# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license # Pair p = Pair(10,20) @test p == (10=>20) @test isequal(p,10=>20) @test start(p) == 1 @test next(p, 1) == (10,2) @test !done(p, 1) @test !done(p,2) @test done(p,3) @test !done(p,0) @test endof(p) == length(p) == 2 @test Base.indexed_next(p, 1, (1,2)) == (10,2) @test Base.indexed_next(p, 2, (1,2)) == (20,3) @test (1=>2) < (2=>3) @test (2=>2) < (2=>3) @test !((2=>3) < (2=>3)) @test (2=>3) < (4=>3) @test (1=>100) < (4=>1) @test p[1] == 10 @test p[2] == 20 @test_throws BoundsError p[3] @test_throws BoundsError p[false] @test p[true] == 10 @test p[2.0] == 20 @test p[0x01] == 10 @test_throws InexactError p[2.3] @test first(p) == 10 @test last(p) == 20 @test eltype(p) == Int @test eltype(4 => 5.6) == Union{Int,Float64} # Dict h = Dict() for i=1:10000 h[i] = i+1 end for i=1:10000 @test (h[i] == i+1) end for i=1:2:10000 delete!(h, i) end for i=1:2:10000 h[i] = i+1 end for i=1:10000 @test (h[i] == i+1) end for i=1:10000 delete!(h, i) end @test isempty(h) h[77] = 100 @test h[77] == 100 for i=1:10000 h[i] = i+1 end for i=1:2:10000 delete!(h, i) end for i=10001:20000 h[i] = i+1 end for i=2:2:10000 @test h[i] == i+1 end for i=10000:20000 @test h[i] == i+1 end h = Dict{Any,Any}("a" => 3) @test h["a"] == 3 h["a","b"] = 4 @test h["a","b"] == h[("a","b")] == 4 h["a","b","c"] = 4 @test h["a","b","c"] == h[("a","b","c")] == 4 # Test eltype, keytype and valtype @test eltype(h) == Pair{Any,Any} @test keytype(h) == Any @test valtype(h) == Any let td = Dict{AbstractString,Float64}() @test eltype(td) == Pair{AbstractString,Float64} @test keytype(td) == AbstractString @test valtype(td) == Float64 @test keytype(Dict{AbstractString,Float64}) === AbstractString @test valtype(Dict{AbstractString,Float64}) === Float64 end let z = Dict() get_KeyError = false try z["a"] catch _e123_ get_KeyError = isa(_e123_,KeyError) end @test get_KeyError end _d = Dict("a"=>0) @test isa([k for k in filter(x->length(x)==1, collect(keys(_d)))], Vector{String}) let d = Dict(((1, 2), (3, 4))) @test d[1] === 2 @test d[3] === 4 d2 = Dict(1 => 2, 3 => 4) d3 = Dict((1 => 2, 3 => 4)) @test d == d2 == d3 @test typeof(d) == typeof(d2) == typeof(d3) == Dict{Int,Int} d = Dict(((1, 2), (3, "b"))) @test d[1] === 2 @test d[3] == "b" d2 = Dict(1 => 2, 3 => "b") d3 = Dict((1 => 2, 3 => "b")) @test d == d2 == d3 @test typeof(d) == typeof(d2) == typeof(d3) == Dict{Int,Any} d = Dict(((1, 2), ("a", 4))) @test d[1] === 2 @test d["a"] === 4 d2 = Dict(1 => 2, "a" => 4) d3 = Dict((1 => 2, "a" => 4)) @test d == d2 == d3 @test typeof(d) == typeof(d2) == typeof(d3) == Dict{Any,Int} d = Dict(((1, 2), ("a", "b"))) @test d[1] === 2 @test d["a"] == "b" d2 = Dict(1 => 2, "a" => "b") d3 = Dict((1 => 2, "a" => "b")) @test d == d2 == d3 @test typeof(d) == typeof(d2) == typeof(d3) == Dict{Any,Any} end @test_throws ArgumentError first(Dict()) @test first(Dict(:f=>2)) == (:f=>2) # constructing Dicts from iterators let d = @inferred Dict(i=>i for i=1:3) @test isa(d, Dict{Int,Int}) @test d == Dict(1=>1, 