# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: http://julialang.org/license import Base.copy, Base.== const libccalltest = "libccalltest" const verbose = false ccall((:set_verbose, libccalltest), Void, (Int32,), verbose) # Test for proper argument register truncation ccall_test_func(x) = ccall((:testUcharX, libccalltest), Int32, (UInt8,), x % UInt8) @test ccall_test_func(3) == 1 @test ccall_test_func(259) == 1 # Test for proper round-trip of Ref{T} type ccall_echo_func{T,U}(x, ::Type{T}, ::Type{U}) = ccall((:test_echo_p, libccalltest), T, (U,), x) # Make sure object x is still valid (rooted as argument) # when loading the pointer. This works as long as we still keep the argument # rooted but might fail if we are smarter about eliminating dead root. @noinline ccall_echo_load{T,U}(x, ::Type{T}, ::Type{U}) = unsafe_load(ccall_echo_func(x, T, U)) @noinline ccall_echo_objref{T,U}(x, ::Type{T}, ::Type{U}) = unsafe_pointer_to_objref(ccall_echo_func(x, Ptr{T}, U)) type IntLike x::Int end @test ccall_echo_load(132, Ptr{Int}, Ref{Int}) === 132 @test ccall_echo_load(Ref(921), Ptr{Int}, Ref{Int}) === 921 @test ccall_echo_load(IntLike(993), Ptr{Int}, Ref{IntLike}) === 993 @test ccall_echo_load(IntLike(881), Ptr{IntLike}, Ref{IntLike}).x === 881 @test ccall_echo_func(532, Int, Int) === 532 if Sys.WORD_SIZE == 64 # this test is valid only for x86_64 and win64 @test ccall_echo_func(164, IntLike, Int).x === 164 end @test ccall_echo_func(IntLike(828), Int, IntLike) === 828 @test ccall_echo_func(913, Any, Any) === 913 @test ccall_echo_objref(553, Ptr{Any}, Any) === 553 @test ccall_echo_func(124, Ref{Int}, Any) === 124 @test ccall_echo_load(422, Ptr{Any}, Ref{Any}) === 422 @test ccall_echo_load([383], Ptr{Int}, Ref{Int}) === 383 @test ccall_echo_load(Ref([144,172],2), Ptr{Int}, Ref{Int}) === 172 # @test ccall_echo_load(Ref([8],1,1), Ptr{Int}, Ref{Int}) === 8 ## Tests for passing and returning structs let a, ci_ary, x a = 20 + 51im x = ccall((:ctest, libccalltest), Complex{Int}, (Complex{Int},), a) @test x == a + 1 - 2im ci_ary = [a] # Make sure the array is alive during unsafe_load x = unsafe_load(ccall((:cptest, libccalltest), Ptr{Complex{Int}}, (Ptr{Complex{Int}},), ci_ary)) @test x == a + 1 - 2im @test a == 20 + 51im x = ccall((:cptest_static, libccalltest), Ptr{Complex{Int}}, (Ptr{Complex{Int}},), &a) @test unsafe_load(x) == a Libc.free(convert(Ptr{Void},x)) end let a, b, x a = 2.84 + 5.2im x = ccall((:cgtest, libccalltest), Complex128, (Complex128,), a) @test x == a + 1 - 2im b = [a] # Make sure the array is alive during unsafe_load x = unsafe_load(ccall((:cgptest, libccalltest), Ptr{Complex128}, (Ptr{Complex128},), b)) @test x == a + 1 - 2im @test a == 2.84 + 5.2im end let a, b, x a = 3.34f0 + 53.2f0im x = ccall((:cftest, libccalltest), Complex64, (Complex64,), a) @test x == a + 1 - 2im b = [a] # Make sure the array is alive during unsafe_load x = unsafe_load(ccall((:cfptest, libccalltest), Ptr{Complex64}, (Ptr{Complex64},), b)) @test x == a + 1 - 2im @test a == 3.34f0 + 53.2f0im end ## Tests for native Julia data types let a