{"payload":{"feedbackUrl":"https://github.com/orgs/community/discussions/53140","repo":{"id":751584193,"defaultBranch":"main","name":"kyua","ownerLogin":"ihoro","currentUserCanPush":false,"isFork":true,"isEmpty":false,"createdAt":"2024-02-01T22:28:53.000Z","ownerAvatar":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/9573190?v=4","public":true,"private":false,"isOrgOwned":false},"refInfo":{"name":"","listCacheKey":"v0:1716811582.0","currentOid":""},"activityList":{"items":[{"before":"3ef1a3a294c213b87dded3539bb869fe92c42ab5","after":"d8212aa0e73ec5e8a9ec0e4b4800411b3f14542f","ref":"refs/heads/freebsd-jail-execenv","pushedAt":"2024-05-27T17:08:09.000Z","pushType":"force_push","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"ihoro","name":"Igor Ostapenko","path":"/ihoro","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/9573190?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Add FreeBSD Jail execution environment support\n\nA new Kyua concept is added -- \"execution environment\". A test can be\nconfigured to be run within a specific environment. The test case lifecycle\nis extended respectively:\n- execenv init (creates a jail or does nothing for default execenv=\"host\")\n- test exec\n- cleanup exec (optional)\n- execenv cleanup (removes a jail or does nothing for default execenv=\"host\")\n\nThe following new functionality is provided, from bottom to top:\n\n1 ATF based tests\n\n- The new \"execenv\" metadata property can be set to explicitly ask for an\n execution environment: \"host\" or \"jail\". If it's not defined, as all\n existing tests do, then it implicitly means \"host\".\n\n- The new \"execenv.jail.params\" metadata property can be optionally defined to\n ask Kyua to use specific jail(8) parameters during creation of a temporary\n jail. An example is \"vnet allow.raw_sockets\".\n\n Kyua implicitly adds \"children.max\" to \"execenv_jail_params\" parameters with\n the maximum possible value. A test case can override it.\n\n2 Kyuafile\n\n- The same new metadata properties can be defined on Kyuafile level:\n \"execenv\" and \"execenv_jail_params\".\n\n- Note that historically ATF uses dotted style of metadata naming, while\n Kyua uses underscore style. Hence \"execenv.jail.params\" vs.\n \"execenv_jail_params\".\n\n3 kyua.conf, kyua CLI\n\n- The new \"execenvs\" engine configuration variable can be set to a list of\n execution environments to run only tests designed for. Tests of not listed\n environments are skipped.\n\n- By default, this variable lists all execution environments supported by a\n Kyua binary, e.g. execenvs=\"host jail\".\n\n- This variable can be changed via \"kyua.conf\" or via kyua CLI's \"-v\"\n parameter. For example, \"kyua -v execenvs=host test\" will run only\n host-based tests and skip jail-based ones.\n\n- Current value of this variable can be examined with \"kyua config\".\n\nSigned-off-by: Igor Ostapenko ","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Add FreeBSD Jail execution environment support"}},{"before":"3d518357c8864a826fe4dddc7732b4a89d1491b9","after":"3ef1a3a294c213b87dded3539bb869fe92c42ab5","ref":"refs/heads/freebsd-jail-execenv","pushedAt":"2024-05-27T12:22:01.000Z","pushType":"force_push","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"ihoro","name":"Igor Ostapenko","path":"/ihoro","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/9573190?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Add FreeBSD Jail execution environment support\n\nA new Kyua concept is added -- \"execution environment\". A test can be\nconfigured to be run within a specific environment. The test case lifecycle\nis extended respectively:\n- execenv init (creates a jail or does nothing for default execenv=\"host\")\n- test exec\n- cleanup exec (optional)\n- execenv cleanup (removes a jail or does nothing for default execenv=\"host\")\n\nThe following new functionality is provided, from bottom to top:\n\n1 ATF based tests\n\n- The new \"execenv\" metadata property can be set to explicitly ask for an\n execution environment: \"host\" or \"jail\". If it's not defined, as all\n existing tests do, then it implicitly means \"host\".\n\n- The new \"execenv.jail.params\" metadata property can be optionally defined to\n ask Kyua to use specific jail(8) parameters during creation of a temporary\n jail. An example is \"vnet allow.raw_sockets\".\n\n Kyua implicitly adds \"children.max\" to \"execenv_jail_params\" parameters with\n the maximum possible value. A test case can override it.\n\n2 Kyuafile\n\n- The same new metadata properties can be defined on Kyuafile level:\n \"execenv\" and \"execenv_jail_params\".\n\n- Note that historically ATF uses dotted style of metadata naming, while\n Kyua uses underscore style. Hence \"execenv.jail.params\" vs.\n \"execenv_jail_params\".\n\n3 kyua.conf, kyua CLI\n\n- The new \"execenvs\" engine configuration variable can be set to a list of\n execution environments to run only tests designed for. Tests of not listed\n environments are skipped.\n\n- By default, this variable lists all execution environments supported by a\n Kyua binary, e.g. execenvs=\"host jail\".