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= Welcome to Blerb!

== Installation
  * Install merb-core, merb-more and merb-plugins from wycats repo on github
  * Install merb-core
    * git clone git:
    * cd merb-core
    * rake install
    * sudo cp bin/merb /usr/bin/merb
    * or use one-liner: git clone git: && cd merb-core && rake install && sudo cp bin/merb /usr/bin/merb
  * Install merb-more
    * git clone git:
    * cd merb-more
    * cd merb-action-args
    * rake install
    * cd ../merb-assets
    * rake install
    * cd ../merb-test
    * rake install
    * cd ../merb-mailer
    * rake install
    * or use one-liner: git clone git: && cd merb-more/merb-action-args && rake install && cd ../merb-assets && rake install && cd ../merb-test && rake install && cd ../merb-mailer && rake install
  * Install merb-plugins
    * git clone git:
    * cd merb-plugins
    * cd merb_datamapper
    * rake install
    * cd ../merb_helpers
    * rake install
    * cd ../merb_rspec
    * rake install
    * or use one-liner: git clone git: && cd merb-plugins/merb_datamapper && rake install && cd ../merb_helpers && rake install && cd ../merb_rspec && rake install
  * git clone git: - anon checkout
  * git clone [email protected]:hornbeck/blerb-core.git   - commit access
  * cd blerb-core
  * cp config/database.yml.sample config/database.yml
  * fill in the correct database credentials
  * cp config/settings.sample.yml config/settings.yml
  * fill in the correct blog settings
  * rake dm:db:automigrate
  * script/blerb

Blerb should now be running on port 4000, so open up your browser and visit localhost:4000!

== Dependencies (versions tested)

merb-core         (0.9)
merb-more         (0.9.0)
merb-action-args  (0.9.0)
merb-assets       (0.9.0)
merb-mailer       (0.9.1)
merb-test         (0.9.0)
merb_datamapper   (0.9.0)
merb_helpers      (0.9.0)
merb_rspec        (0.9.0)
datamapper        (0.3.0)
rspec             (1.1.3)
do_yourdbhere     (varies)


blerb running on merb-core






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