a = 2.84 + 5.2im @test_throws MethodError ccall((:cptest, libccalltest), Ptr{Complex{Int}}, (Ptr{Complex{Int}},), a) @test_throws MethodError ccall((:cptest, libccalltest), Ptr{Complex{Int}}, (Complex{Int},), &a) end ## Tests for various sized data types (ByVal) type Struct1 x::Float32 y::Float64 end immutable Struct1I x::Float32 y::Float64 end copy(a::Struct1) = Struct1(a.x, a.y) copy(a::Struct1I) = a function test_struct1{Struct}(::Type{Struct}) a = Struct(352.39422f23, 19.287577) b = Float32(123.456) a2 = copy(a) x = ccall((:test_1, libccalltest), Struct, (Struct, Float32), a2, b) @test a2.x == a.x && a2.y == a.y @test !(a2 === x) @test x.x ≈ a.x + 1*b @test x.y ≈ a.y - 2*b end test_struct1(Struct1) test_struct1(Struct1I) let a, b, x, y a = Complex{Int32}(Int32(10),Int32(31)) b = Int32(42) x = ccall((:test_2a, libccalltest), Complex{Int32}, (Complex{Int32}, Int32), a, b) y = ccall((:test_2b, libccalltest), Complex{Int32}, (Complex{Int32},Int32), a, b) @test a == Complex{Int32}(Int32(10),Int32(31)) @test x == y @test x == a + b*1 - b*2im end let a, b, x, y, z a = Complex{Int64}(Int64(20),Int64(51)) b = Int64(42) x = ccall((:test_3a, libccalltest), Complex{Int64}, (Complex{Int64}, Int64), a, b) y = ccall((:test_3b, libccalltest), Complex{Int64}, (Complex{Int64}, Int64), a, b) z = ccall((:test_128, libccalltest), Complex{Int64}, (Complex{Int64}, Int64), a, b) @test a == Complex{Int64}(Int64(20),Int64(51)) @test x == y @test x == a + b*1 - b*2im @test z == a + 1*b end type Struct4 x::Int32 y::Int32 z::Int32 end immutable Struct4I x::Int32 y::Int32 z::Int32 end function test_struct4{Struct}(::Type{Struct}) a = Struct(-512275808,882558299,-2133022131) b = Int32(42) x = ccall((:test_4, libccalltest), Struct, (Struct, Int32), a, b) @test x.x == a.x+b*1 @test x.y == a.y-b*2 @test x.z == a.z+b*3 end test_struct4(Struct4) test_struct4(Struct4I) type Struct5 x::Int32 y::Int32 z::Int32 a::Int32 end immutable Struct5I x::Int32 y::Int32 z::Int32 a::Int32 end function test_struct5{Struct}(::Type{Struct}) a = Struct(1771319039, 406394736, -1269509787, -745020976) b = Int32(42) x = ccall((:test_5, libccalltest), Struct, (Struct, Int32), a, b) @test x.x == a.x+b*1 @test x.y == a.y-b*2 @test x.z == a.z+b*3 @test x.a == a.a-b*4 end test_struct5(Struct5) test_struct5(Struct5I) type Struct6 x::Int64 y::Int64 z::Int64 end immutable Struct6I x::Int64 y::Int64 z::Int64 end function test_struct6{Struct}(::Type{Struct}) a = Struct(-654017936452753226, -5573248801240918230, -983717165097205098) b = Int64(42) x = ccall((:test_6, libccalltest), Struct, (Struct, Int64), a, b) @test x.x == a.x+b*1 @test x.y == a.y-b*2 @test x.z == a.z+b*3 end test_struct6(Struct6) test_struct6(Struct6I) type Struct7 x::Int64 y::Cchar end immutable Struct7I x::Int64 y::Cchar end function test_struct7{Struct}(::Type{Struct}) a = Struct(-384082741977533896, 'h') b = Int8(42) x = ccall((:test_7, libccalltest), Struct, (Struct, Int8), a, b) @test x.x == a.x+Int(b)*1 @test x.y == a.y-Int(b)*2 end test_struct7(Struct7) test_struct7(Struct7I) type Struct8 x::Int32 y::Cchar end