\n\n- This variable can be changed via \"kyua.conf\" or via kyua CLI's \"-v\"\n parameter. For example, \"kyua -v execenvs=host test\" will run only\n host-based tests and skip jail-based ones.\n\n- Current value of this variable can be examined with \"kyua config\".\n\nSigned-off-by: Igor Ostapenko ","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Add FreeBSD Jail execution environment support"}},{"before":"38457f3aa99c6f97de0cc222add5d187683b47f4","after":null,"ref":"refs/heads/fix-freebsd-build","pushedAt":"2024-05-27T12:06:22.000Z","pushType":"branch_deletion","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"ihoro","name":"Igor Ostapenko","path":"/ihoro","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/9573190?s=80&v=4"}},{"before":"0a43bb8d89e370827ccf1ab4b4b1609b127ba735","after":"38457f3aa99c6f97de0cc222add5d187683b47f4","ref":"refs/heads/main","pushedAt":"2024-05-27T09:42:40.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":11,"pusher":{"login":"ihoro","name":"Igor Ostapenko","path":"/ihoro","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/9573190?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Merge pull request #229 from ngie-eign/update-urls\n\nReference the freebsd org instead of jmmv's user account","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Merge pull request freebsd#229 from ngie-eign/update-urls"}},{"before":null,"after":"38457f3aa99c6f97de0cc222add5d187683b47f4","ref":"refs/heads/fix-freebsd-build","pushedAt":"2024-05-27T09:41:34.000Z","pushType":"branch_creation","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"ihoro","name":"Igor Ostapenko","path":"/ihoro","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/9573190?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Merge pull request #229 from ngie-eign/update-urls\n\nReference the freebsd org instead of jmmv's user account","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Merge pull request freebsd#229 from ngie-eign/update-urls"}},{"before":"4fe2a9313ba6a3ebbdf79e7eac7ed225ab625fa8","after":"3d518357c8864a826fe4dddc7732b4a89d1491b9","ref":"refs/heads/freebsd-jail-execenv","pushedAt":"2024-05-27T09:28:19.000Z","pushType":"force_push","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"ihoro","name":"Igor Ostapenko","path":"/ihoro","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/9573190?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Add FreeBSD Jail execution environment support\n\nA new Kyua concept is added -- \"execution environment\". A test can be\nconfigured to be run within a specific environment. The test case lifecycle\nis extended respectively:\n- execenv init (creates a jail or does nothing for default execenv=\"host\")\n- test exec\n- cleanup exec (optional)\n- execenv cleanup (removes a jail or does nothing for default execenv=\"host\")\n\nThe following new functionality is provided, from bottom to top:\n\n1 ATF based tests\n\n- The new \"execenv\" metadata property can be set to explicitly ask for an\n execution environment: \"host\" or \"jail\". If it's not defined, as all\n existing tests do, then it implicitly means \"host\".\n\n- The new \"execenv.jail\" metadata property can be optionally defined to ask\n Kyua to use specific jail(8) parameters during creation of a temporary\n jail. An example is \"vnet allow.raw_sockets\".\n\n Kyua implicitly adds \"children.max\" to \"execenv_jail\" parameters with the\n maximum possible value. A test case can override it.\n\n2 Kyuafile\n\n- The same new metadata properties can be defined on Kyuafile level:\n \"execenv\" and \"execenv_jail\".\n\n- Note that historically ATF uses dotted style of metadata naming, while\n Kyua uses underscore style. Hence \"execenv.jail\" vs. \"execenv_jail\".\n\n3 kyua.conf, kyua CLI\n\n- The new \"execenv\" engine configuration variable can be set to a list of\n execution environments to run only tests designed for. Tests of not listed\n environments are skipped.\n\n- By default, this variable lists all execution environments supported by a\n Kyua binary, e.g. execenv=\"host jail\".\n\n- This variable can be changed via \"kyua.conf\" or via kyua CLI's \"-v\"\n parameter. For example, \"kyua -v execenv=host test\" will run only\n host-based tests and skip jail-based ones.\n\n- Current value of this variable can be examined with \"kyua config\".\n\nSigned-off-by: Igor Ostapenko ","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Add FreeBSD Jail execution environment support"}},{"before":"2b9f2176e12fd5eb64143ef41e4cbc1510613cfa","after":"4fe2a9313ba6a3ebbdf79e7eac7ed225ab625fa8","ref":"refs/heads/freebsd-jail-execenv","pushedAt":"2024-05-10T15:53:41.000Z","pushType":"force_push","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"ihoro","name":"Igor Ostapenko","path":"/ihoro","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/9573190?