// Copyright 2016-2019, Pulumi Corporation. All rights reserved. import * as awsx from "@pulumi/awsx"; import * as eks from "@pulumi/eks"; import * as k8s from "@pulumi/kubernetes"; import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; import * as echoserver from "./echoserver"; import * as iam from "./iam"; import * as nginx from "./nginx"; import * as utils from "./utils"; const projectName = pulumi.getProject(); // Allocate a new VPC with custom settings, and a public & private subnet per AZ. const vpc = new awsx.ec2.Vpc(`${projectName}`, { cidrBlock: "", subnets: [{ type: "public" }, { type: "private" }], }); // Export VPC ID and Subnets. export const vpcId = vpc.id; export const allVpcSubnets = pulumi.all([vpc.privateSubnetIds, vpc.publicSubnetIds]) .apply(([privateSubnetIds, publicSubnetIds]) => privateSubnetIds.concat(publicSubnetIds)); // Create 3 IAM Roles and matching InstanceProfiles to use with the nodegroups. const roles = iam.createRoles(projectName, 3); const instanceProfiles = iam.createInstanceProfiles(projectName, roles); // Create an EKS cluster. const myCluster = new eks.Cluster(`${projectName}`, { version: "1.13", vpcId: vpcId, subnetIds: allVpcSubnets, nodeAssociatePublicIpAddress: false, skipDefaultNodeGroup: true, deployDashboard: false, instanceRoles: roles, enabledClusterLogTypes: ["api", "audit", "authenticator", "controllerManager", "scheduler"], }); export const kubeconfig = myCluster.kubeconfig; export const clusterName = myCluster.core.cluster.name; // Create a Standard node group of t2.medium workers. const ngStandard = utils.createNodeGroup(`${projectName}-ng-standard`, { ami: "ami-03a55127c613349a7", // k8s v1.13.7 in us-west-2 instanceType: "t2.medium", desiredCapacity: 3, cluster: myCluster, instanceProfile: instanceProfiles[0], }); // Create a 2xlarge node group of t3.2xlarge workers with taints on the nodes // dedicated for the NGINX Ingress Controller. const ng2xlarge = utils.createNodeGroup(`${projectName}-ng-2xlarge`, { ami: "ami-0355c210cb3f58aa2", // k8s v1.12.7 in us-west-2 instanceType: "t3.2xlarge", desiredCapacity: 3, cluster: myCluster, instanceProfile: instanceProfiles[1], taints: {"nginx": { value: "true", effect: "NoSchedule"}}, }); // Create a Namespace for NGINX Ingress Controller and the echoserver workload. const namespace = new k8s.core.v1.Namespace("apps", undefined, { provider: myCluster.provider }); export const namespaceName = namespace.metadata.name; // Deploy the NGINX Ingress Controller on the specified node group. const image: string = "quay.io/kubernetes-ingress-controller/nginx-ingress-controller:0.25.0"; const ingressClass: string = "my-nginx-class"; const nginxService = nginx.create("nginx-ing-cntlr", { image: image, replicas: 3, namespace: namespaceName, ingressClass: ingressClass, provider: myCluster.provider, nodeSelectorTermValues: ["t3.2xlarge"], }); export const nginxServiceUrl = nginxService.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname; // Deploy the echoserver Workload on the Standard node group. const echoserverDeployment = echoserver.create("echoserver", { replicas: 3, namespace: namespaceName, ingressClass: ingressClass, provider: myCluster.provider, });