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Gin is a HTTP web framework written in Go (Golang). It features a Martini-like API with much better performance -- up to 40 times faster. If you need smashing performance, get yourself some Gin.
The world’s fastest framework for building websites.
The Moby Project - a collaborative project for the container ecosystem to assemble container-based systems
The Prometheus monitoring system and time series database.
The fantastic ORM library for Golang, aims to be developer friendly
Cross platform GUI toolkit in Go inspired by Material Design
Podman: A tool for managing OCI containers and pods.
OpenTofu lets you declaratively manage your cloud infrastructure.
A simple, fast, and fun package for building command line apps in Go
The Go language implementation of gRPC. HTTP/2 based RPC
Go language library for reading and writing Microsoft Excel™ (XLAM / XLSM / XLSX / XLTM / XLTX) spreadsheets
💯Go Struct and Field validation, including Cross Field, Cross Struct, Map, Slice and Array diving
Go MySQL Driver is a MySQL driver for Go's (golang) database/sql package
A compiler from Go to JavaScript for running Go code in a browser
A task runner / simpler Make alternative written in Go
Terminal UI library with rich, interactive widgets — written in Golang
Ebitengine - A dead simple 2D game engine for Go
⏰ 🔥 A TCP proxy to simulate network and system conditions for chaos and resiliency testing
Grumpy is a Python to Go source code transcompiler and runtime.
Qt binding for Go (Golang) with support for Windows / macOS / Linux / FreeBSD / Android / iOS / Sailfish OS / Raspberry Pi / AsteroidOS / Ubuntu Touch / JavaScript / WebAssembly