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Add FreeBSD Jail execution environment support\n\nA new Kyua concept is added -- \"execution environment\". A test can be\nconfigured to be run within a specific environment. The test case lifecycle\nis extended respectively:\n- execenv init (creates a jail or does nothing for default execenv=\"host\")\n- test exec\n- cleanup exec (optional)\n- execenv cleanup (removes a jail or does nothing for default execenv=\"host\")\n\nThe following new functionality is provided, from bottom to top:\n\n1 ATF based tests\n\n- The new \"execenv\" metadata property can be set to explicitly ask for an\n execution environment: \"host\" or \"jail\". If it's not defined, as all\n existing tests do, then it implicitly means \"host\".\n\n- The new \"execenv.jail\" metadata property can be optionally defined to ask\n Kyua to use specific jail(8) parameters during creation of a temporary\n jail. An example is \"vnet allow.raw_sockets\".\n\n Kyua implicitly adds \"children.max\" to \"execenv_jail\" parameters with the\n maximum possible value. A test case can override it.\n\n2 Kyuafile\n\n- The same new metadata properties can be defined on Kyuafile level:\n \"execenv\" and \"execenv_jail\".\n\n- Note that historically ATF uses dotted style of metadata naming, while\n Kyua uses underscore style. Hence \"execenv.jail\" vs. \"execenv_jail\".\n\n3 kyua.conf, kyua CLI\n\n- The new \"execenv\" engine configuration variable can be set to a list of\n execution environments to run only tests designed for. Tests of not listed\n environments are skipped.\n\n- By default, this variable lists all execution environments supported by a\n Kyua binary, e.g. execenv=\"host jail\".\n\n- This variable can be changed via \"kyua.conf\" or via kyua CLI's \"-v\"\n parameter. For example, \"kyua -v execenv=host test\" will run only\n host-based tests and skip jail-based ones.\n\n- Current value of this variable can be examined with \"kyua config\".\n\nSigned-off-by: Igor Ostapenko ","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Add FreeBSD Jail execution environment support"}},{"before":"0bfed6a8ccb5d5133b74a82167d5995530d92869","after":"2b9f2176e12fd5eb64143ef41e4cbc1510613cfa","ref":"refs/heads/freebsd-jail-execenv","pushedAt":"2024-05-10T14:08:03.000Z","pushType":"force_push","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"ihoro","name":"Igor Ostapenko","path":"/ihoro","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/9573190?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Add FreeBSD Jail execution environment support\n\nA new Kyua concept is added -- \"execution environment\". A test can be\nconfigured to be run within a specific environment. The test case lifecycle\nis extended respectively:\n- execenv init (creates a jail or does nothing for default execenv=\"host\")\n- test exec\n- cleanup exec (optional)\n- execenv cleanup (removes a jail or does nothing for default execenv=\"host\")\n\nThe following new functionality is provided, from bottom to top:\n\n1 ATF based tests\n\n- The new \"execenv\" metadata property can be set to explicitly ask for an\n execution environment: \"host\" or \"jail\". If it's not defined, as all\n existing tests do, then it implicitly means \"host\".\n\n- The new \"execenv.jail\" metadata property can be optionally defined to ask\n Kyua to use specific jail(8) parameters during creation of a temporary\n jail. An example is \"vnet allow.raw_sockets\".\n\n Kyua implicitly adds \"children.max\" to \"execenv_jail\" parameters with the\n maximum possible value. A test case can override it.\n\n2 Kyuafile\n\n- The same new metadata properties can be defined on Kyuafile level:\n \"execenv\" and \"execenv_jail\".\n\n- Note that historically ATF uses dotted style of metadata naming, while\n Kyua uses underscore style. Hence \"execenv.jail\" vs. \"execenv_jail\".\n\n3 kyua.conf, kyua CLI\n\n- The new \"execenv\" engine configuration variable can be set to a list of\n execution environments to run only tests designed for. Tests of not listed\n environments are skipped.\n\n- By default, this variable lists all execution environments supported by a\n Kyua binary, e.g. execenv=\"host jail\".\n\n- This variable can be changed via \"kyua.conf\" or via kyua CLI's \"-v\"\n parameter. For example, \"kyua -v execenv=host test\" will run only\n host-based tests and skip jail-based ones.\n\n- Current value of this variable can be examined with \"kyua config\".\n\nSigned-off-by: Igor Ostapenko ","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Add FreeBSD Jail execution environment support"}},{"before":"cbd06834f103562055321e763e35ee1f19351725","after":"0bfed6a8ccb5d5133b74a82167d5995530d92869","ref":"refs/heads/freebsd-jail-execenv","pushedAt":"2024-05-10T12:47:26.000Z","pushType":"force_push","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"ihoro","name":"Igor Ostapenko","path":"/ihoro","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/9573190?