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Integration tests

This directory contains a list of integration tests for the Mock Service Worker library. Our integration tests are example-driven, meaning that each test features a specific usage example and asserts its behavior. We use the page-with package to compile and run a usage example within an automated browser environment.

This directory categorizes all test suites based on the library's execution or API domain:

  • /rest-api, tests for RESTful API mocking.
  • /graphql-api, rests for GraphQL API mocking.
  • /msw-api, tests for the library's API.

Test structure

Example-driven test consists of two parts:

  • *.mocks.ts, a usage example and also a code snippet to test.
  • *.test.ts, an actual test suite for Jest.


Please see the Contribution guidelines for the instructions on how to run and add new tests. Thank you.