# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license baremodule Base using Core.Intrinsics, Core.IR # to start, we're going to use a very simple definition of `include` # that doesn't require any function (except what we can get from the `Core` top-module) const _included_files = Array{Tuple{Module,String},1}() function include(mod::Module, path::String) ccall(:jl_array_grow_end, Cvoid, (Any, UInt), _included_files, UInt(1)) Core.arrayset(true, _included_files, (mod, ccall(:jl_prepend_cwd, Any, (Any,), path)), arraylen(_included_files)) Core.println(path) ccall(:jl_uv_flush, Nothing, (Ptr{Nothing},), Core.io_pointer(Core.stdout)) Core.include(mod, path) end include(path::String) = include(Base, path) # from now on, this is now a top-module for resolving syntax const is_primary_base_module = ccall(:jl_module_parent, Ref{Module}, (Any,), Base) === Core.Main ccall(:jl_set_istopmod, Cvoid, (Any, Bool), Base, is_primary_base_module) # Try to help prevent users from shooting them-selves in the foot # with ambiguities by defining a few common and critical operations # (and these don't need the extra convert code) getproperty(x::Module, f::Symbol) = getfield(x, f) setproperty!(x::Module, f::Symbol, v) = setfield!(x, f, v) getproperty(x::Type, f::Symbol) = getfield(x, f) setproperty!(x::Type, f::Symbol, v) = setfield!(x, f, v) getproperty(x::Tuple, f::Int) = getfield(x, f) setproperty!(x::Tuple, f::Int, v) = setfield!(x, f, v) # to get a decent error getproperty(x, f::Symbol) = getfield(x, f) setproperty!(x, f::Symbol, v) = setfield!(x, f, convert(fieldtype(typeof(x), f), v)) include("coreio.jl") eval(x) = Core.eval(Base, x) eval(m::Module, x) = Core.eval(m, x) # init core docsystem import Core: @doc, @__doc__, WrappedException, @int128_str, @uint128_str, @big_str, @cmd if isdefined(Core, :Compiler) import Core.Compiler.CoreDocs Core.atdoc!(CoreDocs.docm) end include("exports.jl") if false # simple print definitions for debugging. enable these if something # goes wrong during bootstrap before printing code is available. # otherwise, they just just eventually get (noisily) overwritten later global show, print, println show(io::IO, x) = Core.show(io, x) print(io::IO, a...) = Core.print(io, a...) println(io::IO, x...) = Core.println(io, x...) end """ time_ns() Get the time in nanoseconds. The time corresponding to 0 is undefined, and wraps every 5.8 years. """ time_ns() = ccall(:jl_hrtime, UInt64, ()) start_base_include = time_ns() ## Load essential files and libraries include("essentials.jl") include("ctypes.jl") include("gcutils.jl") include("generator.jl") include("reflection.jl") include("options.jl") # core operations & types include("promotion.jl") include("tuple.jl") include("expr.jl") include("pair.jl") include("traits.jl") include("range.jl") include("error.jl") # core numeric operations & types ==(x, y) = x === y include("bool.jl") include("number.jl") include("int.jl") include("operators.jl") include("pointer.jl") include("refvalue.jl") include("refpointer.jl") include("checked.jl") using .Checked # array structures include("indices.jl") include("array.jl") include("abstractarray.jl") include("subarray.jl") include("views.jl") include("baseext.jl") include("ntuple.jl") include("abstractdict.jl") include("iddict.jl") include("idset.jl") include("iterators.jl") using .Iterators: zip, enumerate, only using .Iterators: Flatten, Filter, product # for generators include("namedtuple.jl") # numeric operations include("hashing.jl") include("rounding.jl") using .Rounding include("div.jl") include("float.jl") include("twiceprecision.jl") include("complex.jl") include("rational.jl") include("multinverses.jl") using .MultiplicativeInverses include("abstractarraymath.jl") include("arraymath.jl") # SIMD loops @pure sizeof(s::String) = Core.sizeof(s) # needed by gensym as called from simdloop include("simdloop.jl") using .SimdLoop # map-reduce operators include("reduce.jl") ## core structures include("reshapedarray.jl") include("reinterpretarray.jl") include("bitarray.jl") include("bitset.jl") if !isdefined(Core, :Compiler) include("docs/core.jl") Core.atdoc!(CoreDocs.docm) end include("multimedia.jl") using .Multimedia # Some type include("some.jl") include("dict.jl") include("abstractset.jl") include("set.jl") include("char.jl") include("strings/basic.jl") include("strings/string.jl") include("strings/substring.jl") # For OS specific stuff include(string((length(Core.ARGS)>=2 ? Core.ARGS[2] : ""), "build_h.jl")) # include($BUILDROOT/base/build_h.jl) include(string((length(Core.ARGS)>=2 ? Core.ARGS[2] : ""), "version_git.jl")) # include($BUILDROOT/base/version_git.jl) # Initialize DL_LOAD_PATH as early as possible. We are defining things here in # a slightly more verbose fashion than usual, because we're running so early. const DL_LOAD_PATH = String[] let os = ccall(:jl_get_UNAME, Any, ()) if os === :Darwin || os === :Apple if Base.DARWIN_FRAMEWORK push!(DL_LOAD_PATH, "@loader_path/Frameworks") else push!