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Add FreeBSD Jail execution environment support\n\nA new Kyua concept is added -- \"execution environment\". A test can be\nconfigured to be run within a specific environment. The test case lifecycle\nis extended respectively:\n- execenv init (creates a jail or does nothing for default execenv=\"host\")\n- test exec\n- cleanup exec (optional)\n- execenv cleanup (removes a jail or does nothing for default execenv=\"host\")\n\nThe following new functionality is provided, from bottom to top:\n\n1 ATF based tests\n\n- The new \"execenv\" metadata property can be set to explicitly ask for an\n execution environment: \"host\" or \"jail\". If it's not defined, as all\n existing tests do, then it implicitly means \"host\".\n\n- The new \"execenv.jail\" metadata property can be optionally defined to ask\n Kyua to use specific jail(8) parameters during creation of a temporary\n jail. An example is \"vnet allow.raw_sockets\".\n\n Kyua implicitly adds \"children.max\" to \"execenv_jail\" parameters with the\n maximum possible value. A test case can override it.\n\n2 Kyuafile\n\n- The same new metadata properties can be defined on Kyuafile level:\n \"execenv\" and \"execenv_jail\".\n\n- Note that historically ATF uses dotted style of metadata naming, while\n Kyua uses underscore style. Hence \"execenv.jail\" vs. \"execenv_jail\".\n\n3 kyua.conf, kyua CLI\n\n- The new \"execenv\" engine configuration variable can be set to a list of\n execution environments to run only tests designed for. Tests of not listed\n environments are skipped.\n\n- By default, this variable lists all execution environments supported by a\n Kyua binary, e.g. execenv=\"host jail\".\n\n- This variable can be changed via \"kyua.conf\" or via kyua CLI's \"-v\"\n parameter. For example, \"kyua -v execenv=host test\" will run only\n host-based tests and skip jail-based ones.\n\n- Current value of this variable can be examined with \"kyua config\".\n\nSigned-off-by: Igor Ostapenko ","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Add FreeBSD Jail execution environment support"}},{"before":"6553ba0ef4096a60f078979d61c1790ee52f492d","after":"cbd06834f103562055321e763e35ee1f19351725","ref":"refs/heads/freebsd-jail-execenv","pushedAt":"2024-05-10T12:01:39.000Z","pushType":"force_push","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"ihoro","name":"Igor Ostapenko","path":"/ihoro","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/9573190?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Add FreeBSD Jail execution environment support\n\nA new Kyua concept is added -- \"execution environment\". A test can be\nconfigured to be run within a specific environment. The test case lifecycle\nis extended respectively:\n- execenv init (creates a jail or does nothing for default execenv=\"host\")\n- test exec\n- cleanup exec (optional)\n- execenv cleanup (removes a jail or does nothing for default execenv=\"host\")\n\nThe following new functionality is provided, from bottom to top:\n\n1 ATF based tests\n\n- The new \"execenv\" metadata property can be set to explicitly ask for an\n execution environment: \"host\" or \"jail\". If it's not defined, as all\n existing tests do, then it implicitly means \"host\".\n\n- The new \"execenv.jail\" metadata property can be optionally defined to ask\n Kyua to use specific jail(8) parameters during creation of a temporary\n jail. An example is \"vnet allow.raw_sockets\".\n\n Kyua implicitly adds \"children.max\" to \"execenv_jail\" parameters with the\n maximum possible value. A test case can override it.\n\n2 Kyuafile\n\n- The same new metadata properties can be defined on Kyuafile level:\n \"execenv\" and \"execenv_jail\".\n\n- Note that historically ATF uses dotted style of metadata naming, while\n Kyua uses underscore style. Hence \"execenv.jail\" vs. \"execenv_jail\".\n\n3 kyua.conf, kyua CLI\n\n- The new \"execenv\" engine configuration variable can be set to a list of\n execution environments to run only tests designed for. Tests of not listed\n environments are skipped.\n\n- By default, this variable lists all execution environments supported by a\n Kyua binary, e.g. execenv=\"host jail\".\n\n- This variable can be changed via \"kyua.conf\" or via kyua CLI's \"-v\"\n parameter. For example, \"kyua -v execenv=host test\" will run only\n host-based tests and skip jail-based ones.\n\n- Current value of this variable can be examined with \"kyua config\".\n\nSigned-off-by: Igor Ostapenko ","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Add FreeBSD Jail execution environment support"}},{"before":"10330c32987516414d6369ac6554d69064c043e8","after":"6553ba0ef4096a60f078979d61c1790ee52f492d","ref":"refs/heads/freebsd-jail-execenv","pushedAt":"2024-05-09T12:17:23.000Z","pushType":"force_push","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"ihoro","name":"Igor Ostapenko","path":"/ihoro","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/9573190?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Add FreeBSD Jail execution environment support\n\nA new Kyua concept is added -- \"execution environment\". A test can be\nconfigured to be run within a specific environment. The test case lifecycle\nis extended respectively:\n- execenv init (creates a jail or does nothing for default execenv=\"host\")\n- test exec\n- cleanup exec (optional)\n- execenv cleanup (removes a jail or does nothing for default execenv=\"host\")\n\nThe following new functionality is provided, from bottom to top:\n\n1 ATF based tests\n\n- The new \"execenv\" metadata property can be set to explicitly ask for an\n execution environment: \"host\" or \"jail\". If it's not defined, as all\n existing tests do, then it implicitly means \"host\".