2=>2, 3=>3) end let d = Dict(i==1 ? (1=>2) : (2.0=>3.0) for i=1:2) @test isa(d, Dict{Real,Real}) @test d == Dict{Real,Real}(2.0=>3.0, 1=>2) end @test_throws KeyError Dict("a"=>2)[Base.secret_table_token] # issue #1821 let d = Dict{String, Vector{Int}}() d["a"] = [1, 2] @test_throws MethodError d["b"] = 1 @test isa(repr(d), AbstractString) # check that printable without error end # issue #2344 let local bar bestkey(d, key) = key bestkey{K<:AbstractString,V}(d::Associative{K,V}, key) = string(key) bar(x) = bestkey(x, :y) @test bar(Dict(:x => [1,2,5])) == :y @test bar(Dict("x" => [1,2,5])) == "y" end # issue #1438 mutable struct I1438T id end import Base.hash hash(x::I1438T, h::UInt) = hash(x.id, h) let local seq, xs, s seq = [26,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,-32,-35,-34,-28,37,38,39,40,-30, -31,41,42,43,44,-33,-36,45,46,47,48,-37,-38,49,50,51,52,-46,-50,53] xs = [ I1438T(id) for id=1:53 ] s = Set() for id in seq if id > 0 x = xs[id] push!(s, x) @test in(x, s) # check that x can be found else delete!(s, xs[-id]) end end end @test isequal(Dict(), Dict()) @test isequal(Dict(1 => 1), Dict(1 => 1)) @test !isequal(Dict(1 => 1), Dict()) @test !isequal(Dict(1 => 1), Dict(1 => 2)) @test !isequal(Dict(1 => 1), Dict(2 => 1)) # Generate some data to populate dicts to be compared data_in = [ (rand(1:1000), randstring(2)) for _ in 1:1001 ] # Populate the first dict d1 = Dict{Int, AbstractString}() for (k,v) in data_in d1[k] = v end data_in = collect(d1) # shuffle the data for i in 1:length(data_in) j = rand(1:length(data_in)) data_in[i], data_in[j] = data_in[j], data_in[i] end # Inserting data in different (shuffled) order should result in # equivalent dict. d2 = Dict{Int, AbstractString}() for (k,v) in data_in d2[k] = v end @test isequal(d1, d2) d3 = copy(d2) d4 = copy(d2) # Removing an item gives different dict delete!(d1, data_in[rand(1:length(data_in))][1]) @test !isequal(d1, d2) # Changing a value gives different dict d3[data_in[rand(1:length(data_in))][1]] = randstring(3) !isequal(d1, d3) # Adding a pair gives different dict d4[1001] = randstring(3) @test !isequal(d1, d4) @test isequal(Dict(), sizehint!(Dict(),96)) # Here is what currently happens when dictionaries of different types # are compared. This is not necessarily desirable. These tests are # descriptive rather than proscriptive. @test !isequal(Dict(1 => 2), Dict("dog" => "bone")) @test isequal(Dict{Int,Int}(), Dict{AbstractString,AbstractString}()) # get! (get with default values assigned to the given location) let f(x) = x^2, d = Dict(8=>19) @test get!(d, 8, 5) == 19 @test get!(d, 19, 2) == 2 @test get!(d, 42) do # d is updated with f(2) f(2) end == 4 @test get!(d, 42) do # d is not updated f(200) end == 4 @test get(d, 13) do # d is not updated f(4) end == 16 @test d == Dict(8=>19, 19=>2, 42=>4) end # show for d in (Dict("\n" => "\n", "1" => "\n", "\n" => "2"), Dict(string(i) => i for i = 1:30), Dict(reshape(1:i^2,i,i) => reshape(1:i^2,i,i) for i = 1:24), Dict(String(Char['α':'α'+i;]) => String(Char['α':'α'+i;]) for i = (1:10)*10), Dict("key" => zeros(0, 0))) for cols in (12, 40, 80), rows in (2, 10, 24) # Ensure output is limited as requested s = IOBuffer() io = Base.IOContext(Base.IOContext(s, :limit => true), :displaysize => (rows, cols)) Base.show(io, MIME("text/plain"), d) out = split(String(take!