## Building from source Ensure you have JDK 8 (or newer), Maven 3.1.1 (or newer) and Git installed java -version mvn -version git --version First clone the Keycloak repository: git clone https://github.com/keycloak/keycloak.git cd keycloak To build Keycloak run: mvn install This will build all modules and run the testsuite. To build the ZIP distribution run: mvn install -Pdistribution Once completed you will find distribution archives in `distribution`. To build only the server run: mvn -Pdistribution -pl distribution/server-dist -am -Dmaven.test.skip clean install ## Starting Keycloak To start Keycloak during development first build as specified above, then run: mvn -f testsuite/utils/pom.xml exec:java -Pkeycloak-server When running testsuite, by default an account with username `admin` and password `admin` will be created within the master realm at start. To start Keycloak from the server distribution first build the distribution it as specified above, then run: tar xfz distribution/server-dist/target/keycloak-.tar.gz cd keycloak- bin/standalone.sh To stop the server press `Ctrl + C`. ## Working with the codebase We don't currently enforce a code style in Keycloak, but a good reference is the code style used by WildFly. This can be retrieved from [Wildfly ide-configs](https://github.com/wildfly/wildfly-core/tree/master/ide-configs).To import formatting rules, see following [instructions](http://community.jboss.org/wiki/ImportFormattingRules). If your changes require updates to the database read [Updating Database Schema](updating-database-schema.md). If your changes require introducing new dependencies or updating dependency versions please discuss this first on the dev mailing list. We do not accept new dependencies to be added lightly, so try to use what is available.