\n\n- The new \"execenv.jail\" metadata property can be optionally defined to ask\n Kyua to use specific jail(8) parameters during creation of a temporary\n jail. An example is \"vnet allow.raw_sockets\".\n\n Kyua implicitly adds \"children.max\" to \"execenv_jail\" parameters with the\n maximum possible value. A test case can override it.\n\n2 Kyuafile\n\n- The same new metadata properties can be defined on Kyuafile level:\n \"execenv\" and \"execenv_jail\".\n\n- Note that historically ATF uses dotted style of metadata naming, while\n Kyua uses underscore style. Hence \"execenv.jail\" vs. \"execenv_jail\".\n\n3 kyua.conf, kyua CLI\n\n- The new \"execenv\" engine configuration variable can be set to a list of\n execution environments to run only tests designed for. Tests of not listed\n environments are skipped.\n\n- By default, this variable lists all execution environments supported by a\n Kyua binary, e.g. execenv=\"host jail\".\n\n- This variable can be changed via \"kyua.conf\" or via kyua CLI's \"-v\"\n parameter. For example, \"kyua -v execenv=host test\" will run only\n host-based tests and skip jail-based ones.\n\n- Current value of this variable can be examined with \"kyua config\".\n\nSigned-off-by: Igor Ostapenko ","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Add FreeBSD Jail execution environment support"}},{"before":"9721be7abbd48f2ee020e5deaee1e1daa44c0087","after":"10330c32987516414d6369ac6554d69064c043e8","ref":"refs/heads/freebsd-jail-execenv","pushedAt":"2024-05-08T13:50:58.000Z","pushType":"force_push","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"ihoro","name":"Igor Ostapenko","path":"/ihoro","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/9573190?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Add FreeBSD Jail execution environment support\n\nA new Kyua concept is added -- \"execution environment\". A test can be\nconfigured to be run within a specific environment. The test case lifecycle\nis extended respectively:\n- execenv init (creates a jail or does nothing for default execenv=\"host\")\n- test exec\n- cleanup exec (optional)\n- execenv cleanup (removes a jail or does nothing for default execenv=\"host\")\n\nThe following new functionality is provided, from bottom to top:\n\n1 ATF based tests\n\n- The new \"execenv\" metadata property can be set to explicitly ask for an\n execution environment: \"host\" or \"jail\". If it's not defined, as all\n existing tests do, then it implicitly means \"host\".\n\n- The new \"execenv.jail\" metadata property can be optionally defined to ask\n Kyua to use specific jail(8) parameters during creation of a temporary\n jail. An example is \"vnet allow.raw_sockets\".\n\n Kyua implicitly adds \"children.max\" to \"execenv_jail\" parameters with the\n maximum possible value. A test case can override it.\n\n2 Kyuafile\n\n- The same new metadata properties can be defined on Kyuafile level:\n \"execenv\" and \"execenv_jail\".\n\n- Note that historically ATF uses dotted style of metadata naming, while\n Kyua uses underscore style. Hence \"execenv.jail\" vs. \"execenv_jail\".\n\n3 kyua.conf, kyua CLI\n\n- The new \"execenv\" engine configuration variable can be set to a list of\n execution environments to run only tests designed for. Tests of not listed\n environments are skipped.\n\n- By default, this variable lists all execution environments supported by a\n Kyua binary, e.g. execenv=\"host jail\".\n\n- This variable can be changed via \"kyua.conf\" or via kyua CLI's \"-v\"\n parameter. For example, \"kyua -v execenv=host test\" will run only\n host-based tests and skip jail-based ones.\n\n- Current value of this variable can be examined with \"kyua config\".\n\nSigned-off-by: Igor Ostapenko ","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Add FreeBSD Jail execution environment support"}},{"before":"08699b3d9b7d321c395af449c2ab96ef80bdc77e","after":"9721be7abbd48f2ee020e5deaee1e1daa44c0087","ref":"refs/heads/freebsd-jail-execenv","pushedAt":"2024-04-01T13:05:14.000Z","pushType":"force_push","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"ihoro","name":"Igor Ostapenko","path":"/ihoro","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/9573190?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Add FreeBSD Jail execution environment support\n\nA new Kyua concept is added -- \"execution environment\". A test can be\nconfigured to be run within a specific environment. The test case lifecycle\nis extended respectively:\n- execenv init (creates a jail or does nothing for default execenv=\"host\")\n- test exec\n- cleanup exec (optional)\n- execenv cleanup (removes a jail or does nothing for default execenv=\"host\")\n\nThe following new functionality is provided, from bottom to top:\n\n1 ATF based tests\n\n- The new \"execenv\" metadata property can be set to explicitly ask for an\n execution environment: \"host\" or \"jail\". If it's not defined, as all\n existing tests do, then it implicitly means \"host\".