package backends import ( "encoding/json" "io/ioutil" "net/http" "net/http/httptest" "strconv" "strings" "testing" . "" log "" . "" ) func TestHTTPAllJsonServer(t *testing.T) { username := "test_user" password := "test_password" topic := "test/topic" var acc = int64(1) clientId := "test_client" version := "2.0.0" mockServer := httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { httpResponse := &HTTPResponse{ Ok: true, Error: "", } var data interface{} var params map[string]interface{} body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body) defer r.Body.Close() err := json.Unmarshal(body, &data) w.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK) w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json") if err != nil { httpResponse.Ok = false httpResponse.Error = "Json unmarshal error" } params = data.(map[string]interface{}) log.Debugf("received params %v for path %s", params, r.URL.Path) if r.URL.Path == "/user" { if params["username"].(string) == username && params["password"].(string) == password { httpResponse.Ok = true httpResponse.Error = "" } else { httpResponse.Ok = false httpResponse.Error = "Wrong credentials." } } else if r.URL.Path == "/superuser" { if params["username"].(string) == username { httpResponse.Ok = true httpResponse.Error = "" } else { httpResponse.Ok = false httpResponse.Error = "Not a superuser." } } else if r.URL.Path == "/acl" { paramsAcc := int64(params["acc"].(float64)) if params["username"].(string) == username && params["topic"].(string) == topic && params["clientid"].(string) == clientId && paramsAcc <= acc { httpResponse.Ok = true httpResponse.Error = "" } else { httpResponse.Ok = false httpResponse.Error = "Acl check failed." } } jsonResponse, err := json.Marshal(httpResponse) if err != nil { w.Write([]byte("error")) } w.Write(jsonResponse) })) defer mockServer.Close() log.Debugf("trying host: %s", mockServer.URL) authOpts := make(map[string]string) authOpts["http_params_mode"] = "json" authOpts["http_response_mode"] = "json" authOpts["http_host"] = strings.Replace(mockServer.URL, "http://", "", -1) authOpts["http_port"] = "" authOpts["http_getuser_uri"] = "/user" authOpts["http_superuser_uri"] = "/superuser" authOpts["http_aclcheck_uri"] = "/acl" authOpts["http_timeout"] = "5" Convey("Given correct options an http backend instance should be returned", t, func() { hb, err := NewHTTP(authOpts, log.DebugLevel, version) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(hb.UserAgent, ShouldEqual, "mosquitto-2.0.0") So(hb.httpMethod, ShouldEqual, http.MethodPost) Convey("Given custom user agent, it should override default one", func() { customAuthOpts := make(map[string]string) for k, v := range authOpts { customAuthOpts[k] = v } customAuthOpts["http_user_agent"] = "custom-user-agent" customHb, err := NewHTTP(customAuthOpts, log.DebugLevel, version) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(customHb.UserAgent, ShouldEqual, "custom-user-agent") }) Convey("Given http method GET, it should override the default POST one", func() { customAuthOpts := make(map[string]string) for k, v := range authOpts { customAuthOpts[k] = v } customAuthOpts["http_method"] = "GET" customHb, err := NewHTTP(customAuthOpts, log.DebugLevel, version) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(customHb.httpMethod, ShouldEqual, http.MethodGet) }) Convey("Given http method PUT, it should override the default POST one", func() { customAuthOpts := make(map[string]string) for k, v := range authOpts { customAuthOpts[k] = v } customAuthOpts["http_method"] = "PUT" customHb, err := NewHTTP(customAuthOpts, log.DebugLevel, version) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(customHb.httpMethod, ShouldEqual, http.MethodPut) }) Convey("Given correct password/username, get user should return true", func() { authenticated, err := hb.GetUser(username, password, clientId) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(authenticated, ShouldBeTrue) }) Convey("Given incorrect password/username, get user should return false", func() { authenticated, err := hb.GetUser(username, "wrong_password", clientId) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(authenticated, ShouldBeFalse) }) Convey("Given correct username, get superuser should return true", func() { authenticated, err := hb.GetSuperuser(username) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(authenticated, ShouldBeTrue) Convey("But disabling superusers by removing superuri should now return false", func() { hb.SuperuserUri = "" superuser, err := hb.GetSuperuser(username) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(superuser, ShouldBeFalse) }) }) Convey("Given incorrect username, get superuser should return false", func() { authenticated, err := hb.GetSuperuser("not_admin") So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(authenticated, ShouldBeFalse) }) Convey("Given correct topic, username, client id and acc, acl check should return true", func() { authenticated, err := hb.CheckAcl(username, topic, clientId, MOSQ_ACL_READ) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(authenticated, ShouldBeTrue) }) Convey("Given an acc that requires more privileges than the user has, check acl should return false", func() { authenticated, err := hb.CheckAcl(username, topic, clientId, MOSQ_ACL_WRITE) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(authenticated, ShouldBeFalse) }) Convey("Given a topic not present in acls, check acl should return false", func() { authenticated, err := hb.CheckAcl(username, "fake/topic", clientId, MOSQ_ACL_READ) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(authenticated, ShouldBeFalse) }) Convey("Given a clientId that doesn't match, check acl should return false", func() { authenticated, err := hb.CheckAcl(username, topic, "fake_client_id", MOSQ_ACL_READ) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(authenticated, ShouldBeFalse) }) hb.Halt() }) } func TestHTTPJsonStatusOnlyServer(t *testing.T) { username := "test_user" password := "test_password" topic := "test/topic" var acc = int64(1) clientId := "test_client" version := "2.0.0" mockServer := httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { var data interface{} var params map[string]interface{} body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body) defer r.Body.Close() err := json.Unmarshal(body, &data) if err != nil { w.WriteHeader(http.StatusBadRequest) } params = data.(map[string]interface{}) log.Debugf("received params %v for path %s", params, r.URL.Path) if r.URL.Path == "/user" { if params["username"].(string) == username && params["password"].(string) == password { w.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK) } else { w.WriteHeader(http.StatusNotFound) } } else if r.URL.Path == "/superuser" { if params["username"].(string) == username { w.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK) } else { w.WriteHeader(http.StatusNotFound) } } else if r.URL.Path == "/acl" { //uAcc := float64.(params["acc"]) paramsAcc := int64(params["acc"].(float64)) if params["username"].(string) == username && params["topic"].(string) == topic && params["clientid"].(string) == clientId && paramsAcc <= acc { w.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK) } else { w.WriteHeader(http.StatusNotFound) } } })) defer mockServer.Close() log.Debugf("trying host: %s", mockServer.URL) authOpts := make(map[string]string) authOpts["http_params_mode"] = "json" authOpts["http_response_mode"] = "status" authOpts["http_host"] = strings.Replace(mockServer.URL, "http://", "", -1) authOpts["http_port"] = "" authOpts["http_getuser_uri"] = "/user" authOpts["http_superuser_uri"] = "/superuser" authOpts["http_aclcheck_uri"] = "/acl" Convey("Given correct options an http backend instance should be returned", t, func() { hb, err := NewHTTP(authOpts, log.DebugLevel, version) So(err, ShouldBeNil) Convey("Given correct password/username, get user should return true", func() { authenticated, err := hb.GetUser(username, password, clientId) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(authenticated, ShouldBeTrue) }) Convey("Given incorrect password/username, get user should return false", func() { authenticated, err := hb.GetUser(username, "wrong_password", clientId) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(authenticated, ShouldBeFalse) }) Convey("Given correct username, get superuser should return true", func() { authenticated, err := hb.GetSuperuser(username) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(authenticated, ShouldBeTrue) Convey("But disabling superusers by removing superuri should now return false", func() { hb.SuperuserUri = "" superuser, err := hb.GetSuperuser(username) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(superuser, ShouldBeFalse) }) }) Convey("Given incorrect username, get superuser should return false", func() { authenticated, err := hb.GetSuperuser("not_admin") So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(authenticated, ShouldBeFalse) }) Convey("Given correct topic, username, client id and acc, acl check should return true", func() { authenticated, err := hb.CheckAcl(username, topic, clientId, MOSQ_ACL_READ) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(authenticated, ShouldBeTrue) }) Convey("Given an acc that requires more privileges than the user has, check acl should return false", func() { authenticated, err := hb.CheckAcl(username, topic, clientId, MOSQ_ACL_WRITE) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(authenticated, ShouldBeFalse) }) Convey("Given a topic not present in acls, check acl should return false", func() { authenticated, err := hb.CheckAcl(username, "fake/topic", clientId, MOSQ_ACL_READ) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(authenticated, ShouldBeFalse) }) Convey("Given a clientId that doesn't match, check acl should return false", func() { authenticated, err := hb.CheckAcl(username, topic, "fake_client_id", MOSQ_ACL_READ) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(authenticated, ShouldBeFalse) }) hb.Halt() }) } func TestHTTPJsonTextResponseServer(t *testing.T) { username := "test_user" password := "test_password" topic := "test/topic" var acc = int64(1) clientId := "test_client" version := "2.0.0" mockServer := httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { var data interface{} var params map[string]interface{} body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body) defer r.Body.Close() err := json.Unmarshal(body, &data) w.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK) if err != nil { w.Write([]byte(err.Error())) } params = data.(map[string]interface{}) log.Debugf("received params %v for path %s", params, r.URL.Path) if r.URL.Path == "/user" { if params["username"].(string) == username && params["password"].(string) == password { w.Write([]byte("ok")) } else { w.Write([]byte("Wrong credentials.")) } } else if r.URL.Path == "/superuser" { if params["username"].(string) == username { w.Write([]byte("ok")) } else { w.Write([]byte("Not a superuser")) } } else if r.URL.Path == "/acl" { //uAcc := float64.(params["acc"]) paramsAcc := int64(params["acc"].(float64)) if params["username"].(string) == username && params["topic"].(string) == topic && params["clientid"].(string) == clientId && paramsAcc <= acc { w.Write([]byte("ok")) } else { w.Write([]byte("Acl check failed.")) } } else { w.Write([]byte("Path not found.")) } })) defer mockServer.Close() log.Debugf("trying host: %s", mockServer.URL) authOpts := make(map[string]string) authOpts["http_params_mode"] = "json" authOpts["http_response_mode"] = "text" authOpts["http_host"] = strings.Replace(mockServer.URL, "http://", "", -1) authOpts["http_port"] = "" authOpts["http_getuser_uri"] = "/user" authOpts["http_superuser_uri"] = "/superuser" authOpts["http_aclcheck_uri"] = "/acl" Convey("Given correct options an http backend instance should be returned", t, func() { hb, err := NewHTTP(authOpts, log.DebugLevel, version) So(err, ShouldBeNil) Convey("Given correct password/username, get user should return true", func() { authenticated, err := hb.GetUser(username, password, clientId) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(authenticated, ShouldBeTrue) }) Convey("Given incorrect password/username, get user should return false", func() { authenticated, err := hb.GetUser(username, "wrong_password", clientId) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(authenticated, ShouldBeFalse) }) Convey("Given correct username, get superuser should return true", func() { authenticated, err := hb.GetSuperuser(username) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(authenticated, ShouldBeTrue) Convey("But disabling superusers by removing superuri should now return false", func() { hb.SuperuserUri = "" superuser, err := hb.GetSuperuser(username) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(superuser, ShouldBeFalse) }) }) Convey("Given incorrect username, get superuser should return false", func() { authenticated, err := hb.GetSuperuser("not_admin") So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(authenticated, ShouldBeFalse) }) Convey("Given correct topic, username, client id and acc, acl check should return true", func() { authenticated, err := hb.CheckAcl(username, topic, clientId, MOSQ_ACL_READ) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(authenticated, ShouldBeTrue) }) Convey("Given an acc that requires more privileges than the user has, check acl should return false", func() { authenticated, err := hb.CheckAcl(username, topic, clientId, MOSQ_ACL_WRITE) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(authenticated, ShouldBeFalse) }) Convey("Given a topic not present in acls, check acl should return false", func() { authenticated, err := hb.CheckAcl(username, "fake/topic", clientId, MOSQ_ACL_READ) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(authenticated, ShouldBeFalse) }) Convey("Given a clientId that doesn't match, check acl should return false", func() { authenticated, err := hb.CheckAcl(username, topic, "fake_client_id", MOSQ_ACL_READ) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(authenticated, ShouldBeFalse) }) hb.Halt() }) } func TestHTTPFormJsonResponseServer(t *testing.T) { username := "test_user" password := "test_password" topic := "test/topic" var acc = int64(1) clientId := "test_client" version := "2.0.0" mockServer := httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { httpResponse := &HTTPResponse{ Ok: true, Error: "", } err := r.ParseForm() if err != nil { w.WriteHeader(http.StatusBadRequest) return } var params = r.Form w.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK) w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json") if r.URL.Path == "/user" { if params["username"][0] == username && params["password"][0] == password { httpResponse.Ok = true httpResponse.Error = "" } else { httpResponse.Ok = false httpResponse.Error = "Wrong credentials." } } else if r.URL.Path == "/superuser" { if params["username"][0] == username { httpResponse.Ok = true httpResponse.Error = "" } else { httpResponse.Ok = false httpResponse.Error = "Not a superuser." } } else if r.URL.Path == "/acl" { paramsAcc, _ := strconv.ParseInt(params["acc"][0], 10, 64) if params["username"][0] == username && params["topic"][0] == topic && params["clientid"][0] == clientId && paramsAcc <= acc { httpResponse.Ok = true httpResponse.Error = "" } else { httpResponse.Ok = false httpResponse.Error = "Acl check failed." } } jsonResponse, err := json.Marshal(httpResponse) if err != nil { w.Write([]byte("error")) } w.Write(jsonResponse) })) defer mockServer.Close() log.Debugf("trying host: %s", mockServer.URL) authOpts := make(map[string]string) authOpts["http_params_mode"] = "form" authOpts["http_response_mode"] = "json" authOpts["http_host"] = strings.Replace(mockServer.URL, "http://", "", -1) authOpts["http_port"] = "" authOpts["http_getuser_uri"] = "/user" authOpts["http_superuser_uri"] = "/superuser" authOpts["http_aclcheck_uri"] = "/acl" Convey("Given correct options an http backend instance should be returned", t, func() { hb, err := NewHTTP(authOpts, log.DebugLevel, version) So(err, ShouldBeNil) Convey("Given correct password/username, get user should return true", func() { authenticated, err := hb.GetUser(username, password, clientId) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(authenticated, ShouldBeTrue) }) Convey("Given incorrect password/username, get user should return false", func() { authenticated, err := hb.GetUser(username, "wrong_password", clientId) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(authenticated, ShouldBeFalse) }) Convey("Given correct username, get superuser should return true", func() { authenticated, err := hb.GetSuperuser(username) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(authenticated, ShouldBeTrue) Convey("But disabling superusers by removing superuri should now return false", func() { hb.SuperuserUri = "" superuser, err := hb.GetSuperuser(username) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(superuser, ShouldBeFalse) }) }) Convey("Given incorrect username, get superuser should return false", func() { authenticated, err := hb.GetSuperuser("not_admin") So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(authenticated, ShouldBeFalse) }) Convey("Given correct topic, username, client id and acc, acl