(DL_LOAD_PATH, "@loader_path/julia") end push!(DL_LOAD_PATH, "@loader_path") end end include("osutils.jl") include("c.jl") # Core I/O include("io.jl") include("iobuffer.jl") # strings & printing include("intfuncs.jl") include("strings/strings.jl") include("parse.jl") include("shell.jl") include("regex.jl") include("show.jl") include("arrayshow.jl") include("methodshow.jl") # multidimensional arrays include("cartesian.jl") using .Cartesian include("multidimensional.jl") include("permuteddimsarray.jl") using .PermutedDimsArrays include("broadcast.jl") using .Broadcast using .Broadcast: broadcasted, broadcasted_kwsyntax, materialize, materialize! # missing values include("missing.jl") # version include("version.jl") # system & environment include("sysinfo.jl") include("libc.jl") using .Libc: getpid, gethostname, time include("env.jl") # Concurrency include("linked_list.jl") include("condition.jl") include("threads.jl") include("lock.jl") include("channels.jl") include("task.jl") include("threads_overloads.jl") include("weakkeydict.jl") # Logging include("logging.jl") using .CoreLogging # functions defined in Random function rand end function randn end # I/O include("libuv.jl") include("asyncevent.jl") include("iostream.jl") include("stream.jl") include("filesystem.jl") using .Filesystem include("cmd.jl") include("process.jl") include("ttyhascolor.jl") include("grisu/grisu.jl") include("secretbuffer.jl") # core math functions include("floatfuncs.jl") include("math.jl") using .Math const (√)=sqrt const (∛)=cbrt # now switch to a simple, race-y TLS, relative include for the rest of Base delete_method(which(include, (Module, String))) let SOURCE_PATH = "" global function include(mod::Module, path::String) prev = SOURCE_PATH path = normpath(joinpath(dirname(prev), path)) Core.println(path) ccall(:jl_uv_flush, Nothing, (Ptr{Nothing},), Core.io_pointer(Core.stdout)) push!(_included_files, (mod, abspath(path))) SOURCE_PATH = path result = Core.include(mod, path) SOURCE_PATH = prev return result end end # reduction along dims include("reducedim.jl") # macros in this file relies on string.jl include("accumulate.jl") # basic data structures include("ordering.jl") using .Order # Combinatorics include("sort.jl") using .Sort # Fast math include("fastmath.jl") using .FastMath function deepcopy_internal end # enums include("Enums.jl") using .Enums # BigInts include("gmp.jl") using .GMP # float printing: requires BigInt include("ryu/Ryu.jl") using .Ryu # BigFloats include("mpfr.jl") using .MPFR include("combinatorics.jl") # more hashing definitions include("hashing2.jl") # irrational mathematical constants include("irrationals.jl") include("mathconstants.jl") using .MathConstants: ℯ, π, pi # metaprogramming include("meta.jl") # utilities include("deepcopy.jl") include("download.jl") include("summarysize.jl") include("errorshow.jl") # Stack frames and traces include("stacktraces.jl") using .StackTraces include("initdefs.jl") # worker threads include("threadcall.jl") # code loading include("uuid.jl") include("loading.jl") # misc useful functions & macros include("timing.jl") include("util.jl") include("asyncmap.jl") # experimental API's include("experimental.jl") # deprecated functions include("deprecated.jl") # Some basic documentation include("docs/basedocs.jl") include("client.jl") # Documentation -- should always be included last in sysimg. include("docs/Docs.jl") using .Docs if isdefined(Core, :Compiler) && is_primary_base_module Docs.loaddocs(Core.Compiler.CoreDocs.DOCS) end # finally, now make `include` point to the full version for m in methods(include) delete_method(m) end # These functions are duplicated in client.jl/include(::String) for # nicer stacktraces. Modifications here have to be backported there include(mod::Module, _path::AbstractString) = _include(identity, mod, _path) include(mapexpr::Function, mod::Module, _path::AbstractString) = _include(mapexpr, mod, _path) end_base_include = time_ns() if is_primary_base_module function __init__() # try to ensuremake sure OpenBLAS does not set CPU affinity (#1070, #9639) if !haskey(ENV, "OPENBLAS_MAIN_FREE") && !haskey(ENV, "GOTOBLAS_MAIN_FREE") ENV["OPENBLAS_MAIN_FREE"] = "1" end # And try to prevent openblas from starting too many threads, unless/until specifically requested if !haskey(ENV, "OPENBLAS_NUM_THREADS") && !haskey(ENV, "OMP_NUM_THREADS") cpu_threads = Sys.CPU_THREADS::Int if cpu_threads > 8 # always at most 8 ENV["OPENBLAS_NUM_THREADS"] = "8" elseif haskey(ENV, "JULIA_CPU_THREADS") # or exactly as specified ENV["OPENBLAS_NUM_THREADS"] = cpu_threads end # otherwise, trust that openblas will pick CPU_THREADS anyways, without any intervention end # for the few uses of Libc.rand in Base: Libc.srand() # Base library init reinit_stdio() Multimedia.reinit_displays() # since Multimedia.displays uses stdout as fallback # initialize loading init_depot_path() init_load_path() init_active_project() nothing end end end # baremodule Base