\n\n- The new \"execenv.jail\" metadata property can be optionally defined to ask\n Kyua to use specific jail(8) parameters during creation of a temporary\n jail. An example is \"vnet allow.raw_sockets\".\n\n Kyua implicitly adds \"children.max\" to \"execenv_jail\" parameters with the\n maximum possible value. A test case can override it.\n\n2 Kyuafile\n\n- The same new metadata properties can be defined on Kyuafile level:\n \"execenv\" and \"execenv_jail\".\n\n- Note that historically ATF uses dotted style of metadata naming, while\n Kyua uses underscore style. Hence \"execenv.jail\" vs. \"execenv_jail\".\n\n3 kyua.conf, kyua CLI\n\n- The new \"execenv\" engine configuration variable can be set to a list of\n execution environments to run only tests designed for. Tests of not listed\n environments are skipped.\n\n- By default, this variable lists all execution environments supported by a\n Kyua binary, e.g. execenv=\"host jail\".\n\n- This variable can be changed via \"kyua.conf\" or via kyua CLI's \"-v\"\n parameter. For example, \"kyua -v execenv=host test\" will run only\n host-based tests and skip jail-based ones.\n\n- Current value of this variable can be examined with \"kyua config\".","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Add FreeBSD Jail execution environment support"}},{"before":"a33e4294ed72d24d9d0e9d2ebe8b8c4e94958ff1","after":"08699b3d9b7d321c395af449c2ab96ef80bdc77e","ref":"refs/heads/freebsd-jail-execenv","pushedAt":"2024-03-23T11:28:44.000Z","pushType":"force_push","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"ihoro","name":"Igor Ostapenko","path":"/ihoro","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/9573190?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Add FreeBSD Jail execution environment support\n\nA new Kyua concept is added -- \"execution environment\". A test can be\nconfigured to be run within a specific environment. The test case lifecycle\nis extended respectively:\n- execenv init (creates a jail or does nothing for default execenv=\"host\")\n- test exec\n- cleanup exec (optional)\n- execenv cleanup (removes a jail or does nothing for default execenv=\"host\")\n\nThe following new functionality is provided, from bottom to top:\n\n1 ATF based tests\n\n- The new \"execenv\" metadata property can be set to explicitly ask for an\n execution environment: \"host\" or \"jail\". If it's not defined, as all\n existing tests do, then it implicitly means \"host\".\n\n- The new \"execenv.jail\" metadata property can be optionally defined to ask\n Kyua to use specific jail(8) parameters during creation of a temporary\n jail. An example is \"vnet allow.raw_sockets\".\n\n Kyua implicitly adds \"children.max\" to \"execenv_jail\" parameters with the\n maximum possible value. A test case can override it.\n\n2 Kyuafile\n\n- The same new metadata properties can be defined on Kyuafile level:\n \"execenv\" and \"execenv_jail\".\n\n- Note that historically ATF uses dotted style of metadata naming, while\n Kyua uses underscore style. Hence \"execenv.jail\" vs. \"execenv_jail\".\n\n3 kyua.conf, kyua CLI\n\n- The new \"execenv\" engine configuration variable can be set to a list of\n execution environments to run only tests designed for. Tests of not listed\n environments are skipped.\n\n- By default, this variable lists all execution environments supported by a\n Kyua binary, e.g. execenv=\"host jail\".\n\n- This variable can be changed via \"kyua.conf\" or via kyua CLI's \"-v\"\n parameter. For example, \"kyua -v execenv=host test\" will run only\n host-based tests and skip jail-based ones.\n\n- Current value of this variable can be examined with \"kyua config\".","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Add FreeBSD Jail execution environment support"}},{"before":"0a43bb8d89e370827ccf1ab4b4b1609b127ba735","after":"a33e4294ed72d24d9d0e9d2ebe8b8c4e94958ff1","ref":"refs/heads/freebsd-jail-execenv","pushedAt":"2024-03-22T17:07:00.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"ihoro","name":"Igor Ostapenko","path":"/ihoro","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/9573190?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Add FreeBSD Jail execution environment support\n\nA new Kyua concept is added -- \"execution environment\". A test can be\nconfigured to be run within a specific environment. The test case lifecycle\nis extended respectively:\n- execenv init (creates a jail or does nothing for default execenv=\"host\")\n- test exec\n- cleanup exec (optional)\n- execenv cleanup (removes a jail or does nothing for default execenv=\"host\")\n\nThe following new functionality is provided, from bottom to top:\n\n1 ATF based tests\n\n- The new \"execenv\" metadata property can be set to explicitly ask for an\n execution environment: \"host\" or \"jail\". If it's not defined, as all\n existing tests do, then it implicitly means \"host\".\n\n- The new \"execenv.jail\" metadata property can be optionally defined to ask\n Kyua to use specific jail(8) parameters during creation of a temporary\n jail. An example is \"vnet allow.raw_sockets\".