# Use the files dateFile.txt, minTempFile.txt, maxTempFile.txt, and avgTempFile.txt to answer this question. # These files contain temperature statistics (max, min, average) for each day of the year 2016. # Note that 2016 was a leap year. You can open the files in a text editor to view the contents of the file. # # Write a Python program to do the following # # Read data from these files and store it in a Python 2D list. You must use the 2D list datatype to answer this question. # Find the hottest day in the year. Hottest day is the day with the highest maximum temperature during the year. # Print this value to the screen as shown below # Find the coldest day in the year. Coldest day is the day with the lowest minimum temperature during the year. # Print this value to the screen as shown below # # Hottest day in the year was 8/12/2016 # Coldest day in the year was 12/19/2016 f1=open('datefile.txt','r') f2=open('maxTempfile.txt','r') f3=open('minTempfile.txt', 'r') f4=open('avgTempfile.txt','r') data2d=[[]] #x_coords=[] #y_coords=[] data2d = [[0 for i in range(366)] for i in range(4)] date=f1.readline().rstrip('\n') maxt=f2.readline().rstrip('\n') mint=f3.readline().rstrip('\n') avgt=f4.readline().rstrip('\n') i=0 while(date!=''): data2d[0][i]=date data2d[1][i]=maxt data2d[2][i]=mint data2d[3][i]=avgt date=f1.readline().rstrip('\n') maxt=f2.readline().rstrip('\n') mint=f3.readline().rstrip('\n') avgt=f4.readline().rstrip('\n') i+=1 #Convert string list to integer list using map function before finding the hottest day of the year temp_int_list=list(map(int, data2d[1][0:366])) max_index=(temp_int_list).index(max(temp_int_list)) print("Hottest day in the year was", (data2d[0][0:366])[max_index]) #Convert string list to integer list before finding the coldest day of the year temp_int_list=list(map(int, data2d[2][0:366])) min_index=(temp_int_list).index(min(temp_int_list)) print("Coldest day in the year was",(data2d[0][0:366])[min_index]) f1.close() f2.close() f3.close() f4.close()