immutable Struct8I x::Int32 y::Cchar end function test_struct8{Struct}(::Type{Struct}) a = Struct(-384082896, 'h') b = Int8(42) r8 = ccall((:test_8, libccalltest), Struct, (Struct, Int8), a, b) @test r8.x == a.x+b*1 @test r8.y == a.y-b*2 end test_struct8(Struct8) test_struct8(Struct8I) type Struct9 x::Int32 y::Int16 end immutable Struct9I x::Int32 y::Int16 end function test_struct9{Struct}(::Type{Struct}) a = Struct(-394092996, -3840) b = Int16(42) x = ccall((:test_9, libccalltest), Struct, (Struct, Int16), a, b) @test x.x == a.x+b*1 @test x.y == a.y-b*2 end test_struct9(Struct9) test_struct9(Struct9I) type Struct10 x::Cchar y::Cchar z::Cchar a::Cchar end immutable Struct10I x::Cchar y::Cchar z::Cchar a::Cchar end function test_struct10{Struct}(::Type{Struct}) a = Struct('0', '1', '2', '3') b = Int8(2) x = ccall((:test_10, libccalltest), Struct, (Struct, Int8), a, b) @test x.x == a.x+b*1 @test x.y == a.y-b*2 @test x.z == a.z+b*3 @test x.a == a.a-b*4 end test_struct10(Struct10) test_struct10(Struct10I) type Struct11 x::Complex64 end immutable Struct11I x::Complex64 end function test_struct11{Struct}(::Type{Struct}) a = Struct(0.8877077f0 + 0.4591081f0im) b = Float32(42) x = ccall((:test_11, libccalltest), Struct, (Struct, Float32), a, b) @test x.x ≈ a.x + b*1 - b*2im end test_struct11(Struct11) test_struct11(Struct11I) type Struct12 x::Complex64 y::Complex64 end immutable Struct12I x::Complex64 y::Complex64 end function test_struct12{Struct}(::Type{Struct}) a = Struct(0.8877077f5 + 0.4591081f2im, 0.0004842868f0 - 6982.3265f3im) b = Float32(42) x = ccall((:test_12, libccalltest), Struct, (Struct, Float32), a, b) @test x.x ≈ a.x + b*1 - b*2im @test x.y ≈ a.y + b*3 - b*4im end test_struct12(Struct12) test_struct12(Struct12I) type Struct13 x::Complex128 end immutable Struct13I x::Complex128 end function test_struct13{Struct}(::Type{Struct}) a = Struct(42968.97560380495 - 803.0576845153616im) b = Float64(42) x = ccall((:test_13, libccalltest), Struct, (Struct, Float64), a, b) @test x.x ≈ a.x + b*1 - b*2im end test_struct13(Struct13) test_struct13(Struct13I) type Struct14 x::Float32 y::Float32 end immutable Struct14I x::Float32 y::Float32 end function test_struct14{Struct}(::Type{Struct}) a = Struct(0.024138331f0, 0.89759064f32) b = Float32(42) x = ccall((:test_14, libccalltest), Struct, (Struct, Float32), a, b) @test x.x ≈ a.x + b*1 @test x.y ≈ a.y - b*2 end test_struct14(Struct14) test_struct14(Struct14I) type Struct15 x::Float64 y::Float64 end immutable Struct15I x::Float64 y::Float64 end function test_struct15{Struct}(::Type{Struct}) a = Struct(4.180997967273657, -0.404218594294923) b = Float64(42) x = ccall((:test_15, libccalltest), Struct, (Struct, Float64), a, b) @test x.x ≈ a.x + b*1 @test x.y ≈ a.y - b*2 end test_struct15(Struct15) test_struct15(Struct15I) type Struct16 x::Float32 y::Float32 z::Float32 a::Float64 b::Float64 c::Float64 end immutable Struct16I x::Float32 y::Float32 z::Float32 a::Float64 b::Float64 c::Float64 end function test_struct16{Struct}(::Type{Struct}) a = Struct(0.1604656f0, 0.6297606f0, 0.83588994f0, 