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Gitness is an Open Source developer platform with Source Control management, Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery.


Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings


Repository files navigation

CI pipeline CodeQL


Install the latest stable version of Node and Go version 1.17 or higher, and then install the below Go programs. Ensure the GOPATH bin directory is added to your PATH.

$ make all


Build the user interface:

$ pushd web
$ yarn install
$ yarn run build
$ popd

Build the server and command line tools:

$ go generate ./...
$ go build -o release/gitness


Execute the unit tests:

$ make test


This project supports all operating systems and architectures supported by Go. This means you can build and run the system on your machine; docker containers are not required for local development and testing.

Start the server at localhost:3000

$ release/gitness server

User Interface

This project includes a simple user interface for interacting with the system. When you run the application, you can access the user interface by navigating to http:https://localhost:3000 in your browser.


This project includes a swagger specification. When you run the application, you can access the swagger specification by navigating to http:https://localhost:3000/swagger in your browser.

Command Line

This project includes simple command line tools for interacting with the system. Please remember that you must start the server before you can execute commands.

Register a new user:

$ release/gitness register

Login to the application:

$ release/gitness login

Logout from the application:

$ release/gitness logout

View your account details:

$ release/gitness account

Generate a personal access token:

$ release/gitness token

Create a pipeline:

$ release/gitness pipeline create <name>

List pipelines:

$ release/gitness pipeline ls

Debug and output http responses from the server:

$ DEBUG=true release/gitness pipeline ls

View all commands:

$ release/gitness --help