docs.conda.io/ [pre-commit]: https://pre-commit.com/ [Jupyter]: https://jupyter.org/ [Google style]: http://google.github.io/styleguide/pyguide.html#38-comments-and-docstrings [PyScaffold]: https://pyscaffold.org/ [dsproject extension]: https://github.com/pyscaffold/pyscaffoldext-dsproject [causalml]: https://github.com/uber/causalml [DoWhy]: https://github.com/Microsoft/dowhy [EconML]: https://github.com/microsoft/EconML [awesome-list]: https://github.com/rguo12/awesome-causality-algorithms [IBM-Causal-Inference-Benchmarking-Framework]: https://github.com/IBM-HRL-MLHLS/IBM-Causal-Inference-Benchmarking-Framework [CausalNex]: https://causalnex.readthedocs.io/