0.6460273620993535, 0.9472692581106656, 0.47328535437352093) b = Float32(42) x = ccall((:test_16, libccalltest), Struct, (Struct, Float32), a, b) @test x.x ≈ a.x + b*1 @test x.y ≈ a.y - b*2 @test x.z ≈ a.z + b*3 @test x.a ≈ a.a - b*4 @test x.b ≈ a.b + b*5 @test x.c ≈ a.c - b*6 end test_struct16(Struct16) test_struct16(Struct16I) type Struct17 a::Int8 b::Int16 end immutable Struct17I a::Int8 b::Int16 end function test_struct17{Struct}(::Type{Struct}) a = Struct(2, 10) b = Int8(2) x = ccall((:test_17, libccalltest), Struct, (Struct, Int8), a, b) @test x.a == a.a + b * 1 @test x.b == a.b - b * 2 end test_struct17(Struct17) test_struct17(Struct17I) type Struct18 a::Int8 b::Int8 c::Int8 end immutable Struct18I a::Int8 b::Int8 c::Int8 end function test_struct18{Struct}(::Type{Struct}) a = Struct(2, 10, -3) b = Int8(2) x = ccall((:test_18, libccalltest), Struct, (Struct, Int8), a, b) @test x.a == a.a + b * 1 @test x.b == a.b - b * 2 @test x.c == a.c + b * 3 end test_struct18(Struct18) test_struct18(Struct18I) let a, b, x a = Int128(0x7f00123456789abc)<<64 + typemax(UInt64) b = Int64(1) x = ccall((:test_128, libccalltest), Int128, (Int128, Int64), a, b) @test x == a + b*1 @test a == Int128(0x7f00123456789abc)<<64 + typemax(UInt64) end type Struct_Big x::Int y::Int z::Int8 end immutable Struct_BigI x::Int y::Int z::Int8 end copy(a::Struct_Big) = Struct_Big(a.x, a.y, a.z) copy(a::Struct_BigI) = a function test_struct_big{Struct}(::Type{Struct}) a = Struct(424,-5,Int8('Z')) a2 = copy(a) x = ccall((:test_big, libccalltest), Struct, (Struct,), a2) @test a2.x == a.x && a2.y == a.y && a2.z == a.z @test x.x == a.x + 1 @test x.y == a.y - 2 @test x.z == a.z - Int('A') end test_struct_big(Struct_Big) test_struct_big(Struct_BigI) const Struct_huge1a = NTuple{8, Int64} const Struct_huge1b = NTuple{9, Int64} const Struct_huge2a = NTuple{8, Cdouble} const Struct_huge2b = NTuple{9, Cdouble} type Struct_huge3a cf::NTuple{3, Complex{Cfloat}} f7::Cfloat f8::Cfloat end type Struct_huge3b cf::NTuple{7, Complex{Cfloat}} r8a::Cfloat r8b::Cfloat end type Struct_huge3c cf::NTuple{7, Complex{Cfloat}} r8a::Cfloat r8b::Cfloat r9::Cfloat end type Struct_huge4a r12::Complex{Cdouble} r34::Complex{Cdouble} r5::Complex{Cfloat} r67::Complex{Cdouble} r8::Cdouble end type Struct_huge4b r12::Complex{Cdouble} r34::Complex{Cdouble} r5::Complex{Cfloat} r67::Complex{Cdouble} r89::Complex{Cdouble} end const Struct_huge5a = NTuple{8, Complex{Cint}} const Struct_huge5b = NTuple{9, Complex{Cint}} function verify_huge(init, a, b) @test typeof(init) === typeof(a) === typeof(b) verbose && @show (a, b) # make sure a was unmodified for i = 1:nfields(a) @test getfield(init, i) === getfield(a, i) end # make sure b was modifed as expected a1, b1 = getfield(a, 1), getfield(b, 1) while isa(a1, Tuple) @test a1[2:end] === b1[2:end] a1 = a1[1] b1 = b1[1] end if isa(a1, VecElement) a1 = a1.value b1 = b1.value end @test oftype(a1, a1 * 39) === b1 for i = 2:nfields(a) @test getfield(a, i) === getfield(b, i) end end macro test_huge(i, b, init) f = QuoteNode(Symbol("test_huge", i, b)) ty = Symbol("Struct_huge", i, b) return quote let a = $ty($(esc(init))...), f f(b) = ccall(($f, libccalltest), $ty, (Cchar, $ty, Cchar), '0' + $i, a, $b[1]) #code_llvm(f, typeof((a,))) verify_huge($ty($(esc(init))...), a, f(a)) end end end @test_huge 1 'a' ((1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8),) @test_huge 1 'b' ((1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9),) @test_huge 2 'a' ((1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0),) @test_huge 2 'b' ((1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0),) @test_huge 3 'a' ((1.0 + 2.0im, 3.0 + 4.0im, 5.0 + 6.0im), 7.0, 8.0) @test_huge 3 'b' ((1.0 + 2.0im, 3.0 + 4.0im, 5.0 + 6.0im, 7.0 + 8.0im, 9.0 + 10.0im, 11.0 + 12.0im, 13.0 + 14.0im), 7.0, 8.0) @test_huge 3 'c' ((1.0 + 2.0im, 3.0 + 4.0im, 5.0 + 6.0im, 7.0 + 8.0im, 9.0 + 10.0im, 11.0 + 12.0im, 13.0 + 14.0im), 7.0, 8.0, 9.0) @test_huge 4 'a' (1.0 + 2.0im, 3.0 + 4.0im, 5.0f0 + 6.0f0im, 7.0 + 8.0im, 9.0) @test_huge 4 'b' (1.0 + 2.0im, 3.0 + 4.0im, 5.0f0 + 6.0f0im, 7.0 + 8.0im, 9.0 + 10.0im) @test_huge 5 'a' ((1 + 2im, 3 + 4im, 5 + 6im, 7 + 8im, 9 + 10im, 11 + 12im, 13 + 14im, 15 + 16im),) @test_huge 5 'b' ((1 + 2im, 3 + 4im, 5 + 6im, 7 + 8im, 9 + 10im, 11 + 12im, 13 + 14im, 15 + 16im, 17 + 17im),) ## cfunction roundtrip verbose && Libc.flush_cstdio() verbose && println("Testing cfunction roundtrip: ") cf64 = 2.84+5.2im cf32 = 3.34f0+53.2f0im ci32 = Complex{Int32}(Int32(10),Int32(31)) ci64 = Complex{Int64}(Int64(20),Int64(51)) s1 = Struct1(352.39422f23, 19.287577) ==(a::Struct1,b::Struct1) = a.x == b.x && a.y == b.y for (t,v) in ((Complex{Int32},:ci32),(Complex{Int64},:ci64), (Complex64,:cf32),(Complex128,:cf64),(Struct1,:s1)) fname = Symbol("foo",v) fname1 = Symbol("foo1",v) @eval begin verbose && println($t) a = copy($v) verbose && println("A: ",a) function $fname1(s::$t) verbose && println("B: ",s) @test s == $v @test s === a global c = s s end function $fname1(s) @assert false end function $fname(s::$t) verbose && println("B: ",s) @test s == $v if($(t).mutable) @test !(s === a) end global c = s s end function $fname(s) @assert false end b = ccall(cfunction($fname1,Ref{$t},(Ref{$t},)),Ref{$t},(Ref{$t},),a) verbose && println("C: ",b) @test b == $v @test b === a @test b === c b = ccall(cfunction($fname,$t,($t,)),$t,($t,),a) verbose && println("C: ",b) @test b == $v if ($(t).mutable) @test !(b === c) @test !(b === a) end b = ccall(cfunction($fname1,$t,(Ref{$t},)),$t,(Ref{$t},),a) verbose && println("C: ",b) @test b == $v if ($(t).mutable) @test !(b === c) @test !(b === a) end b = ccall(cfunction($fname,Ref{$t},($t,)),Ref{$t},($t,),a) verbose && println("C: ",b) @test b == $v @test b === c if ($(t).mutable) @test !(b === a) end b = ccall(cfunction($fname,Any,(Ref{$t},)),Any,(Ref{$t},),$v) verbose && println("C: ",b) @test b == $v @test b === c if ($(t).mutable) @test !(b === a) end b = ccall(cfunction($fname,Any,(Ref{Any},)),Any,(Ref{Any},),$v) @test b == $v @test b === c if ($(t).mutable) @test !