package main import ( "bytes" "errors" "fmt" "" "net" "strconv" "strings" "time" ) const CRLF = "\r\n" const ( statusCodeContinue = 100 ) const ( statusBadReq = "400 Bad Request" statusForbidden = "403 Forbidden" statusExpectFailed = "417 Expectation Failed" statusRequestTimeout = "408 Request Timeout" ) var CustomHttpErr = errors.New("CustomHttpErr") type Header struct { ContLen int64 KeepAlive time.Duration ProxyAuthorization string Chunking bool Trailer bool ConnectionKeepAlive bool ExpectContinue bool Host string } type rqState byte const ( rsCreated rqState = iota rsSent // request has been sent to server rsRecvBody // response header received, receiving response body rsDone ) type Request struct { Method string URL *URL raw *bytes.Buffer // stores the raw content of request header rawByte []byte // underlying buffer for raw // request line from client starts at 0, cow generates request line that // can be sent directly to web server reqLnStart int // start of generated request line in raw headStart int // start of header in raw bodyStart int // start of body in raw Header isConnect bool partial bool // whether contains only partial request data state rqState tryCnt byte } // Assume keep-alive request by default. var zeroRequest = Request{Header: Header{ConnectionKeepAlive: true}} func (r *Request) reset() { b := r.rawByte raw := r.raw *r = zeroRequest // reset to zero value if raw != nil { raw.Reset() r.rawByte = b r.raw = raw } else { r.rawByte = httpBuf.Get() r.raw = bytes.NewBuffer(r.rawByte[:0]) // must use 0 length slice } } func (r *Request) String() (s string) { return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s%s", r.Method, r.URL.HostPort, r.URL.Path) } func (r *Request) Verbose() []byte { var rqbyte []byte if r.isConnect { rqbyte = r.rawBeforeBody() } else { // This includes client request line if has http parent proxy rqbyte = r.raw.Bytes() } return rqbyte } // Message body in request is signaled by the inclusion of a Content-Length // or Transfer-Encoding header. // Refer to func (r *Request) hasBody() bool { return r.Chunking || r.ContLen > 0 } func (r *Request) isRetry() bool { return r.tryCnt > 1 } func (r *Request) tryOnce() { r.tryCnt++ } func (r *Request) tooManyRetry() bool { return r.tryCnt > 3 } func (r *Request) responseNotSent() bool { return r.state <= rsSent } func (r *Request) hasSent() bool { return r.state >= rsSent } func (r *Request) releaseBuf() { if r.raw != nil { httpBuf.Put(r.rawByte) r.rawByte = nil r.raw = nil } } // rawRequest returns the raw request that can be sent directly to HTTP/1.1 server. func (r *Request) rawRequest() []byte { return r.raw.Bytes()[r.reqLnStart:] } func (r *Request) rawBeforeBody() []byte { return r.raw.Bytes()[:r.bodyStart] } func (r *Request) rawHeaderBody() []byte { return r.raw.Bytes()[r.headStart:] } func (r *Request) rawBody() []byte { return r.raw.Bytes()[r.bodyStart:] } func (r *Request) proxyRequestLine() []byte { return r.raw.Bytes()[0:r.reqLnStart] } func (r *Request) genRequestLine() { // Generate normal HTTP request line r.raw.WriteString(r.Method + " ") if len(r.URL.Path) == 0 { r.raw.WriteString("/") } else { r.raw.WriteString(r.URL.Path) } r.raw.WriteString(" HTTP/1.1\r\n") } type Response struct { Status int Reason []byte Header raw *bytes.Buffer rawByte []byte } var zeroResponse = Response{Header: Header{ConnectionKeepAlive: true}} func (rp *Response) reset() { b := rp.rawByte raw := rp.raw *rp = zeroResponse if raw != nil { raw.Reset() rp.rawByte = b rp.raw = raw } else { rp.rawByte = httpBuf.Get() rp.raw = bytes.NewBuffer(rp.rawByte[:0]) } } func (rp *Response) releaseBuf() { if rp.raw != nil { httpBuf.Put(rp.rawByte) rp.rawByte = nil rp.raw = nil } } func (rp *Response) rawResponse() []byte { return rp.raw.Bytes() } func (rp *Response) genStatusLine() { rp.raw.Write([]byte("HTTP/1.1 ")) rp.raw.WriteString(strconv.Itoa(rp.Status)) if