Always Be Coding
- Vaudreuil-Dorion, QC
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orphanage-rs / rust-typemap
Forked from reem/rust-typemapA typesafe store keyed by types and containing different types of values.
vnmakarov / ruby
Forked from ruby/rubyThe Ruby Programming Language
A Spree extension to allow users to batch upload Products from a CSV file using Delayed Job
Comprehensive import and export tools for Spree and Spree Products
joshuaeckroth / clj-ml
Forked from bmabey/clj-mlA machine learning library for Clojure built on top of Weka and friends
edgecase / ruby_koans
Forked from spatten/ruby_koansLearn Ruby with the Edgecase Ruby Koans
TheStalwart / Theremin
Forked from pweiskircher/ThereminUndead Mac OS X MPD Client.