(b === a) end @test_throws TypeError ccall(cfunction($fname,Ref{AbstractString},(Ref{Any},)),Any,(Ref{Any},),$v) @test_throws TypeError ccall(cfunction($fname,AbstractString,(Ref{Any},)),Any,(Ref{Any},),$v) end end # issue 13031 foo13031(x) = Cint(1) foo13031p = cfunction(foo13031, Cint, (Ref{Tuple{}},)) ccall(foo13031p, Cint, (Ref{Tuple{}},), ()) foo13031(x,y,z) = z foo13031p = cfunction(foo13031, Cint, (Ref{Tuple{}},Ref{Tuple{}},Cint)) ccall(foo13031p, Cint, (Ref{Tuple{}},Ref{Tuple{}},Cint), (), (), 8) # issue 17219 function ccall_reassigned_ptr(ptr::Ptr{Void}) ptr = Libdl.dlsym(Libdl.dlopen(libccalltest), "test_echo_p") ccall(ptr, Any, (Any,), "foo") end @test ccall_reassigned_ptr(C_NULL) == "foo" # @threadcall functionality threadcall_test_func(x) = @threadcall((:testUcharX, libccalltest), Int32, (UInt8,), x % UInt8) @test threadcall_test_func(3) == 1 @test threadcall_test_func(259) == 1 # issue 17819 # NOTE: can't use cfunction or reuse ccalltest Struct methods, as those call into the runtime @test @threadcall((:threadcall_args, libccalltest), Cint, (Cint, Cint), 1, 2) == 3 let n=3 tids = Culong[] @sync for i in 1:10^n @async push!(tids, @threadcall(:uv_thread_self, Culong, ())) end # The work should not be done on the master thread t0 = ccall(:uv_thread_self, Culong, ()) @test length(tids) == 10^n for t in tids @test t != t0 end end @test ccall(:jl_getpagesize, Clong, ()) == @threadcall(:jl_getpagesize, Clong, ()) # Pointer finalizer (issue #15408) let A = [1] ccall((:set_c_int, libccalltest), Void, (Cint,), 1) @test ccall((:get_c_int, libccalltest), Cint, ()) == 1 finalizer(A, cglobal((:finalizer_cptr, libccalltest), Void)) finalize(A) @test ccall((:get_c_int, libccalltest), Cint, ()) == -1 end # SIMD Registers typealias VecReg{N,T} NTuple{N,VecElement{T}} typealias V2xF32 VecReg{2,Float32} typealias V4xF32 VecReg{4,Float32} typealias V2xF64 VecReg{2,Float64} typealias V2xI32 VecReg{2,Int32} typealias V4xI32 VecReg{4,Int32} immutable Struct_AA64_1 v1::Int32 v2::Int128 end immutable Struct_AA64_2 v1::Float16 v2::Float64 end # This is a homogenious short vector aggregate immutable Struct_AA64_3 v1::VecReg{8,Int8} v2::VecReg{2,Float32} end # This is NOT a homogenious short vector aggregate immutable Struct_AA64_4 v2::VecReg{2,Float32} v1::VecReg{8,Int16} end type Struct_huge1_ppc64 m::Int64 v::V4xF32 end type Struct_huge2_ppc64 v1::V4xF32 v2::V2xI32 end type Struct_huge3_ppc64 v1::V4xF32 f::NTuple{4,Float32} end type Struct_huge4_ppc64 v1::V2xF32 v2::V2xF64 end type Struct_huge5_ppc64 v1::NTuple{9,V4xF32} end type Struct_huge6_ppc64 v1::NTuple{8,V4xF32} v2::V4xF32 end type Struct_huge7_ppc64 v1::VecReg{3,Int32} v2::VecReg{3,Int32} end type Struct_huge1_ppc64_hva v1::NTuple{8,V4xF32} end type Struct_huge2_ppc64_hva v1::NTuple{2,NTuple{2,V4xF32}} end type Struct_huge3_ppc64_hva vf1::V4xF32 vf2::Tuple{NTuple{2,V4xF32}} end type Struct_huge4_ppc64_hva v1::V4xI32 v2::V4xF32 end type Struct_huge5_ppc64_hva v1::V4xI32 v2::V2xF64 end if Sys.ARCH === :x86_64 function test_sse(a1::V4xF32,a2::V4xF32,a3::V4xF32,a4::V4xF32) ccall((:test_m128, libccalltest), V4xF32, (V4xF32,V4xF32,V4xF32,V4xF32), a1, a2, a3, a4) end