check should return true", func() { authenticated, err := hb.CheckAcl(username, topic, clientId, MOSQ_ACL_READ) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(authenticated, ShouldBeTrue) }) Convey("Given an acc that requires more privileges than the user has, check acl should return false", func() { authenticated, err := hb.CheckAcl(username, topic, clientId, MOSQ_ACL_WRITE) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(authenticated, ShouldBeFalse) }) Convey("Given a topic not present in acls, check acl should return false", func() { authenticated, err := hb.CheckAcl(username, "fake/topic", clientId, MOSQ_ACL_READ) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(authenticated, ShouldBeFalse) }) Convey("Given a clientId that doesn't match, check acl should return false", func() { authenticated, err := hb.CheckAcl(username, topic, "fake_client_id", MOSQ_ACL_READ) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(authenticated, ShouldBeFalse) }) hb.Halt() }) } func TestHTTPFormStatusOnlyServer(t *testing.T) { username := "test_user" password := "test_password" topic := "test/topic" var acc = int64(1) clientId := "test_client" version := "2.0.0" mockServer := httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { err := r.ParseForm() if err != nil { w.WriteHeader(http.StatusBadRequest) return } var params = r.Form if r.URL.Path == "/user" { if params["username"][0] == username && params["password"][0] == password { w.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK) } else { w.WriteHeader(http.StatusNotFound) } } else if r.URL.Path == "/superuser" { if params["username"][0] == username { w.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK) } else { w.WriteHeader(http.StatusNotFound) } } else if r.URL.Path == "/acl" { paramsAcc, _ := strconv.ParseInt(params["acc"][0], 10, 64) if params["username"][0] == username && params["topic"][0] == topic && params["clientid"][0] == clientId && paramsAcc <= acc { w.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK) } else { w.WriteHeader(http.StatusNotFound) } } })) defer mockServer.Close() log.Debugf("trying host: %s", mockServer.URL) authOpts := make(map[string]string) authOpts["http_params_mode"] = "form" authOpts["http_response_mode"] = "status" authOpts["http_host"] = strings.Replace(mockServer.URL, "http://", "", -1) authOpts["http_port"] = "" authOpts["http_getuser_uri"] = "/user" authOpts["http_superuser_uri"] = "/superuser" authOpts["http_aclcheck_uri"] = "/acl" Convey("Given correct options an http backend instance should be returned", t, func() { hb, err := NewHTTP(authOpts, log.DebugLevel, version) So(err, ShouldBeNil) Convey("Given correct password/username, get user should return true", func() { authenticated, err := hb.GetUser(username, password, clientId) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(authenticated, ShouldBeTrue) }) Convey("Given incorrect password/username, get user should return false", func() { authenticated, err := hb.GetUser(username, "wrong_password", clientId) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(authenticated, ShouldBeFalse) }) Convey("Given correct username, get superuser should return true", func() { authenticated, err := hb.GetSuperuser(username) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(authenticated, ShouldBeTrue) Convey("But disabling superusers by removing superuri should now return false", func() { hb.SuperuserUri = "" superuser, err := hb.GetSuperuser(username) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(superuser, ShouldBeFalse) }) }) Convey("Given incorrect username, get superuser should return false", func() { authenticated, err := hb.GetSuperuser("not_admin") So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(authenticated, ShouldBeFalse) }) Convey("Given correct topic, username, client id and acc, acl check should return true", func() { authenticated, err := hb.CheckAcl(username, topic, clientId, MOSQ_ACL_READ) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(authenticated, ShouldBeTrue) }) Convey("Given an acc that requires more privileges than the user has, check acl should return false", func() { authenticated, err := hb.CheckAcl(username, topic, clientId, MOSQ_ACL_WRITE) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(authenticated, ShouldBeFalse) }) Convey("Given a topic not