######################################### # OS-specific temporary and backup files .DS_Store ######################################### # Editor temporary/working/backup files # .#* [#]*# *~ *$ *.bak *.kdev4 .project .pydevproject *.swp .idea # Compiled source # ################### *.a *.com *.class *.dll *.exe *.o *.py[ocd] *.so # Python files # ################ # setup.py working directory build # setup.py dist directory dist # Egg metadata *.egg-info .eggs # tox testing tool .tox setup.cfg # OS generated files # ###################### .directory .gdb_history .DS_Store? ehthumbs.db Icon? Thumbs.db # Things specific to this project # ################################### lib/matplotlib/mpl-data/matplotlib.conf lib/matplotlib/mpl-data/matplotlibrc # Documentation generated files # ################################# # sphinx build directory doc/_build doc/api/_as_gen # autogenerated by sphinx-gallery doc/examples doc/gallery doc/tutorials doc/modules doc/pyplots/tex_demo.png doc/users/installing.rst doc/_static/depsy_badge.svg doc/_static/matplotlibrc lib/dateutil examples/*/*.pdf examples/*/*.png examples/*/*.svg examples/*/*.eps examples/*/*.svgz examples/tests/* !examples/tests/backend_driver.py texput.log texput.aux result_images # Nose/Pytest generated files # ############################### .cache/ .coverage .coverage.* cover/ .noseids # Conda files # ############### __conda_version__.txt lib/png.lib lib/z.lib