## 0.7.1 - rule should pass if commit component raw is null (fix #18) ## 0.7.0 - Support `references-empty` rule. ## 0.6.3 - Bump `ansi` version `0.4.0` ## 0.6.2 - Bump `ansi` version to `0.3.0`, `change_case` to `1.1.0` ## 0.6.1 - Fix bug in reading history commits when body contains multi lines ## 0.6.0 > Note: This release has breaking changes. - **BREAKING** **FEAT**: Support ignores commit messages. Default ignores patterns are: - `r'((Merge pull request)|(Merge (.*?) into (.*?)|(Merge branch (.*?)))(?:\r?\n)*$)'` - `r'(Merge tag (.*?))(?:\r?\n)*$'` - `r'(R|r)evert (.*)'` - `r'(fixup|squash)!'` - `r'(Merged (.*?)(in|into) (.*)|Merged PR (.*): (.*))'` - `r'Merge remote-tracking branch(\s*)(.*)'` - `r'Automatic merge(.*)'` - `r'Auto-merged (.*?) into (.*)'` ## 0.5.0 > Note: This release has breaking changes. - **BREAKING** **FEAT**: throw exception if read commit message failed - **FEAT**: support multi scopes - **FIX**: print empty when output is empty (fix #9) ## 0.4.2 - Set dart sdk minVersion to 2.15.0 ## 0.4.1 - Add exmaple README.md ## 0.4.0 > Note: This release has breaking changes. - **BREAKING** **FEAT**: remove `--version` - **BREAKING** **FEAT**: Replace support of `DEBUG=true` env to `VERBOSE=true` by using package [`verbose`](https://pub.dev/packages/verbose). - Fix parse `!` like `feat!:subject`. - Fix parse Merge commit. ## 0.3.0 > Note: This release has breaking changes. - **BREAKING** **REFACTOR**: Make all `commitlint_*` packages into one `commitlint_cli` package. - Move `package:commitlint_config/commitlint.yaml` to `package:commitlint_cli/commitlint.yaml`. - Support `DEBUG=true` env to print verbose message. ## 0.2.1+1 - Update a dependency to the latest release. ## 0.2.1 - **FEAT**: add documentation link. ([305bb990](https://github.com/hyiso/commitlint/commit/305bb990f0e1f70e6f0ca7266231603a28c84820)) ## 0.2.0 > Note: This release has breaking changes. - **FEAT**: change cli to CommandRunner. ([f8b640ab](https://github.com/hyiso/commitlint/commit/f8b640ab1b337ed27ae4b37808d4fea74869c709)) - **BREAKING** **FEAT**: change --edit preceded to --from and --to. ([fb9a6a8d](https://github.com/hyiso/commitlint/commit/fb9a6a8d33b87d8ee3784642e284a68b6cc90dea)) ## 0.1.0+1 - **DOCS**: add usage documentation. ([23f70976](https://github.com/hyiso/commitlint/commit/23f70976f2bb87776a0951f6fb7ccb067f743c52)) ## 0.1.0 - Initial version.