len(rp.Reason) != 0 { rp.raw.WriteByte(' ') rp.raw.Write(rp.Reason) } rp.raw.Write([]byte(CRLF)) return } func (rp *Response) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%d %s", rp.Status, rp.Reason) } func (rp *Response) Verbose() []byte { return rp.raw.Bytes() } type URL struct { HostPort string // must contain port Host string // no port Port string Domain string Path string } func (url *URL) String() string { return url.HostPort + url.Path } // Set all fields according to hostPort except Path. func (url *URL) ParseHostPort(hostPort string) { if hostPort == "" { return } host, port, err := net.SplitHostPort(hostPort) if err != nil { // Add default 80 and split again. If there's still error this time, // it's not because lack of port number. host = hostPort port = "80" hostPort = net.JoinHostPort(hostPort, port) } url.Host = host url.Port = port url.HostPort = hostPort url.Domain = host2Domain(host) } // net.ParseRequestURI will unescape encoded path, but the proxy doesn't need // that. Assumes the input rawurl is valid. Even if rawurl is not valid, net.Dial // will check the correctness of the host. func ParseRequestURI(rawurl string) (*URL, error) { return ParseRequestURIBytes([]byte(rawurl)) } func ParseRequestURIBytes(rawurl []byte) (*URL, error) { if rawurl[0] == '/' { return &URL{Path: string(rawurl)}, nil } var rest, scheme []byte id := bytes.Index(rawurl, []byte("://")) if id == -1 { rest = rawurl scheme = []byte("http") // default to http } else { scheme = rawurl[:id] ASCIIToLowerInplace(scheme) // it's ok to lower case scheme if !bytes.Equal(scheme, []byte("http")) && !bytes.Equal(scheme, []byte("https")) { errl.Printf("%s protocol not supported\n", scheme) return nil, errors.New("protocol not supported") } rest = rawurl[id+3:] } var hostport, host, port, path string id = bytes.IndexByte(rest, '/') if id == -1 { hostport = string(rest) } else { hostport = string(rest[:id]) path = string(rest[id:]) } // Must add port in host so it can be used as key to find the correct // server connection. // e.g. and should use different connections. host, port, err := net.SplitHostPort(hostport) if err != nil { // missing port host = hostport if len(scheme) == 4 { hostport = net.JoinHostPort(host, "80") port = "80" } else { hostport = net.JoinHostPort(host, "443") port = "443" } } // Fixed wechat image url bug, url like http://[::ffff:]/mmsns/lVxxxxxx host = strings.TrimSuffix(strings.TrimPrefix(host, "[::ffff:"), "]") hostport = net.JoinHostPort(host, port) return &URL{hostport, host, port, host2Domain(host), path}, nil } // headers of interest to a proxy // Define them as constant and use editor's completion to avoid typos. // Note RFC2616 only says about "Connection", no "Proxy-Connection", but // Firefox and Safari send this header along with "Connection" header. // See more at const ( headerConnection = "connection" headerContentLength = "content-length" headerExpect = "expect" headerHost = "host" headerKeepAlive = "keep-alive" headerProxyAuthenticate = "proxy-authenticate" headerProxyAuthorization = "proxy-authorization" headerProxyConnection = "proxy-connection" headerReferer = "referer" headerTE = "te" headerTrailer = "trailer" headerTransferEncoding = "transfer-encoding" headerUpgrade = "upgrade" fullHeaderConnectionKeepAlive = "Connection: keep-alive\r\n" fullHeaderConnectionClose = "Connection: close\r\n" fullHeaderTransferEncoding = "Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n" ) // Using Go's method expression var headerParser = map[string]HeaderParserFunc{ headerConnection: (*Header).parseConnection, headerContentLength: (*Header).parseContentLength, headerExpect: (*Header).parseExpect, headerHost: (*Header).parseHost, headerKeepAlive: (*Header).parseKeepAlive, headerProxyAuthorization: (*Header).parseProxyAuthorization, headerProxyConnection: (*Header).parseConnection, headerTransferEncoding: (*Header).parseTransferEncoding, headerTrailer: (*Header).parseTrailer, } var hopByHopHeader = map[string]bool{ headerConnection: true, headerKeepAlive: true, headerProxyAuthorization: true, headerProxyConnection: true, headerTE: true, headerTrailer: true, headerTransferEncoding: true, headerUpgrade: true, } // Note: Value bytes passed to header parse function are in the buffer // associated with bufio and will be modified. It will also be stored in the // raw request buffer, so becareful when modifying the value bytes. (Change // case only when the spec says it is case insensitive.) // // If Header needs to hold raw value, make a copy. For example, // parseProxyAuthorization does this. type HeaderParserFunc func(*Header, []byte) error // Used by both "Connection" and "Proxy-Connection" header. COW always adds // connection header at the end of a request/response (in parseRequest and // parseResponse), no matter whether the original one has this header or not. // This will change the order of headers, but should be OK as RFC2616 4.2 says // header order is not significant. (Though general-header first is "good- // practice".) func (h *Header) parseConnection(s []byte) error { ASCIIToLowerInplace(s) h.ConnectionKeepAlive = !bytes.Contains(s, []byte("close")) return nil } func (h *Header) parseContentLength(s []byte) (err error) { h.ContLen, err = ParseIntFromBytes(s, 10) return err } func (h *Header) parseHost(s []byte) (err error) { if h.Host == "" { h.Host = string(s) } return } func (h *Header) parseKeepAlive(s []byte) (err error) { ASCIIToLowerInplace(s) id := bytes.Index(s, []byte("timeout=")) if id != -1 { id += len("timeout=") end := id for ; end < len(s) && IsDigit(s[end]); end++ { } delta, err := ParseIntFromBytes(s[id:end], 10) if err != nil { return err // possible empty bytes } h.KeepAlive = time.Second * time.Duration(delta) } return nil } func (h *Header) parseProxyAuthorization(s []byte) error { h.ProxyAuthorization = string(s) return nil } func (h *Header) parseTransferEncoding(s []byte) error { ASCIIToLowerInplace(s) // For transfer-encoding: identify, it's the same as specifying neither // content-length nor transfer-encoding. h.Chunking = bytes.Contains(s, []byte("chunked")) if !h.Chunking && !bytes.Contains(s, []byte("identity")) { return fmt.Errorf("invalid transfer encoding: %s", s) } return nil } // RFC 2616 3.6.1 states when trailers are allowed: // // a) request includes TE header // b) server is the original server // // Even though COW removes TE header, the original server can still respond // with Trailer header. // As Trailer is general header, it's possible to appear in request. But is // there any client does this? func (h *Header) parseTrailer(s []byte) error { // use errl to test if this header is common to see errl.Printf("got Trailer header: %s\n", s) if len(s) != 0 { h.Trailer = true } return nil } // For now, COW does not fully support 100-continue. It will return "417 // expectation failed" if a request contains expect header. This is one of the // strategies supported by polipo, which is easiest to implement in cow. // TODO If we see lots of expect 100-continue usage, provide full support. func (h *Header) parseExpect(s []byte) error { ASCIIToLowerInplace(s) errl.Printf("Expect header: %s\n", s) // put here to see if expect header is widely used h.ExpectContinue = true /* if bytes.Contains(s, []byte("100-continue")) { h.ExpectContinue = true } */ return nil } func splitHeader(s []byte) (name, val []byte, err error) { i := bytes.IndexByte(s, ':') if i < 0 { return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("malformed header: %#v", string(s)) } // Do not lower case field value, as it maybe case sensitive return ASCIIToLower(s[:i]), TrimSpace(s[i+1:]), nil } // Learned from net.textproto. One difference is that this one keeps the // ending '\n' in the returned line. Buf if there's only CRLF in the line, // return nil for the line. func readContinuedLineSlice(r *bufio.Reader) ([]byte, error) { // request headers contains things like: // "$Authorization.feedly: $FeedlyAuth\r\n", so we must test for only // continuation spaces. isspace := func(b byte) bool { return b == ' ' || b == '\t' } // Read the first line. line, err := r.ReadSlice('\n') if err != nil { return nil, err } // There are servers that use \n for line ending, so trim first before check ending. // For example, the 404 page for trimmed := TrimSpace(line) if len(trimmed) == 0 { if len(line) > 2 { return nil, fmt.Errorf("malformed end of headers, len: %d, %#v", len(line), string(line)) } return nil, nil } if isspace(line[0]) { return nil, fmt.Errorf("malformed header, start with space: %#v", string(line)) } // Optimistically assume that we have started to buffer the next line // and it starts with an ASCII letter (the next header key), so we can // avoid copying that buffered data around in memory and skipping over // non-existent whitespace. if r.Buffered() > 0 { peek, err := r.Peek(1) if err == nil && !isspace(peek[0]) { return line, nil } } var buf []byte buf = append(buf, trimmed...) // Read continuation lines. for skipSpace(r) > 0 { line, err := r.ReadSlice('\n') if err != nil { break } buf = append(buf, ' ') buf = append(buf, TrimTrailingSpace(line)...) } buf = append(buf, '\r', '\n') return buf, nil } func skipSpace(r *bufio.Reader) int { n := 0 for { c, err := r.ReadByte() if err != nil { // Bufio will keep err until next read. break } if c != ' ' && c != '\t' { r.UnreadByte() break } n++ } return n } // Only add headers that are of interest for a proxy into request/response's header map. func (h *Header) parseHeader(reader *bufio.Reader, raw *bytes.Buffer, url *URL) (err error) { h.ContLen = -1 for { var line, name, val []byte if line, err = readContinuedLineSlice(reader); err != nil || len(line) == 0 { return } if name, val, err = splitHeader(line); err != nil { errl.Printf("split header %v\nline: %s\nraw header:\n%s\n", err, line, raw.Bytes()) return } // Wait Go to solve/provide the string<->[]byte optimization kn := string(name) if parseFunc, ok := headerParser[kn]; ok { if len(val) == 0 { continue } if err = parseFunc(h, val); err != nil { errl.Printf("parse header %v\nline: %s\nraw header:\n%s\n", err, line, raw.Bytes()) return } } if hopByHopHeader[kn] { continue } raw.Write(line) // debug.Printf("len %d %s", len(s), s) } } // Parse the request line and header, does not touch body func parseRequest(c *clientConn, r *Request) (err error) { var s []byte reader := c.bufRd c.setReadTimeout("parseRequest") // parse request line if s, err = reader.ReadSlice('\n'); err != nil { if isErrTimeout(err) { return errClientTimeout } return err } c.unsetReadTimeout("parseRequest") // debug.Printf("Request line %s", s) r.reset() if config.saveReqLine { r.raw.Write(s) r.reqLnStart = len(s) } var f [][]byte // Tolerate with multiple spaces and '\t' is achieved by FieldsN. if f = FieldsN(s, 3); len(f) != 3 { return fmt.Errorf("malformed request line: %#v", string(s)) } ASCIIToUpperInplace(f[0]) r.Method = string(f[0]) // Parse URI into host and path r.URL, err = ParseRequestURIBytes(f[1]) if err != nil { return } r.Header.Host = r.URL.HostPort // If Header.Host is set, parseHost will just return. if r.Method == "CONNECT" { r.isConnect = true if bool(dbgRq) && verbose && !config.saveReqLine { r.raw.Write(s) } } else { r.genRequestLine() } r.headStart = r.raw.Len() // Read request header. if err = r.parseHeader(reader, r.raw, r.URL); err != nil { errl.Printf("parse request header: %v %s\n%s", err, r, r.Verbose()) return err } if r.Chunking { r.raw.WriteString(fullHeaderTransferEncoding) } if r.ConnectionKeepAlive { r.raw.WriteString(fullHeaderConnectionKeepAlive) } else { r.raw.WriteString(fullHeaderConnectionClose) } // The spec says proxy must add Via header. polipo disables this by // default, and I don't want to let others know the user is using COW, so // don't add it. r.raw.WriteString(CRLF) r.bodyStart = r.raw.Len() return } // If an http response may have message body func (rp *Response) hasBody(method string) bool { if method == "HEAD" || rp.Status == 304 || rp.Status == 204 || rp.Status < 200 { return false } return true } // Parse response status and headers. func parseResponse(sv *serverConn, r *Request, rp *Response) (err error) { var s []byte reader := sv.bufRd if sv.maybeFake() { sv.setReadTimeout("parseResponse") } if s, err = reader.ReadSlice('\n'); err != nil { // err maybe timeout caused by explicity setting deadline, EOF, or // reset caused by GFW. debug.Printf("read response status line %v %v\n", err, r) // Server connection with error will not be used any more, so no need // to unset timeout. // For read error, return directly in order to identify whether this // is caused by GFW. return err } if sv.maybeFake() { sv.unsetReadTimeout("parseResponse") } // debug.Printf("Response line %s", s) // response status line parsing var f [][]byte if f = FieldsN(s, 3); len(f) < 2 { // status line are separated by SP return fmt.Errorf("malformed response status line: %#v %v", string(s), r) } status, err := ParseIntFromBytes(f[1], 10) rp.reset() rp.Status = int(status) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("response status not valid: %s len=%d %v", f[1], len(f[1]), err) } if len(f) == 3 { rp.Reason = f[2] } proto := f[0] if !bytes.Equal(proto[0:7], []byte("HTTP/1.")) { return fmt.Errorf("invalid response status line: %s request %v", string(f[0]), r) } if proto[7] == '1' { rp.raw.Write(s) } else if proto[7] == '0' { // Should return HTTP version as 1.1 to client since closed connection // will be converted to chunked encoding rp.genStatusLine() } else { return fmt.Errorf("response protocol not supported: %s", f[0]) } if err = rp.parseHeader(reader, rp.raw, r.URL); err != nil { errl.Printf("parse response header: %v %s\n%s", err, r, rp.Verbose()) return err } //Check for http error code from config file if config.HttpErrorCode > 0 && rp.Status == config.HttpErrorCode { debug.Println("Requested http code is raised") return CustomHttpErr } if rp.Status == statusCodeContinue && !r.ExpectContinue { // not expecting 100-continue, just ignore it and read final response errl.Println("Ignore server 100 response for", r) return parseResponse(sv, r, rp) } if rp.Chunking { rp.raw.WriteString(fullHeaderTransferEncoding) } else if rp.ContLen == -1 { // No chunk, no content length, assume close to signal end. rp.ConnectionKeepAlive = false if rp.hasBody(r.Method) { // Connection close, no content length specification. // Use chunked encoding to pass content back to client. debug.Println("add chunked encoding to close connection response", r, rp) rp.raw.WriteString(fullHeaderTransferEncoding) } else { debug.Println("add content-length 0 to close connection response", r, rp) rp.raw.WriteString("Content-Length: 0\r\n") } } // Whether COW should respond with keep-alive depends on client request, // not server response. if r.ConnectionKeepAlive { rp.raw.WriteString(fullHeaderConnectionKeepAlive) rp.raw.WriteString(fullKeepAliveHeader) } else { rp.raw.WriteString(fullHeaderConnectionClose) } rp.raw.WriteString(CRLF) return nil } func unquote(s string) string { return strings.Trim(s, "\"") } func parseKeyValueList(str string) map[string]string { list := strings.Split(str, ",") if len(list) == 1 && list[0] == "" { return nil } res := make(map[string]string) for _, ele := range list { kv := strings.SplitN(strings.TrimSpace(ele), "=", 2) if len(kv) != 2 { errl.Println("no equal sign in key value list element:", ele) return nil } key, val := kv[0], unquote(kv[1]) res[key] = val } return res }