# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license # Test integer conversion routines from int.jl using Random @testset "flipsign/copysign" begin for y in (-4, Float32(-4), -4.0, big(-4.0)) @test flipsign(3, y) == -3 @test flipsign(-3, y) == 3 @test copysign(3, y) == -3 @test copysign(-3, y) == -3 end for y in (4, Float32(4), 4.0, big(4.0)) @test flipsign(3, y) == 3 @test flipsign(-3, y) == -3 @test copysign(3, y) == 3 @test copysign(-3, y) == 3 end # Result type must be type of first argument, except for Bool for U in (Base.BitInteger_types..., BigInt, Rational{Int}, Rational{BigInt}, Float16, Float32, Float64) for T in (Base.BitInteger_types..., BigInt, Rational{Int}, Rational{BigInt}, Float16, Float32, Float64) @test typeof(copysign(T(3), U(4))) === T @test typeof(flipsign(T(3), U(4))) === T end # Bool promotes to Int U <: Unsigned && continue for x in [true, false] @test flipsign(x, U(4)) === Int(x) @test flipsign(x, U(-1)) === -Int(x) @test copysign(x, U(4)) === Int(x) @test copysign(x, U(-1)) === -Int(x) end end @testset "flipsign/copysign(typemin($T), -1)" for T in Base.BitInteger_types for U in (Base.BitSigned_types..., BigInt, Float16, Float32, Float64) @test flipsign(typemin(T), U(-1)) == typemin(T) @test copysign(typemin(T), U(-1)) == typemin(T) end end @testset "flipsign with Float types" begin for s1 in (-1,+1), s2 in (-1,+1) @test flipsign(Int16(3s1), Float16(3s2)) === Int16(3s1*s2) @test flipsign(Int32(3s1), Float32(3s2)) === Int32(3s1*s2) @test flipsign(Int64(3s1), Float64(3s2)) === Int64(3s1*s2) end end end @testset "signed and unsigned" begin @test signed(3) == 3 @test signed(UInt(3)) == 3 @test isa(signed(UInt(3)), Int) @test signed(UInt(0) - 1) == -1 @test_throws InexactError signed(UInt(-3)) @test signed(true) == 1 @test unsigned(true) isa Unsigned @test unsigned(true) == unsigned(1) end @testset "bswap" begin @test bswap(Int8(3)) == 3 @test bswap(UInt8(3)) == 3 @test bswap(Int16(3)) == 256*3 @test bswap(Int16(256)) == 1 @test bswap(Int16(257)) == 257 @test bswap(Int32(1)) == 2^(3*8) @test bswap(Int32(2)^(3*8)) == 1 @test bswap(Int64(1)) == Int64(2)^(7*8) @test bswap(Int64(2)^(7*8)) == 1 @test bswap(Int128(1)) == Int128(2)^(15*8) @test bswap(Int128(2)^(15*8)) == Int128(1) @test bswap(UInt128(2)^(15*8)) == UInt128(1) end @testset "count_zeros" begin @test count_zeros(10) == Sys.WORD_SIZE - 2 @test count_zeros(UInt8(10)) == 6 end @testset "Conversions" begin @test convert(Signed, UInt128(3)) === Int128(3) @test convert(Signed, false) === 0 @test convert(Signed, true) === 1 for (II, UU) in ((Int8,UInt8), (Int16,UInt16), (Int32,UInt32), (Int64,UInt64), (Int128,UInt128)) @test convert(Unsigned, II(3)) === UU(3) end for T in (Float32, Float64) @test convert(Unsigned, T(3.0)) === UInt(3) end end @testset "trunc, floor, ceil" begin @test trunc(3) == 3 @test trunc(Integer, 3) == 3 @test floor(3) == 3 @test ceil(3) == 3 end @testset "big" begin @test big"2"^100 == BigInt(2)^100 @test isa(big"2", BigInt) @test big"1.0" == BigFloat(1.0) @test_throws ArgumentError big"1.0.3" @test_throws ArgumentError big"pi" end @test round(UInt8, 123) == 123 @test mod(123, UInt8) == 0x7b primitive type MyBitsType <: Integer 8 end @test_throws MethodError ~reinterpret(MyBitsType, 0x7b) UItypes = Base.BitUnsigned_types SItypes = Base.BitSigned_types @testset "promotions" begin for T in UItypes, S in UItypes @test promote(S(3), T(3)) === (sizeof(T) < sizeof(S) ? (S(3), S(3)) : (T(3), T(3))) end for T in SItypes, S in SItypes @test