import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; import * as cloud from "@pulumi/cloud"; import * as crypto from "crypto"; import * as slack from "@slack/client"; import { formatSlackMessage } from "./util"; const config = new pulumi.Config(); const stackConfig = { // Webhook secret used to authenticate messages. Must match the value on the // webhook's settings. sharedSecret: config.get("sharedSecret"), slackToken: config.require("slackToken"), slackChannel: config.require("slackChannel"), }; // Just logs information aincomming webhook request. async function logRequest(req: cloud.Request, _: cloud.Response, next: () => void) { const webhookID = req.headers["pulumi-webhook-id"]; const webhookKind = req.headers["pulumi-webhook-kind"]; console.log(`Received webhook from Pulumi ${webhookID} [${webhookKind}]`); next(); } // Webhooks can optionally be configured with a shared secret, so that webhook handlers like this app can authenticate // message integrity. Rejects any incomming requests that don't have a valid "pulumi-webhook-signature" header. async function authenticateRequest(req: cloud.Request, res: cloud.Response, next: () => void) { const webhookSig = req.headers["pulumi-webhook-signature"] as string; // headers[] returns (string | string[]). if (!stackConfig.sharedSecret || !webhookSig) { next(); return; } const payload = req.body.toString(); const hmacAlg = crypto.createHmac("sha256", stackConfig.sharedSecret); const hmac = hmacAlg.update(payload).digest("hex"); const result = crypto.timingSafeEqual(Buffer.from(webhookSig), Buffer.from(hmac)); if (!result) { console.log(`Mismatch between expected signature and HMAC: '${webhookSig}' vs. '${hmac}'.`); res.status(400).end("Unable to authenticate message: Mismatch between signature and HMAC"); return; } next(); } const webhookHandler = new cloud.HttpEndpoint("pulumi-webhook-handler"); webhookHandler.get("/", async (_, res) => { res.status(200).end("🍹 Pulumi Webhook Responder🍹\n"); });"/", logRequest, authenticateRequest, async (req, res) => { const webhookKind = req.headers["pulumi-webhook-kind"] as string; // headers[] returns (string | string[]). const payload = req.body.toString(); const parsedPayload = JSON.parse(payload); const prettyPrintedPayload = JSON.stringify(parsedPayload, null, 2); const client = new slack.WebClient(stackConfig.slackToken); const fallbackText = `Pulumi Service Webhook (\`${webhookKind}\`)\n` + "```\n" + prettyPrintedPayload + "```\n"; const messageArgs: slack.ChatPostMessageArguments = { channel: stackConfig.slackChannel, text: fallbackText, as_user: true, } // Format the Slack message based on the kind of webhook received. const formattedMessageArgs = formatSlackMessage(webhookKind, parsedPayload, messageArgs); await; res.status(200).end(`posted to Slack channel ${stackConfig.slackChannel}\n`); }); export const url = webhookHandler.publish().url;