import { Compilation } from 'webpack'; import type { Compiler, WebpackPluginInstance } from 'webpack'; import htmlWebpackPlugin from 'html-webpack-plugin'; import type { HtmlTagObject } from 'html-webpack-plugin'; import { PLUGIN_PREFIX } from './constants'; export type PluginOptions = { scriptMatchPattern?: RegExp[]; htmlMatchPattern?: RegExp[]; }; class HtmlInlineScriptPlugin implements WebpackPluginInstance { scriptMatchPattern: NonNullable; htmlMatchPattern: NonNullable; processedScriptFiles: string[]; ignoredHtmlFiles: string[]; constructor(options: PluginOptions = {}) { if (options && Array.isArray(options)) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.error( '\x1b[35m%s \x1b[31m%s %s\x1b[0m', '[html-inline-script-webpack-plugin]', 'Options is now an object containing `scriptMatchPattern` and `htmlMatchPattern` in version 3.x.', 'Please refer to documentation for more information.' ); throw new Error('OPTIONS_PATTERN_UNMATCHED'); } const { scriptMatchPattern = [/.+[.]js$/], htmlMatchPattern = [/.+[.]html$/] } = options; this.scriptMatchPattern = scriptMatchPattern; this.htmlMatchPattern = htmlMatchPattern; this.processedScriptFiles = []; this.ignoredHtmlFiles = []; } isFileNeedsToBeInlined( assetName: string ): boolean { return this.scriptMatchPattern.some((test) => assetName.match(test)); } shouldProcessHtml( templateName: string ): boolean { return this.htmlMatchPattern.some((test) => templateName.match(test)); } processScriptTag( publicPath: string, assets: Compilation['assets'], tag: HtmlTagObject ): HtmlTagObject { if (tag.tagName !== 'script' || !tag.attributes?.src) { return tag; } // Decoded is needed for special characters in filename like '@' since they will be escaped const scriptName = decodeURIComponent((tag.attributes.src as string).replace(publicPath, '')); if (!this.isFileNeedsToBeInlined(scriptName)) { return tag; } const asset = assets[scriptName]; if (!asset) { return tag; } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars const { src, ...attributesWithoutSrc } = tag.attributes; this.processedScriptFiles.push(scriptName); return { tagName: 'script', // escape '' appears in source innerHTML: (asset.source() as string).replace(/(<)(\/script>)/g, '\\x3C$2'), voidTag: false, attributes: attributesWithoutSrc, meta: { plugin: 'html-inline-script-webpack-plugin' } }; } apply(compiler: Compiler): void { let publicPath = compiler.options?.output?.publicPath as string || ''; if (publicPath && !publicPath.endsWith('/')) { publicPath += '/'; } compiler.hooks.compilation.tap(`${PLUGIN_PREFIX}_compilation`, (compilation) => { const hooks = htmlWebpackPlugin.getHooks(compilation); hooks.alterAssetTags.tap(`${PLUGIN_PREFIX}_alterAssetTags`, (data) => { const htmlFileName = data.plugin.options?.filename; if (htmlFileName && !this.shouldProcessHtml(htmlFileName)) { this.ignoredHtmlFiles.push(htmlFileName); return data; } data.assetTags.scripts = (tag: HtmlTagObject) => this.processScriptTag(publicPath, compilation.assets, tag) ); return data; }); compilation.hooks.processAssets.tap({ name: `${PLUGIN_PREFIX}_PROCESS_ASSETS_STAGE_SUMMARIZE`, stage: Compilation.PROCESS_ASSETS_STAGE_SUMMARIZE }, (assets) => { if (this.ignoredHtmlFiles.length === 0) { this.processedScriptFiles.forEach((assetName) => { delete assets[assetName]; }); } }); }); } } export default HtmlInlineScriptPlugin;