function test_sse(a1::V4xI32,a2::V4xI32,a3::V4xI32,a4::V4xI32) ccall((:test_m128i, libccalltest), V4xI32, (V4xI32,V4xI32,V4xI32,V4xI32), a1, a2, a3, a4) end foo_ams(a1, a2, a3, a4) = VecReg(ntuple(i->VecElement(a1[i].value+a2[i].value*(a3[i].value-a4[i].value)),4)) rt_sse{T}(a1::T,a2::T,a3::T,a4::T) = ccall(cfunction(foo_ams,T,(T,T,T,T)), T, (T,T,T,T), a1, a2, a3,a4) for s in [Float32,Int32] a1 = VecReg(ntuple(i->VecElement(s(1i)),4)) a2 = VecReg(ntuple(i->VecElement(s(2i)),4)) a3 = VecReg(ntuple(i->VecElement(s(3i)),4)) a4 = VecReg(ntuple(i->VecElement(s(4i)),4)) r = VecReg(ntuple(i->VecElement(s(1i+2i*(3i-4i))),4)) @test test_sse(a1,a2,a3,a4) == r # cfunction round-trip @test rt_sse(a1,a2,a3,a4) == r end elseif Sys.ARCH === :aarch64 for v1 in 1:99:1000, v2 in -100:-1999:-20000 @test ccall((:test_aa64_i128_1, libccalltest), Int128, (Int64, Int128), v1, v2) == v1 * 2 - v2 end for v1 in 1:4, v2 in -4:-1, v3_1 in 3:5, v3_2 in 7:9 res = ccall((:test_aa64_i128_2, libccalltest), Struct_AA64_1, (Int64, Int128, Struct_AA64_1), v1, v2, Struct_AA64_1(v3_1, v3_2)) expected = Struct_AA64_1(v1 ÷ 2 + 1 - v3_1, v2 * 2 - 1 - v3_2) @test res === expected end for v1 in 1:4, v2 in -4:-1, v3 in 3:5, v4 in -(1:3) res = ccall((:test_aa64_fp16_1, libccalltest), Float16, (Cint, Float32, Float64, Float16), v1, v2, v3, v4) expected = Float16(v1 + v2 * 2 + v3 * 3 + v4 * 4) @test res === expected res = ccall((:test_aa64_fp16_2, libccalltest), Struct_AA64_2, (Cint, Float32, Float64, Float16), v1, v2, v3, v4) expected = Struct_AA64_2(v4 / 2 + 1, v1 * 2 + v2 * 4 - v3) @test res === expected end for v1_1 in 1:4, v1_2 in -2:2, v2 in -4:-1, v3_1 in 3:5, v3_2 in 6:8 res = ccall((:test_aa64_vec_1, libccalltest), VecReg{2,Int64}, (VecReg{2,Int32}, Float32, VecReg{2,Int32}), (VecElement(Int32(v1_1)), VecElement(Int32(v1_2))), v2, (VecElement(Int32(v3_1)), VecElement(Int32(v3_2)))) expected = (VecElement(v1_1 * v2 + v3_1), VecElement(v1_2 * v2 + v3_2)) @test res === expected end for v1_11 in 1:4, v1_12 in -2:2, v1_21 in 1:4, v1_22 in -2:2, v2_11 in 1:4, v2_12 in -2:2, v2_21 in 1:4, v2_22 in -2:2 v1 = Struct_AA64_3((VecElement(Int8(v1_11)), VecElement(Int8(v1_12)), VecElement(Int8(0)), VecElement(Int8(0)), VecElement(Int8(0)), VecElement(Int8(0)), VecElement(Int8(0)), VecElement(Int8(0))), (VecElement(Float32(v1_21)), VecElement(Float32(v1_22)))) v2 = Struct_AA64_4((VecElement(Float32(v2_21)), VecElement(Float32(v2_22))), (VecElement(Int16(v2_11)), VecElement(Int16(v2_12)), VecElement(Int16(0)), VecElement(Int16(0)), VecElement(Int16(0)), VecElement(Int16(0)), VecElement(Int16(0)), VecElement(Int16(0)))) res = ccall((:test_aa64_vec_2, libccalltest), Struct_AA64_3, (Struct_AA64_3, Struct_AA64_4), v1, v2) expected = Struct_AA64_3((VecElement(Int8(v1_11 + v2_11)), VecElement(Int8(v1_12 + v2_12)), VecElement(Int8(0)), VecElement(Int8(0)), VecElement(Int8(0)), VecElement(Int8(0)), VecElement(Int8(0)), VecElement(Int8(0))), (VecElement(Float32(v1_21 - v2_21)), VecElement(Float32(v1_22 - v2_22)))) @test res === expected end elseif Sys.ARCH === :powerpc64le || Sys.ARCH === :ppc64le @test_huge 1 "_ppc64" (1, (2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0),) @test_huge 2 "_ppc64" ((1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0), (11, 12)) @test_huge 3 "_ppc64" ((1, 2, 3, 4), (11.0, 12.0, 13.0, 14.0)) @test_huge 4 "_ppc64" ((1, 2), (11.0, 12.0)) @test_huge 5 "_ppc64" ((((1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0), (5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0), (11.0, 12.0, 13.0, 14.0), (15.0, 16.0, 17.0, 18.0), (21.0, 22.0, 23.0, 24.0), (25.0, 26.0, 27.0, 28.0), (31.0, 32.0, 33.0, 34.0), (35.0, 36.0, 37.0, 38.0), (41.0, 42.0, 43.0, 44.0)),)) @test_huge 6 "_ppc64" ((((1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0), (5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0), (11.0, 12.0, 13.0, 14.0), (15.0, 16.0, 17.0, 18.0), (21.0, 22.0, 23.0, 24.0), (25.0, 26.0, 27.0, 28.0), (31.0, 32.0, 33.0, 34.0), (35.0, 36.0, 37.0, 38.0)), (41.0, 42.0, 43.0, 44.0))) @test_huge 1 "_ppc64_hva" ((((1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0), (5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0), (11.0, 12.0, 13.0, 14.0), (15.0, 16.0, 17.0, 18.0), (21.0, 22.0, 23.0, 24.0), (25.0, 26.0, 27.0, 28.0), (31.0, 32.0, 33.0, 34.0), (35.0, 36.0, 37.0, 38.0)),)) @test_huge 2 "_ppc64_hva" (((((1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0), (5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0)), ((11.0, 12.0, 13.0, 14.0), (15.0, 16.0, 17.0, 18.0))),)) @test_huge 3 "_ppc64_hva" (((1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0), (((11.0, 12.0, 13.0, 14.0), (15.0, 16.0, 17.0, 18.0)),))) @test_huge 4 "_ppc64_hva" (((1, 2, 3, 4), (11.0, 12.0, 13.0, 14.0))) @test_huge 5 "_ppc64_hva" (((1, 2, 3, 4), (11.0, 12.0))) @test 18451 == ccall((:test_ppc64_vec1long, libccalltest), Int64, (Int64, Int64, Int64, Int64, Int64, Int64, Int64, Int64, Int64, Struct_huge1_ppc64), 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, Struct_huge1_ppc64(18000, (100, 101, 102, 103))) @test 941 == ccall((:test_ppc64_vec1long_vec, libccalltest), Int64, (Int64, Int64, Int64, Int64, Int64, Int64, Int64, Int64, Int64, V4xF32), 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, (200, 201, 202, 203)) @test V4xF32((614232, 614218, 614204, 614190)) == ccall((:test_ppc64_vec2, libccalltest), V4xF32, (Int64, V4xF32, V4xF32, V4xF32, V4xF32, V4xF32, V4xF32, V4xF32, V4xF32, V4xF32, V4xF32, V4xF32, V4xF32, V4xF32, V4xF32), 600000, (4, 3, 2, 1), (5, 4, 3, 2), (6, 5, 4, 3), (7, 6, 5, 4), (14, 13, 12, 11), (15, 14, 13, 12), (16, 15, 14, 13), (17, 16, 15, 14), (18, 17, 16, 15), (1024, 1023, 1022, 1021), (1025, 1024, 1023, 1022), (1026, 1025, 1024, 1023), (1027, 1026, 1025, 1024), (10028, 10027, 10026, 10025)) elseif Sys.ARCH !== :i686 && Sys.ARCH !== :arm # TODO warn("ccall: no VecReg tests run for this platform") end # Special calling convention for `Array` function f17204(a) b = similar(a) for i in eachindex(a) b[i] = a[i] + 10 end return b end @test ccall(cfunction(f17204, Vector{Any}, Tuple{Vector{Any}}), Vector{Any}, (Vector{Any},), Any[1:10;]) == Any[11:20;]