(s)),'\n') for line in out[2:end] @test strwidth(line) <= cols end @test length(out) <= rows for f in (keys, values) s = IOBuffer() io = Base.IOContext(Base.IOContext(s, :limit => true), :displaysize => (rows, cols)) Base.show(io, MIME("text/plain"), f(d)) out = split(String(take!(s)),'\n') for line in out[2:end] @test strwidth(line) <= cols end @test length(out) <= rows end end # Simply ensure these do not throw errors Base.show(IOBuffer(), d) @test !isempty(summary(d)) @test !isempty(summary(keys(d))) @test !isempty(summary(values(d))) end # Issue #15739 - Compact REPL printouts of an `Associative` use brackets when appropriate let d = Dict((1=>2) => (3=>45), (3=>10) => (10=>11)) buf = IOBuffer() showcompact(buf, d) # Check explicitly for the expected strings, since the CPU bitness effects # dictionary ordering. result = String(buf) @test contains(result, "Dict") @test contains(result, "(1=>2)=>(3=>45)") @test contains(result, "(3=>10)=>(10=>11)") end # issue #9463 mutable struct Alpha end Base.show(io::IO, ::Alpha) = print(io,"α") let sbuff = IOBuffer(), io = Base.IOContext(Base.IOContext(sbuff, :limit => true), :displaysize => (10, 20)) Base.show(io, MIME("text/plain"), Dict(Alpha()=>1)) @test !contains(String(sbuff), "…") @test endswith(String(sbuff), "α => 1") end # issue #2540 let d = Dict{Any,Any}(Dict(x => 1 for x in ['a', 'b', 'c'])) @test d == Dict('a'=>1, 'b'=>1, 'c'=> 1) end # issue #2629 let d = Dict{AbstractString,AbstractString}(Dict( a => "foo" for a in ["a","b","c"])) @test d == Dict("a"=>"foo","b"=>"foo","c"=>"foo") end # issue #5886 d5886 = Dict() for k5886 in 1:11 d5886[k5886] = 1 end for k5886 in keys(d5886) # undefined ref if not fixed d5886[k5886] += 1 end # issue #8877 let a = Dict("foo" => 0.0, "bar" => 42.0), b = Dict("フー" => 17, "バー" => 4711) @test typeof(merge(a, b)) === Dict{String,Float64} end # issue 9295 let d = Dict() @test push!(d, 'a' => 1) === d @test d['a'] == 1 @test push!(d, 'b' => 2, 'c' => 3) === d @test d['b'] == 2 @test d['c'] == 3 @test push!(d, 'd' => 4, 'e' => 5, 'f' => 6) === d @test d['d'] == 4 @test d['e'] == 5 @test d['f'] == 6 @test length(d) == 6 end # issue #10647 mutable struct T10647{T}; x::T; end let a = ObjectIdDict() a[1] = a a[a] = 2 a[3] = T10647(a) @test a == a show(IOBuffer(), a) Base.show(Base.IOContext(IOBuffer(), :limit => true), a) Base.show(IOBuffer(), a) Base.show(Base.IOContext(IOBuffer(), :limit => true), a) end let a = ObjectIdDict() a[1] = a a[a] = 2 sa = similar(a) @test isempty(sa) @test isa(sa, ObjectIdDict) @test length(a) == 2 @test 1 in keys(a) @test a in keys(a) @test a[1] === a @test a[a] === 2 ca = copy(a) @test length(ca) == length(a) @test ca == a @test ca !== a # make sure they are different objects ca = empty!