# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license @testset "skipchars for IOStream" begin mktemp() do path, file function append_to_file(str) mark(file) print(file, str) flush(file) reset(file) end # test it doesn't error on eof @test eof(skipchars(isspace, file)) # test it correctly skips append_to_file(" ") @test eof(skipchars(isspace, file)) # test it correctly detects comment lines append_to_file("# \n ") @test eof(skipchars(isspace, file, linecomment='#')) # test it stops at the appropriate time append_to_file(" not a space") @test !eof(skipchars(isspace, file)) @test read(file, Char) == 'n' # test it correctly ignores the contents of comment lines append_to_file(" #not a space \n not a space") @test !eof(skipchars(isspace, file, linecomment='#')) @test read(file, Char) == 'n' # test it correctly handles unicode for (byte, char) in zip(1:4, ('@','߷','࿊','𐋺')) append_to_file("abcdef$char") @test ncodeunits(char) == byte @test !eof(skipchars(isletter, file)) @test read(file, Char) == char end end end @testset "readbytes_some! via readbytes!" begin mktemp() do path, file function append_to_file(str) mark(file) print(file, str) flush(file) reset(file) end append_to_file("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa") b = UInt8[0] readbytes!(file, b, all=false) @test String(b) == "a" # with resizing of b b = UInt8[] readbytes!(file, b, 2, all=false) @test String(b) == "aa" # readbytes_all with resizing b = UInt8[] readbytes!(file, b, 15) @test String(b) == "aaaaaaaaaaaaaa" end end @testset "issue #18755" begin mktemp() do path, io write(io, zeros(UInt8, 131073)) @test position(io) == 131073 write(io, zeros(UInt8, 131073)) @test position(io) == 262146 end end @testset "issue #27951" begin a = UInt8[1 3; 2 4] s = view(a, [1,2], :) mktemp() do path, io write(io, s) seek(io, 0) b = Vector{UInt8}(undef, 4) @test readbytes!(io, b) == 4 @test b == 0x01:0x04 end end @test Base.open_flags(read=false, write=true, append=false) == (read=false, write=true, create=true, truncate=true, append=false) @testset "issue #30978" begin mktemp() do path, io x = rand(UInt8, 100) write(path, x) # Should not throw OutOfMemoryError y = open(f -> read(f, typemax(Int)), path) @test x == y # Should resize y to right length y = zeros(UInt8, 99) open(f -> readbytes!(f, y, 101, all=true), path) @test x == y y = zeros(UInt8, 99) open(f -> readbytes!(f, y, 101, all=false), path) @test x == y # Should never shrink y below original size y = zeros(UInt8, 101) open(f -> readbytes!(f, y, 102, all=true), path) @test y == [x; 0] y = zeros(UInt8, 101) open(f -> readbytes!(f, y, 102, all=false), path) @test y == [x; 0] end end