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In order to release to Maven central, you will need an account with Sonatype OSSRH. If you do not already have an account, you can click the signup link from the login screen to begin the process of registering for an account:

  • Open a ticket (similar to this) on and request permissions to verify and promote builds on for io.honeybadger.
  • An existing deployer of the honeybadger packages will probably have to approve you by commenting on the ticket, so reach out to them!

Semi-Automated Releases

The easiest (and recommended) way to make a release is to run the "Java Deploy" Github Workflow. This workflow is simply executing the steps outlined below in the Manual Releases section.

  1. Navigate to the workflow page
  2. Click on Run workflow
  3. Set the release version (i.e. 3.2.5)
  4. Initiate the workflow
  5. Wait for the workflow to complete
  6. Log into the Sonatype OSSHR Next web interface to verify and promote the build:
    • Click on Staging Repositories
    • Click on the version that was just uploaded
    • Inspect the Content tab
    • Click on Close
    • Now you have to wait a while, until the Release button becomes available
    • Click Release
  7. That's it! Congrats!

Note: The workflow can only be executed by users with write permissions (i.e. Collaborators).

Manual Releases

You will need to add your sonatype credentials to your your maven settings file. By default this settings file is located at $HOME/.m2/settings.xml. In addition to sonatype credentials, you will also need to add a PGP key (which can be generated with gpg), gpg signing key configuration and upload your key to a public keyserver.

For the security conscious, a guide to encrypting credentials in maven settings files exists to illustrate how credentials can be protected.

The following is an example settings.xml file which will read requied fields from the environment. Don't forget to set environment values (or literal values in the file) for the requred fields: SONATYPE_USERNAME, SONATYPE_PASSWORD, GPG_KEYNAME, GPG_PASSPHRASE. Using the format ${env.SONATYPE_USERNAME} allows the usage of environment variables but literal values can be supplied directly where desired.

<settings xmlns="http:"
    <!-- Snapshot Repo -->
        <!-- Customize the following properties to configure your gpg settings. -->
        or passed directly:

To perform a release:

  1. Make sure the source builds, test suites pass, and the source and java artifacts can be generated and signed: mvn clean verify -Prelease
  2. Start from a clean working directory and make sure you have no modified files in your workspace: mvn clean && git status
  3. Prepare the release:
  4. mvn release:clean release:prepare
  5. Enter the version to be associated with this release. You should be prompted for this version number, and the default assumed version will be shown and should correspond to the version that was in the pom.xml file but WITHOUT the -SNAPSHOT suffix.
  6. Enter the SCM tag to be used to mark this commit in the SCM. You should be prompted for this tag name, and the default will be {projectName}-{releaseVersion}
  7. Enter the new development version. You should be prompted for this version number, and the default for this will be an incremented version number of the release followed by a -SNAPSHOT suffix.

At this point

  • The release plugin will continue and build/package the artifacts.
  • The pom.xml file will be updated to reflect the version change to the release version.
  • The new pom.xml will be committed.
  • The new commit will be tagged.
  • The pom.xml file will be updated again with the new development version.
  • Then this new pom.xml will be committed.

If the process fails for some reason during any of these points, you can invoke mvn release:rollback to go back to the preparation point and try again, but you will also have to revert any SCM commits that were done (git reset --hard HEAD^1 command works well for this) as well as remove any tags that were created (git tag -l && git tag -d <tagName> commands help with this).

  1. Push tags to github: git push --follow-tags We also publish releases on Github so the created tag should be pushed back to honeybadger-java in order to attach release artifacts for direct download.

  2. Perform the actual release: mvn release:perform A build will be performed and packaged and artifacts deployed to the sonatype staging repository.

  3. Log into the Sonatype OSSHR Next web interface to verify and promote the build.

NOTE: By default, these instructions assumes the release is being done from a branch that can be merged into a primary branch upon successful completion, and that the SCM operations that are carried out by maven plugins will NOT access the repo, but rather, work on a local copy instead. The release plugin as configured in the maven repo sets values for this assumption (localCheckout=true and pushChanges=false).

NOTE: If the release is being done in a separate fork of the primary github repo, doing a merge via pull request will not also copy the tags that were created during the release process. The tags will have to be created in the primary repo separately, but this may be preferred anyway.

To perform a snapshot release:

  1. Make sure the source builds, test suites pass, and the source and java artifacts can be generated and signed: mvn clean verify -Prelease
  2. Start from a clean working directory and make sure you have no modified files in your workspace: mvn clean && git status
  3. Deploy the snapshot directly to Maven Central: mvn -Pallow-snapshots clean deploy