(ca) @test length(ca) == 0 @test length(a) == 2 d = Dict('a'=>1, 'b'=>1, 'c'=> 3) @test a != d end @test length(ObjectIdDict(1=>2, 1.0=>3)) == 2 @test length(Dict(1=>2, 1.0=>3)) == 1 let d = @inferred ObjectIdDict(i=>i for i=1:3) @test isa(d, ObjectIdDict) @test d == ObjectIdDict(1=>1, 2=>2, 3=>3) end let d = @inferred ObjectIdDict(Pair(1,1), Pair(2,2), Pair(3,3)) @test isa(d, ObjectIdDict) @test d == ObjectIdDict(1=>1, 2=>2, 3=>3) @test eltype(d) == Pair{Any,Any} end # Issue #7944 let d = Dict{Int,Int}() get!(d, 0) do d[0] = 1 end @test length(d) == 1 end # iteration d = Dict('a'=>1, 'b'=>1, 'c'=> 3) @test [d[k] for k in keys(d)] == [d[k] for k in eachindex(d)] == [v for (k, v) in d] == [d[x[1]] for (i, x) in enumerate(d)] # generators, similar d = Dict(:a=>"a") @test @inferred(map(identity, d)) == d @test @inferred(map(p->p.first=>p.second[1], d)) == Dict(:a=>'a') @test_throws ArgumentError map(p->p.second, d) # Issue 12451 @test_throws ArgumentError Dict(0) @test_throws ArgumentError Dict([1]) @test_throws ArgumentError Dict([(1,2),0]) # test Dict constructor's argument checking (for an iterable of pairs or tuples) # make sure other errors can propagate when the nature of the iterator is not the problem @test_throws InexactError Dict(convert(Int,1.5) for i=1:1) @test_throws InexactError WeakKeyDict(convert(Int,1.5) for i=1:1) # ImmutableDict import Base.ImmutableDict let d = ImmutableDict{String, String}(), k1 = "key1", k2 = "key2", v1 = "value1", v2 = "value2", d1 = ImmutableDict(d, k1 => v1), d2 = ImmutableDict(d1, k2 => v2), d3 = ImmutableDict(d2, k1 => v2), d4 = ImmutableDict(d3, k2 => v1), dnan = ImmutableDict{String, Float64}(k2, NaN), dnum = ImmutableDict(dnan, k2 => 1) @test isempty(collect(d)) @test !isempty(collect(d1)) @test isempty(d) @test !isempty(d1) @test length(d) == 0 @test length(d1) == 1 @test length(d2) == 2 @test length(d3) == 3 @test length(d4) == 4 @test !(k1 in keys(d)) @test k1 in keys(d1) @test k1 in keys(d2) @test k1 in keys(d3) @test k1 in keys(d4) @test !haskey(d, k1) @test haskey(d1, k1) @test haskey(d2, k1) @test haskey(d3, k1) @test haskey(d4, k1) @test !(k2 in keys(d1)) @test k2 in keys(d2) @test !(k1 in values(d4)) @test v1 in values(d4) @test collect(d1) == [Pair(k1, v1)] @test collect(d4) == reverse([Pair(k1, v1), Pair(k2, v2), Pair(k1, v2), Pair(k2, v1)]) @test d1 == ImmutableDict(d, k1 => v1) @test !((k1 => v2) in d2) @test (k1 => v2) in d3 @test (k1 => v1) in d4 @test (k1 => v2) in d4 @test !in(k2 => "value2", d4, ===) @test in(k2 => v2, d4, ===) @test in(k2 => NaN, dnan, isequal) @test in(k2 => NaN, dnan, ===) @test !in(k2 => NaN, dnan, ==) @test !in(k2 => 1, dnum, ===) @test in(k2 => 1.0, dnum, ===) @test !in(k2 => 1, dnum, <) @test in(k2 => 0, dnum, <) @test get(d1, "key1", :default) === v1 @test get(d4, "key1", :default) === v2 @test get(d4, "foo", :default) === :default @test get(d, k1, :default) === :default @test d1["key1"] === v1 @test d4["key1"] === v2 @test similar(d3) === d @test similar(d) === d @test_throws KeyError d[k1] @test_throws KeyError d1["key2"] end # filtering let d = Dict(zip(1:1000,1:1000)), f = (k,v) -> iseven(k) @test filter(f, d) == filter!