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audioMotion is a media player and high-resolution real-time audio spectrum analyzer that allows you to SEE your music! ♪♫🤩
It is completely free, open-source software, created out of my passion for the graphic spectrum analyzers of hi-fi systems from the 1980s.


  • Dual channel high-resolution real-time audio spectrum analyzer
  • Media player with subtitles support for audio and video files
  • Fullscreen and Picture-In-Picture display at 60fps, ready for Retina / HiDPI screens
  • Logarithmic, linear and perceptual (Bark and Mel) frequency scales, with customizable range
  • Visualization of discrete FFT frequencies or up to 240 frequency bands (supports ANSI and equal-tempered octave bands)
  • Decibel and linear amplitude scales, with customizable sensitivity
  • Optional A, B, C, D and ITU-R 468 weighting filters
  • Optional effects: vintage LEDs, variable opacity, mirroring and reflection, radial spectrum
  • 17 beautiful color gradients, plus a visual editor to easily create your own gradients
  • Support for M3U playlists (.m3u and .m3u8 file extensions)
  • Visualize audio from your microphone (or "stereo mix", if your soundcard supports it)

?> For developers:
Check out audioMotion-analyzer for easy integration of audioMotion's full-featured spectrum analyzer into your own Javascript projects!

Getting started

Open the web app:

Use a Chromium-based browser to be able to play media files from your hard drive. Works on Chrome, Opera and Edge by default.

On Brave browser, access chrome:https://flags/#file-system-access-api to enable this feature.

Installing and uninstalling

Install audioMotion on your PC by clicking the install icon located in the browser's address bar, as shown below:


To uninstall, click the three-line menu (☰) in the app window and choose "Uninstall audioMotion...".


When uninstalling you'll have the option to also delete app data -- this will erase all your settings, custom presets, gradients and saved playlists!

On Windows, you can also uninstall via Control Panel.

?> See the User's Manual for the complete documentation of audioMotion's features and settings.


Special thanks

I would like to thank:

My wife Virginia, for the endless love and support! 💞

Yuji Koike, for his great Soniq Viewer for iOS, which inspired me to create audioMotion.

And all the developers and artists, for the following resources:

JavaScript libraries

  • buffer - Node.js Buffer API, for the browser
  • express - fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for node
  • idb-keyval - super-simple promise-based keyval store implemented with IndexedDB
  • music-metadata-browser - stream and file based music metadata parser for the browser
  • notie - clean and simple notification, input, and selection suite for javascript, with no dependencies
  • open - open stuff like URLs, files, executables
  • pkg - single-command Node.js binary compiler
  • process - process information for node.js and browsers
  • readline-sync - synchronous Readline for interactively requesting user input via console
  • scrollIntoViewIfNeeded 4 everyone - polyfill for non-standard scrollIntoViewIfNeeded() method
  • serve-index - serve directory listings
  • sortablejs - JavaScript library for reorderable drag-and-drop lists
  • webpack - JavaScript module bundler for the browser

Graphic resources

Resources used in the web app


These online references were invaluable for the development and improvement of audioMotion:


audioMotion.js copyright (c) 2018-2024 Henrique Avila Vianna
Licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 or later.

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