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Lastchange: 2005 08 30

THANKS for downloading and (so far :-) reading this! I hope you enjoy and would like to receive your feedback.


logalert is a logfile monitoring tool which executes a specific action whenever it matches a string (pattern) occurrence.

It reads an entire file [or starts at the end, just like 'tail -f'], keeps track of any changes, waiting for a specific string [a syslog process error, a user login, ...] and fires an action you define when that happens.

Log rotation or temporary removal ? No problem, we can deal with that ! System administrators normaly configure a logrotation process to rotate file as they grown or based on certain time periods [daily, weekly, ...] truncating or temporily removing them - logalert keeps track of them even so.


Please refer to LICENSE for license details.


Please refer to INSTALL for instalation details.


You can always find the latest documentation at:


Or you can look at doc/ directory where you'll find this releases documents.


Look at contrib/ directory, you'll find some extra-goodies. For example, there you'll find a perl script 'sendmail' if you plan to configure some auto-mailing actions.


1.Imagine you have a VPN in your firewall server and would like to restart it everytime it goes down. The process related to the VPN reports it's information via syslog to


... and everytime a problem occurs, it dumps the message:

    'Error: problem found, quiting...' 

You already have a script in /etc/init.d/startprocess that [re]starts that guy, so you could:

./logalert --match='[Ee]rror: problem found, quiting...' --exec='/etc/init.d/startprocess \
   restart' /var/log/process.log
  1. Ok, you have dozens of files you whish to monitor ? Just create a configuration file like this:
filename /var/log/messages
        match           = /[Ee][Rr]{2}or: VPN has lost/
        exec            = /etc/init.d/vpn restart
        match_sleep     = 5
        retry           = 3
        user            = vpnuser

filename /var/log/mail
        match           = /Bounce from:/
        exec            = /home/willy/
        match_sleep     = 5
        retry           = 3
        user            = willy


And start logalert in parent mode:

./logalert -c /etc/logalert.conf