(f, copy(d)) == invoke(filter!, Tuple{Function,Associative}, f, copy(d)) == Dict(zip(2:2:1000, 2:2:1000)) end # issue #15077 struct MyString <: AbstractString str::String end import Base.== const global hashoffset = [UInt(190)] Base.hash(s::MyString) = hash(s.str) + hashoffset[] Base.endof(s::MyString) = endof(s.str) Base.next(s::MyString, v::Int) = next(s.str, v) Base.isequal(a::MyString, b::MyString) = isequal(a.str, b.str) ==(a::MyString, b::MyString) = (a.str == b.str) let badKeys = [ "FINO_emv5.0","FINO_ema0.1","RATE_ema1.0","NIBPM_ema1.0", "SAO2_emv5.0","O2FLOW_ema5.0","preop_Neuro/Psych_","gender_", "FIO2_ema0.1","PEAK_ema5.0","preop_Reproductive_denies","O2FLOW_ema0.1", "preop_Endocrine_denies","preop_Respiratory_", "NIBPM_ema0.1","PROPOFOL_MCG/KG/MIN_decay5.0","NIBPD_ema1.0","NIBPS_ema5.0", "anesthesiaStartTime","NIBPS_ema1.0","RESPRATE_ema1.0","PEAK_ema0.1", "preop_GU_denies","preop_Cardiovascular_","PIP_ema5.0","preop_ENT_denies", "preop_Skin_denies","preop_Renal_denies","asaCode_IIIE","N2OFLOW_emv5.0", "NIBPD_emv5.0", # <--- here is the key that we later can't find "NIBPM_ema5.0","preop_Respiratory_complete","ETCO2_ema5.0", "RESPRATE_ema0.1","preop_Functional Status_<2","preop_Renal_symptoms", "ECGRATE_ema5.0","FIO2_emv5.0","RESPRATE_emv5.0","7wu3ty0a4fs","BVO", "4UrCWXUsaT" ] d = Dict{AbstractString,Int}() for i = 1:length(badKeys) d[badKeys[i]] = i end # Check all keys for missing values for i = 1:length(badKeys) @test d[badKeys[i]] == i end # Walk through all possible hash values (mod size of hash table) for offset = 0:1023 d2 = Dict{MyString,Int}() hashoffset[] = offset for i = 1:length(badKeys) d2[MyString(badKeys[i])] = i end # Check all keys for missing values for i = 1:length(badKeys) @test d2[MyString(badKeys[i])] == i end end end struct MyInt <: Integer val::UInt end Base.hash(v::MyInt) = v.val + hashoffset[] Base.endof(v::MyInt) = endof(v.val) Base.next(v::MyInt, i::Int) = next(v.val, i) Base.isequal(a::MyInt, b::MyInt) = isequal(a.val, b.val) ==(a::MyInt, b::MyInt) = (a.val == b.val) let badKeys = UInt16[0xb800,0xa501,0xcdff,0x6303,0xe40a,0xcf0e,0xf3df,0xae99,0x9913,0x741c, 0xd01f,0xc822,0x9723,0xb7a0,0xea25,0x7423,0x6029,0x202a,0x822b,0x492c, 0xd02c,0x862d,0x8f34,0xe529,0xf938,0x4f39,0xd03a,0x473b,0x1e3b,0x1d3a, 0xcc39,0x7339,0xcf40,0x8740,0x813d,0xe640,0xc443,0x6344,0x3744,0x2c3d, 0x8c48,0xdf49,0x5743] # Walk through all possible hash values (mod size of hash table) for offset = 0:1023 d2 = Dict{MyInt, Int}() hashoffset[] = offset for i = 1:length(badKeys) d2[MyInt(badKeys[i])] = i end # Check all keys for missing values for i = 1:length(badKeys) @test d2[MyInt(badKeys[i])] == i end end end # #18213 Dict(1 => rand(2,3), 'c' => "asdf") # just make sure this does not trigger a deprecation @testset "WeakKeyDict" begin A = [1] B = [2] C = [3] local x = 0 local y = 0 local z = 0 