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A service for checking URLs are safe.

Installing Checkmate in a development environment

You will need

Clone the Git repo

git clone

This will download the code into a checkmate directory in your current working directory. You need to be in the checkmate directory from the remainder of the installation process:

cd checkmate

Run the services with Docker Compose

Start the services that Checkmate requires using Docker Compose:

make services

Create the development data and settings

Create the database contents and environment variable settings needed to get Checkmate working:

make devdata

Start the development server

make dev

The first time you run make dev it might take a while to start because it'll need to install the application dependencies and build the assets.

This will start the app on https://localhost:9099.

That's it! You’ve finished setting up your Checkmate development environment. Run make help to see all the commands that are available for running the tests, linting, code formatting, etc.


GET /api/check?url=<url_to_check><