\n\n Kyua implicitly adds \"children.max\" to \"execenv_jail\" parameters with the\n maximum possible value. A test case can override it.\n\n2 Kyuafile\n\n- The same new metadata properties can be defined on Kyuafile level:\n \"execenv\" and \"execenv_jail\".\n\n- Note that historically ATF uses dotted style of metadata naming, while\n Kyua uses underscore style. Hence \"execenv.jail\" vs. \"execenv_jail\".\n\n3 kyua.conf, kyua CLI\n\n- The new \"execenv\" engine configuration variable can be set to a list of\n execution environments to run only tests designed for. Tests of not listed\n environments are skipped.\n\n- By default, this variable lists all execution environments supported by a\n Kyua binary, e.g. execenv=\"host jail\".\n\n- This variable can be changed via \"kyua.conf\" or via kyua CLI's \"-v\"\n parameter. For example, \"kyua -v execenv=host test\" will run only\n host-based tests and skip jail-based ones.\n\n- Current value of this variable can be examined with \"kyua config\".","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Add FreeBSD Jail execution environment support"}},{"before":"99692a8c3ac4d3131743fc5601f5b7f8c5aa3cd2","after":"0a43bb8d89e370827ccf1ab4b4b1609b127ba735","ref":"refs/heads/freebsd-jail-execenv","pushedAt":"2024-03-22T16:53:09.000Z","pushType":"force_push","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"ihoro","name":"Igor Ostapenko","path":"/ihoro","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/9573190?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Merge pull request #225 from fel1x-developer/readme\n\nRename OS X to macOS","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Merge pull request freebsd#225 from fel1x-developer/readme"}},{"before":null,"after":"99692a8c3ac4d3131743fc5601f5b7f8c5aa3cd2","ref":"refs/heads/freebsd-jail-execenv-v1","pushedAt":"2024-03-22T16:51:32.000Z","pushType":"branch_creation","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"ihoro","name":"Igor Ostapenko","path":"/ihoro","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/9573190?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Integrate FreeBSD Jail support into Kyua build process","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Integrate FreeBSD Jail support into Kyua build process"}},{"before":"c85354e09ad93a902c9e8a701c042c045ec2a5b7","after":"0a43bb8d89e370827ccf1ab4b4b1609b127ba735","ref":"refs/heads/main","pushedAt":"2024-03-22T16:45:46.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":2,"pusher":{"login":"ihoro","name":"Igor Ostapenko","path":"/ihoro","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/9573190?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Merge pull request #225 from fel1x-developer/readme\n\nRename OS X to macOS","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Merge pull request freebsd#225 from fel1x-developer/readme"}},{"before":"0d319defa0bf19460a1baa1be06edd0275833f12","after":"0f9ed6906fb69f36a5e46edb6189c60285bde870","ref":"refs/heads/refactor","pushedAt":"2024-03-22T16:43:13.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"ihoro","name":"Igor Ostapenko","path":"/ihoro","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/9573190?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"a quick refactoring","shortMessageHtmlLink":"a quick refactoring"}},{"before":null,"after":"0d319defa0bf19460a1baa1be06edd0275833f12","ref":"refs/heads/refactor","pushedAt":"2024-02-24T17:21:42.000Z","pushType":"branch_creation","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"ihoro","name":"Igor Ostapenko","path":"/ihoro","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/9573190?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Fix tests after execenv introduction","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Fix tests after execenv introduction"}},{"before":null,"after":"0d319defa0bf19460a1baa1be06edd0275833f12","ref":"refs/heads/fix-tests-after-execenv-intro","pushedAt":"2024-02-14T20:56:23.000Z","pushType":"branch_creation","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"ihoro","name":"Igor Ostapenko","path":"/ihoro","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/9573190?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Fix tests after execenv introduction","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Fix tests after execenv introduction"}},{"before":"99692a8c3ac4d3131743fc5601f5b7f8c5aa3cd2","after":"4dffd2650f9bc59d77af32275d8ab73573443322","ref":"refs/heads/separate-freebsd-specifics","pushedAt":"2024-02-05T15:58:37.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"ihoro","name":"Igor Ostapenko","path":"/ihoro","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/9573190?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Separate FreeBSD related code beneath freebsd/","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Separate FreeBSD related code beneath freebsd/"}},{"before":null,"after":"99692a8c3ac4d3131743fc5601f5b7f8c5aa3cd2","ref":"refs/heads/separate-freebsd-specifics","pushedAt":"2024-02-05T14:12:19.000Z","pushType":"branch_creation","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"ihoro","name":"Igor Ostapenko","path":"/ihoro","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/9573190?