finalizer(A, a->(x+=1)) finalizer(B, b->(y+=1)) finalizer(C, c->(z+=1)) # construction wkd = WeakKeyDict() wkd[A] = 2 wkd[B] = 3 wkd[C] = 4 dd = convert(Dict{Any,Any},wkd) @test WeakKeyDict(dd) == wkd @test isa(WeakKeyDict(dd), WeakKeyDict{Any,Any}) @test WeakKeyDict(A=>2, B=>3, C=>4) == wkd @test isa(WeakKeyDict(A=>2, B=>3, C=>4), WeakKeyDict{Array{Int,1},Int}) @test WeakKeyDict(a=>i+1 for (i,a) in enumerate([A,B,C]) ) == wkd @test WeakKeyDict([(A,2), (B,3), (C,4)]) == wkd @test copy(wkd) == wkd @test length(wkd) == 3 @test !isempty(wkd) res = pop!(wkd, C) @test res == 4 @test C ∉ keys(wkd) @test 4 ∉ values(wkd) @test length(wkd) == 2 @test !isempty(wkd) wkd = filter!( (k,v) -> k != B, wkd) @test B ∉ keys(wkd) @test 3 ∉ values(wkd) @test length(wkd) == 1 @test !isempty(wkd) wkd = empty!(wkd) @test wkd == similar(wkd) @test typeof(wkd) == typeof(similar(wkd)) @test length(wkd) == 0 @test isempty(wkd) @test isa(wkd, WeakKeyDict) end @testset "issue #19995, hash of dicts" begin @test hash(Dict(Dict(1=>2) => 3, Dict(4=>5) => 6)) != hash(Dict(Dict(4=>5) => 3, Dict(1=>2) => 6)) a = Dict(Dict(3 => 4, 2 => 3) => 2, Dict(1 => 2, 5 => 6) => 1) b = Dict(Dict(1 => 2, 2 => 3, 5 => 6) => 1, Dict(3 => 4) => 2) @test hash(a) != hash(b) end mutable struct Foo_15776 x::Vector{Pair{Tuple{Function, Vararg{Int}}, Int}} end @testset "issue #15776, convert for pair" begin z = [Pair((+,1,5,7), 3), Pair((-,6,5,3,5,8), 1)] f = Foo_15776(z) @test f.x[1].first == (+, 1, 5, 7) @test f.x[1].second == 3 @test f.x[2].first == (-, 6, 5, 3, 5, 8) @test f.x[2].second == 1 end @testset "issue #18708 error type for dict constructor" begin @test_throws UndefVarError Dict(x => y for x in 1:10) end mutable struct Error19179 <: Exception end @testset "issue #19179 throwing error in dict constructor" begin @test_throws Error19179 Dict(i => throw(Error19179()) for i in 1:10) end # issue #18090 let d = Dict(i => i^2 for i in 1:10_000) z = zip(keys(d), values(d)) for (pair, tupl) in zip(d, z) @test pair[1] == tupl[1] && pair[2] == tupl[2] end end @testset "Dict merge" begin d1 = Dict("A" => 1, "B" => 2) d2 = Dict("B" => 3.0, "C" => 4.0) @test @inferred merge(d1, d2) == Dict("A" => 1, "B" => 3, "C" => 4) # merge with combiner function @test @inferred merge(+, d1, d2) == Dict("A" => 1, "B" => 5, "C" => 4) @test @inferred merge(*, d1, d2) == Dict("A" => 1, "B" => 6, "C" => 4) @test @inferred merge(-, d1, d2) == Dict("A" => 1, "B" => -1, "C" => 4) end @testset "Dict merge!" begin d1 = Dict("A" => 1, "B" => 2) d2 = Dict("B" => 3, "C" => 4) @inferred merge!(d1, d2) @test d1 == Dict("A" => 1, "B" => 3, "C" => 4) # merge! with combiner function @inferred merge!(+, d1, d2) @test d1 == Dict("A" => 1, "B" => 6, "C" => 8) @inferred merge!(*, d1, d2) @test d1 == Dict("A" => 1, "B" => 18, "C" => 32) @inferred merge!(-, d1, d2) @test d1 == Dict("A" => 1, "B" => 15, "C" => 28) end @testset "misc error/io" begin d = Dict('a'=>1, 'b'=>1, 'c'=> 3) @test_throws ErrorException 'a' in d key_str = sprint(show, keys(d)) @test 'a' ∈ key_str @test 'b' ∈ key_str @test 'c' ∈ key_str end