/** * The questions to ask during the install process. */ const questions = [ { name: 'dev-screens', message: 'Would you like Ignite Development Screens?', type: 'list', choices: ['No', 'Yes'] }, { name: 'vector-icons', message: 'What vector icon library will you use?', type: 'list', choices: ['none', 'react-native-vector-icons'] }, { name: 'i18n', message: 'What internationalization library will you use?', type: 'list', choices: ['none', 'react-native-i18n'] }, { name: 'animatable', message: 'What animation library will you use?', type: 'list', choices: ['none', 'react-native-animatable'] } ] /** * The max preset. */ const max = { 'dev-screens': 'Yes', 'vector-icons': 'react-native-vector-icons', i18n: 'react-native-i18n', animatable: 'react-native-animatable' } /** * The min preset. */ const min = { 'dev-screens': 'No', 'vector-icons': 'none', i18n: 'none', animatable: 'none' } module.exports = { questions, answers: { min, max } }