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executable file
189 lines (145 loc) · 7.56 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
189 lines (145 loc) · 7.56 KB

API description

Subscribed Topics:

  • elfin_basic_api/joint_goal (sensor_msgs/JointState)
    make the robot move to a position in joint space after planning a trajectory.
    example: function_pub_joints() in elfin_robot_bringup/script/

  • elfin_basic_api/cart_goal (geometry_msgs/PoseStamped)
    make the robot move to a position in cartesian coordination system after planning a trajectory.
    example: function_pub_cart_xxx() in elfin_robot_bringup/script/

  • elfin_basic_api/cart_path_goal (geometry_msgs/PoseArray)
    make the robot move through the assigned positions in cartesian coordination system after planning a trajectory composed of lines.
    example: function_pub_cart_path_xxx() in elfin_robot_bringup/script/

  • elfin_arm_controller/command (trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectory)
    This topic contain a trajectory. When you publish this topic, the robot will move along the trajectory.

  • elfin_teleop_joint_cmd_no_limit (std_msgs/Int64)
    This is a topic for developer, customers are not supposed to use it. A particular joint will move a little distance after subscribing this topic for once.

    Meaning of the data in the topic:

    data joint direction
    1 elfin_joint1 ccw
    -1 elfin_joint1 cw
    2 elfin_joint2 ccw
    -2 elfin_joint2 cw
    3 elfin_joint3 ccw
    -3 elfin_joint3 cw
    4 elfin_joint4 ccw
    -4 elfin_joint4 cw
    5 elfin_joint5 ccw
    -5 elfin_joint5 cw
    6 elfin_joint6 ccw
    -6 elfin_joint6 cw

Published Topics:

  • elfin_arm_controller/state (control_msgs/JointTrajectoryControllerState)
    The current status of the joints.

  • elfin_ros_control/elfin/enable_state (std_msgs/Bool)
    The servo status of the robot.
    true: enabled / false: disabled

  • elfin_ros_control/elfin/fault_state (std_msgs/Bool)
    The fault status of the robot.
    true: warning / false: no fault

  • elfin_basic_api/parameter_updates (dynamic_reconfigure/Config)
    The value of the dynamic parameters of elfin_basic_api, e.g. velocity scaling.

  • elfin_basic_api/reference_link_name (std_msgs/String)
    The reference link in the calculations of the elfin_basic_api node

  • elfin_basic_api/end_link_name (std_msgs/String)
    The end link in the calculations of the elfin_basic_api node


  • elfin_basic_api/get_reference_link (std_srvs/SetBool)
    You can get the reference link name of elfin_basic_api from the response of this service.

  • elfin_basic_api/get_end_link (std_srvs/SetBool)
    You can get the end link name of elfin_basic_api from the response of this service.

  • elfin_basic_api/stop_teleop (std_srvs/SetBool)
    Make the robot stop moving.

  • elfin_ros_control/elfin/get_txpdo (std_srvs/SetBool)
    You can get the content of TxPDOs from the response of this service.

  • elfin_ros_control/elfin/get_rxpdo (std_srvs/SetBool)
    You can get the content of RxPDOs from the response of this service.

  • elfin_ros_control/elfin/get_current_position (std_srvs/SetBool)
    You can get the count values of the current joint positions from the response of this service.

  • elfin_basic_api/set_parameters (dynamic_reconfigure/Reconfigure)
    Set the dynamic parameters of elfin_basic_api, e.g. velocity scaling
    example: set_parameters() in elfin_robot_bringup/script/

  • elfin_ros_control/elfin/recognize_position (std_srvs/SetBool)
    Recognize the position of joints.

  • elfin_ros_control/elfin/io_port1/write_do (elfin_robot_msgs/ElfinIODWrite)
    Write a value into DO

     rosservice call /elfin_ros_control/elfin/io_port1/write_do "digital_output: 0x001b"
  • elfin_ros_control/elfin/io_port1/read_di (elfin_robot_msgs/ElfinIODRead)
    Read the value from DI

     rosservice call /elfin_ros_control/elfin/io_port1/read_di "data: true"
  • elfin_ros_control/elfin/io_port1/get_txpdo (std_srvs/SetBool)
    You can get the content of TxPDOs from the response of this service.

  • elfin_ros_control/elfin/io_port1/get_rxpdo (std_srvs/SetBool)
    You can get the content of RxPDOs from the response of this service.

  • elfin_module_open_brake_slaveX(std_srvs/SetBool)
    When the module is not enabled, you can open the brake of the corresponding module using this service.
    for example:

     rosservice call elfin_module_open_brake_slave1 "data: true"
  • elfin_module_close_brake_slaveX(std_srvs/SetBool)
    When the module is not enabled, you can close the brake of the corresponding module using this service.
    for example:

     rosservice call elfin_module_close_brake_slave1 "data: true"

Following are the services, that support "Elfin Control Panel" interface. customers are not supposed to use them.

  • elfin_basic_api/enable_robot (std_srvs/SetBool)
    Enable the robot.

  • elfin_ros_control/elfin/enable_robot (std_srvs/SetBool)
    The recommand service for enabling the robot is elfin_basic_api/enable_robot. The robot will be enabled directly when you call this service. So you may need to deal with the status of controllers by yourself. For details: http: .

  • elfin_basic_api/disable_robot (std_srvs/SetBool)
    Disable the robot.

  • elfin_ros_control/elfin/disable_robot (std_srvs/SetBool)
    The recommand service for disabling the robot is elfin_basic_api/disable_robot. The robot will be disabled directly when you call this service. So you may need to deal with the status of controllers by yourself. For details: http: .

  • elfin_ros_control/elfin/clear_fault (std_srvs/SetBool)
    Clear fault.

  • elfin_basic_api/set_reference_link (elfin_robot_msgs/SetString)
    Set the reference link in the calculations of the elfin_basic_api node

  • elfin_basic_api/set_end_link (elfin_robot_msgs/SetString)
    Set the end link in the calculations of the elfin_basic_api node

  • elfin_basic_api/joint_teleop (elfin_robot_msgs/SetInt16)
    When this service is called, a particular joint will move in a direction and will NOT stop until it reach the limit position or elfin_basic_api/stop_teleop is called. Please be careful when you call this service.

    Meaning of the data in the service:

    data joint direction
    1 elfin_joint1 ccw
    -1 elfin_joint1 cw
    2 elfin_joint2 ccw
    -2 elfin_joint2 cw
    3 elfin_joint3 ccw
    -3 elfin_joint3 cw
    4 elfin_joint4 ccw
    -4 elfin_joint4 cw
    5 elfin_joint5 ccw
    -5 elfin_joint5 cw
    6 elfin_joint6 ccw
    -6 elfin_joint6 cw
  • elfin_basic_api/cart_teleop (elfin_robot_msgs/SetInt16)
    When this service is called, the end link of the robot will move in a direction in cartsian coordination system and will NOT stop until it reach the limit position or elfin_basic_api/stop_teleop is called. Please be careful when you call this service.

    Meaning of the data in the service:

    data axis direction
    1 X positive
    -1 X negative
    2 Y positive
    -2 Y negative
    3 Z positive
    -3 Z negative
    4 Rx ccw
    -4 Rx cw
    5 Ry ccw
    -5 Ry cw
    6 Rz ccw
    -6 Rz cw
  • elfin_basic_api/home_teleop (std_srvs/SetBool)
    When this service is called, the robot will move to home position and will NOT stop until it reach the home position or elfin_basic_api/stop_teleop is called. Please be careful when you call this service.