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PuppeteerSharp.Contrib.Should is a should assertion library for the Puppeteer Sharp API.


Should assertions for IPage

  • ShouldHaveContentAsync
  • ShouldHaveTitleAsync
  • ShouldHaveUrlAsync
  • ShouldNotHaveContentAsync
  • ShouldNotHaveTitleAsync
  • ShouldNotHaveUrlAsync

Should assertions for IResponse

  • ShouldBeRedirection
  • ShouldBeSuccessful
  • ShouldHaveClientError
  • ShouldHaveError
  • ShouldHaveServerError
  • ShouldHaveStatusCode
  • ShouldHaveUrl
  • ShouldNotHaveStatusCode
  • ShouldNotHaveUrl

Should assertions for IElementHandle

  • ShouldBeCheckedAsync
  • ShouldBeDisabledAsync
  • ShouldBeEmptyAsync
  • ShouldBeEnabledAsync
  • ShouldBeHiddenAsync
  • ShouldBeReadOnlyAsync
  • ShouldBeRequiredAsync
  • ShouldBeSelectedAsync
  • ShouldBeVisibleAsync
  • ShouldExist
  • ShouldHaveAttributeAsync
  • ShouldHaveAttributeValueAsync
  • ShouldHaveClassAsync
  • ShouldHaveContentAsync
  • ShouldHaveFocusAsync
  • ShouldHaveValueAsync
  • ShouldNotBeCheckedAsync
  • ShouldNotBeEmptyAsync
  • ShouldNotBeReadOnlyAsync
  • ShouldNotBeRequiredAsync
  • ShouldNotBeSelectedAsync
  • ShouldNotExist
  • ShouldNotHaveAttributeAsync
  • ShouldNotHaveAttributeValueAsync
  • ShouldNotHaveClassAsync
  • ShouldNotHaveContentAsync
  • ShouldNotHaveFocusAsync
  • ShouldNotHaveValueAsync


The following failing examples will throw an exception with a message explaining why the assertion failed.

await Page.SetContentAsync(@"
   <div id='foo'>Foo</div>

var div = await Page.QuerySelectorAsync("#foo");
await div.ShouldHaveContentAsync("Bar");

Expected element to have content "Bar", but it did not.

await Page.SetContentAsync(@"
    <input id='foo' value='Foo' />

var input = await Page.QuerySelectorAsync("#foo");
await input.ShouldHaveValueAsync("Bar", "that would be the perfect example");

Expected element to have value "Bar" because that would be the perfect example, but found "Foo".


Sample projects are located in the samples folder.

This is an example with NUnit:

using System.Threading.Tasks;
using NUnit.Framework;
using PuppeteerSharp.Contrib.Should;

namespace PuppeteerSharp.Contrib.Sample
    public class ShouldTests
        IBrowser Browser { get; set; }
        IPage Page { get; set; }

        public async Task SetUp()
            await new BrowserFetcher().DownloadAsync();
            Browser = await Puppeteer.LaunchAsync(new LaunchOptions
                Headless = true
            Page = await Browser.NewPageAsync();

        public async Task TearDown()
            await Browser.CloseAsync();

        public async Task Attributes()
            await Page.SetContentAsync("<div data-foo='bar' />");

            var div = await Page.QuerySelectorAsync("div");
            await div.ShouldHaveAttributeAsync("data-foo");
            await div.ShouldNotHaveAttributeAsync("data-bar");

        public async Task Class()
            await Page.SetContentAsync("<div class='foo' />");

            var div = await Page.QuerySelectorAsync("div");
            await div.ShouldHaveClassAsync("foo");
            await div.ShouldNotHaveClassAsync("bar");

        public async Task Content()
            await Page.SetContentAsync("<div>Foo</div>");

            var div = await Page.QuerySelectorAsync("div");
            await div.ShouldHaveContentAsync("Foo");
            await div.ShouldNotHaveContentAsync("Bar");

        public async Task Visibility()
            await Page.SetContentAsync(@"
  <div id='foo'>Foo</div>
  <div id='bar' style='display:none'>Bar</div>

            var html = await Page.QuerySelectorAsync("html");

            var div = await Page.QuerySelectorAsync("#foo");
            await div.ShouldBeVisibleAsync();

            div = await Page.QuerySelectorAsync("#bar");
            await div.ShouldBeHiddenAsync();

        public async Task Input()
            await Page.SetContentAsync(@"
  <input type='text' autofocus required value='Foo Bar'>
  <input type='radio' readonly>
  <input type='checkbox' checked>
    <option id='foo'>Foo</option>
    <option id='bar'>Bar</option>

            var input = await Page.QuerySelectorAsync("input[type=text]");
            await input.ShouldHaveFocusAsync();
            await input.ShouldBeRequiredAsync();
            await input.ShouldHaveValueAsync("Foo Bar");

            input = await Page.QuerySelectorAsync("input[type=radio]");
            await input.ShouldBeEnabledAsync();
            await input.ShouldBeReadOnlyAsync();

            input = await Page.QuerySelectorAsync("input[type=checkbox]");
            await input.ShouldBeCheckedAsync();

            input = await Page.QuerySelectorAsync("#foo");
            await input.ShouldBeSelectedAsync();