present in acls, check acl should return false", func() { authenticated, err := hb.CheckAcl(username, "fake/topic", clientId, MOSQ_ACL_READ) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(authenticated, ShouldBeFalse) }) Convey("Given a clientId that doesn't match, check acl should return false", func() { authenticated, err := hb.CheckAcl(username, topic, "fake_client_id", MOSQ_ACL_READ) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(authenticated, ShouldBeFalse) }) hb.Halt() }) } func TestHTTPFormTextResponseServer(t *testing.T) { username := "test_user" password := "test_password" topic := "test/topic" var acc = int64(1) clientId := "test_client" version := "2.0.0" mockServer := httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { w.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK) err := r.ParseForm() if err != nil { w.WriteHeader(http.StatusBadRequest) return } var params = r.Form if r.URL.Path == "/user" { if params["username"][0] == username && params["password"][0] == password { w.Write([]byte("ok")) } else { w.Write([]byte("Wrong credentials.")) } } else if r.URL.Path == "/superuser" { if params["username"][0] == username { w.Write([]byte("ok")) } else { w.Write([]byte("Not a superuser")) } } else if r.URL.Path == "/acl" { paramsAcc, _ := strconv.ParseInt(params["acc"][0], 10, 64) if params["username"][0] == username && params["topic"][0] == topic && params["clientid"][0] == clientId && paramsAcc <= acc { w.Write([]byte("ok")) } else { w.Write([]byte("Acl check failed.")) } } else { w.Write([]byte("Path not found.")) } })) defer mockServer.Close() log.Debugf("trying host: %s", mockServer.URL) authOpts := make(map[string]string) authOpts["http_params_mode"] = "form" authOpts["http_response_mode"] = "text" authOpts["http_host"] = strings.Replace(mockServer.URL, "http://", "", -1) authOpts["http_port"] = "" authOpts["http_getuser_uri"] = "/user" authOpts["http_superuser_uri"] = "/superuser" authOpts["http_aclcheck_uri"] = "/acl" Convey("Given correct options an http backend instance should be returned", t, func() { hb, err := NewHTTP(authOpts, log.DebugLevel, version) So(err, ShouldBeNil) Convey("Given correct password/username, get user should return true", func() { authenticated, err := hb.GetUser(username, password, clientId) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(authenticated, ShouldBeTrue) }) Convey("Given incorrect password/username, get user should return false", func() { authenticated, err := hb.GetUser(username, "wrong_password", clientId) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(authenticated, ShouldBeFalse) }) Convey("Given correct username, get superuser should return true", func() { authenticated, err := hb.GetSuperuser(username) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(authenticated, ShouldBeTrue) Convey("But disabling superusers by removing superuri should now return false", func() { hb.SuperuserUri = "" superuser, err := hb.GetSuperuser(username) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(superuser, ShouldBeFalse) }) }) Convey("Given incorrect username, get superuser should return false", func() { authenticated, err := hb.GetSuperuser("not_admin") So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(authenticated, ShouldBeFalse) }) Convey("Given correct topic, username, client id and acc, acl check should return true", func() { authenticated, err := hb.CheckAcl(username, topic, clientId, MOSQ_ACL_READ) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(authenticated, ShouldBeTrue) }) Convey("Given an acc that requires more privileges than the user has, check acl should return false", func() { authenticated, err := hb.CheckAcl(username, topic, clientId, MOSQ_ACL_WRITE) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(authenticated, ShouldBeFalse) }) Convey("Given a topic not present in acls, check acl should return false", func() { authenticated, err := hb.CheckAcl(username, "fake/topic", clientId, MOSQ_ACL_READ) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(authenticated, ShouldBeFalse) }) Convey("Given a clientId that doesn't match, check acl should return false", func() { authenticated, err := hb.CheckAcl(username, topic, "fake_client_id", MOSQ_ACL_READ) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(authenticated, ShouldBeFalse) }) hb.Halt() }) }