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Integrate FreeBSD Jail support into Kyua build process","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Integrate FreeBSD Jail support into Kyua build process"}},{"before":"7f04358afd9d4698b40c48d258f07baec9d8f9c5","after":"8b50c22f196a93ad1a69b1709cb77b5fdc31534e","ref":"refs/heads/freebsd-specifics-conditional-build","pushedAt":"2024-02-05T12:19:55.000Z","pushType":"force_push","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"ihoro","name":"Igor Ostapenko","path":"/ihoro","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/9573190?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Configure conditional build of FreeBSD specifics","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Configure conditional build of FreeBSD specifics"}},{"before":"99692a8c3ac4d3131743fc5601f5b7f8c5aa3cd2","after":"7f04358afd9d4698b40c48d258f07baec9d8f9c5","ref":"refs/heads/freebsd-specifics-conditional-build","pushedAt":"2024-02-05T11:57:53.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"ihoro","name":"Igor Ostapenko","path":"/ihoro","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/9573190?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Configure conditional build of FreeBSD specifics","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Configure conditional build of FreeBSD specifics"}},{"before":null,"after":"99692a8c3ac4d3131743fc5601f5b7f8c5aa3cd2","ref":"refs/heads/freebsd-specifics-conditional-build","pushedAt":"2024-02-05T10:53:33.000Z","pushType":"branch_creation","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"ihoro","name":"Igor Ostapenko","path":"/ihoro","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/9573190?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Integrate FreeBSD Jail support into Kyua build process","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Integrate FreeBSD Jail support into Kyua build process"}},{"before":"70e41f09fbd5bc11df3cb8bdb28d2100c74f2e43","after":"99692a8c3ac4d3131743fc5601f5b7f8c5aa3cd2","ref":"refs/heads/freebsd-jail-execenv","pushedAt":"2024-02-03T16:44:58.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"ihoro","name":"Igor Ostapenko","path":"/ihoro","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/9573190?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Integrate FreeBSD Jail support into Kyua build process","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Integrate FreeBSD Jail support into Kyua build process"}},{"before":"c85354e09ad93a902c9e8a701c042c045ec2a5b7","after":null,"ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-02-03T16:18:05.000Z","pushType":"branch_deletion","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"ihoro","name":"Igor Ostapenko","path":"/ihoro","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/9573190?s=80&v=4"}},{"before":null,"after":"70e41f09fbd5bc11df3cb8bdb28d2100c74f2e43","ref":"refs/heads/freebsd-jail-execenv","pushedAt":"2024-02-03T16:18:05.000Z","pushType":"branch_creation","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"ihoro","name":"Igor Ostapenko","path":"/ihoro","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/9573190?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Add FreeBSD Jail execution environment support\n\nTwo new test case metadata are introduced:\n- execenv: it can be \"host\" by default or \"jail\"\n- execenv_jail: additional jail creation parameters to jail(8)\n\nKyua implicitly adds \"children.max\" to execenv_jail parameters with the\nmaximum possible value. A test case can override it.\n\nIf a test is marked with is_exclusive=\"true\" and execenv=\"jail\" then exclusive\nflag will be ignored and such test will be run in parallel if possible.\n\nA test case lifecycle is extended:\n- execenv init (creates a jail or does nothing for default execenv=\"host\")\n- test exec\n- cleanup exec (optional)\n- execenv cleanup (removes a jail or does nothing for default execenv=\"host\")","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Add FreeBSD Jail execution environment support"}},{"before":null,"after":"c85354e09ad93a902c9e8a701c042c045ec2a5b7","ref":"refs/heads/main","pushedAt":"2024-02-03T15:22:32.000Z","pushType":"branch_creation","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"ihoro","name":"Igor Ostapenko","path":"/ihoro","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/9573190?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Merge pull request #175 from ignatenkobrain/patch-1\n\nUpdate Fedora instructions","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Merge pull request freebsd#175 from ignatenkobrain/patch-1"}}],"hasNextPage":false,"hasPreviousPage":false,"activityType":"all","actor":null,"timePeriod":"all","sort":"DESC","perPage":30,"cursor":"djE6ks8AAAAEVRo0AQA","startCursor":null,"endCursor":null}},"title":"Activity ยท ihoro/kyua"}