import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; import * as aws from "@pulumi/aws"; import * as awscloud from "@pulumi/cloud-aws"; let config = new pulumi.Config("airflow"); const dbPassword = config.require("dbPassword"); let securityGroupIds = [ awscloud.getCluster()!.securityGroupId! ]; let dbSubnets = new aws.rds.SubnetGroup("dbsubnets", { subnetIds: awscloud.getNetwork().subnetIds, }); let db = new aws.rds.Instance("postgresdb", { engine: "postgres", instanceClass: "db.t2.micro", allocatedStorage: 20, dbSubnetGroupName:, vpcSecurityGroupIds: securityGroupIds, name: "airflow", username: "airflow", password: dbPassword, skipFinalSnapshot: true, }); let cacheSubnets = new aws.elasticache.SubnetGroup("cachesubnets", { subnetIds: awscloud.getNetwork().subnetIds, }); let cacheCluster = new aws.elasticache.Cluster("cachecluster", { clusterId: "cache-" + pulumi.getStack(), engine: "redis", nodeType: "cache.t2.micro", numCacheNodes: 1, subnetGroupName:, securityGroupIds: securityGroupIds, }); let environment = { "POSTGRES_HOST": db.endpoint.apply(e => e.split(":")[0]), "POSTGRES_PASSWORD": dbPassword, "REDIS_HOST": cacheCluster.cacheNodes.apply(n => n[0].address), "EXECUTOR": "Celery", }; let airflowController = new awscloud.Service("airflowcontroller", { containers: { "webserver": { build: "./airflow-container", ports: [{ port: 8080, external: true, protocol: "http" }], environment: environment, command: [ "webserver" ], }, "scheduler": { build: "./airflow-container", environment: environment, command: [ "scheduler" ], }, }, replicas: 1, }); let airflower = new awscloud.Service("airflower", { containers: { // If the container is named "flower", we create environment variables that start // with `FLOWER_` and Flower tries and fails to parse them as configuration. "notflower": { build: "./airflow-container", ports: [{ port: 5555, external: true, protocol: "http" }], environment: environment, command: [ "flower" ], }, }, }); let airflowWorkers = new awscloud.Service("airflowworkers", { containers: { "worker": { build: "./airflow-container", environment: environment, command: [ "worker" ], memory: 1024, }, }, replicas: 3, }); export let airflowEndpoint = airflowController.defaultEndpoint.apply(e => e.hostname); export let flowerEndpoint = airflower.defaultEndpoint.apply(e => e.hostname);