promote(S(3), T(3)) === (sizeof(T) < sizeof(S) ? (S(3), S(3)) : (T(3), T(3))) end for T in SItypes, S in UItypes R = sizeof(S) < sizeof(Int) ? Int : S @test promote(R(3), T(3)) === (sizeof(R) < sizeof(T) ? (T(3), T(3)) : (R(3), R(3))) end end @testset "limiting conversions" begin for T in (Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64) max_val = Int128(typemax(T)) @test convert(T, max_val) == max_val @test_throws InexactError convert(T, max_val+1) min_val = Int128(typemin(T)) @test convert(T, min_val) == min_val @test_throws InexactError convert(T, min_val-1) end for T in (UInt8, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64) max_val = Int128(typemax(T)) @test convert(T, max_val) == max_val @test_throws InexactError convert(T, max_val+1) @test_throws InexactError convert(T, -1) end end @testset "bit shifts" begin for T in Base.BitInteger_types nbits = 8*sizeof(T) issigned = typemin(T) < 0 highbit = T(2) ^ (nbits-1) val1 = 0x1234567890abcdef % T % highbit val2 = val1 + highbit for val in (val1, val2) for count in 0:nbits+1 ucount, scount = unsigned(count), signed(count) # Note: We assume modulo semantics for the arithmetic operations # used here if count < nbits @test val << ucount === val * T(2)^count @test val >>> ucount === fld(unsigned(val), unsigned(T(2))^count) % T else @test val << ucount === T(0) @test val >>> ucount === T(0) end @test val << scount === val << ucount @test val << -scount === val >> ucount @test val >>> scount === val >>> ucount @test val >>> -scount === val << ucount if count < (issigned ? nbits-1 : nbits) @test val >> ucount === fld(val, T(2)^count) else @test val >> ucount === T(val<0 ? -1 : 0) end @test val >> scount === val >> ucount @test val >> -scount === val << ucount end end end end @testset "widen/widemul" begin @test widen(UInt8(3)) === UInt16(3) @test widen(UInt16(3)) === UInt32(3) @test widen(UInt32(3)) === UInt64(3) @test widen(UInt64(3)) === UInt128(3) @test widen(UInt128(3)) == 3 @test typeof(widen(UInt8(3))) == UInt16 @test typeof(widen(UInt16(3))) == UInt32 @test typeof(widen(UInt32(3))) == UInt64 @test typeof(widen(UInt64(3))) == UInt128 @test typeof(widen(UInt128(3))) == BigInt @test widen(Int8(-3)) === Int16(-3) @test widen(Int16(-3)) === Int32(-3) @test widen(Int32(-3)) === Int64(-3) @test widen(Int64(-3)) === Int128(-3) @test widen(Int128(-3)) == -3 @test typeof(widen(Int8(-3))) == Int16 @test typeof(widen(Int16(-3))) == Int32 @test typeof(widen(Int32(-3))) == Int64 @test typeof(widen(Int64(-3))) == Int128 @test typeof(widen(Int128(-3))) == BigInt @test widemul(false, false) == false @test widemul(false, 3) == 0 @test widemul(3, true) == widemul(true, 3) == 3 let i=Int64(2)^63-1, k=widemul(i,i) @test widemul(i,i)==85070591730234615847396907784232501249 j=div(k,2) @test div(k,j)==2 j=div(k,5) @test rem(k,j)==4 end end @testset "issue #3596" begin @test Int128(1)<<0 == 1 @test repr(Int128(1)<<1) == "2" end # issue #16700 @test_throws MethodError 1.0 >> 8 @testset "PR #16988" begin @test true << 2 === 1 << 2 @test true >> 2 === 1 >> 2 @test true >>> 2 === 1 >>> 2 end @testset "unsafe_trunc" begin @test @inferred(unsafe_trunc(Int8, 127)) === Int8(127) @test unsafe_trunc(Int8, 128) === Int8(-128) @test unsafe_trunc(Int8, -127) === Int8(-127) @test unsafe_trunc(Int8, -128) === Int8(-128) @test unsafe_trunc(Int8, -129) === Int8(127) end @testset "x % T returns a T, T = $T" for T in [Base.BitInteger_types..., BigInt], U in [Base.BitInteger_types..., BigInt] @test typeof(rand(U(0):U(127)) % T) === T end @testset "issue #15489" begin @test 0x00007ffea27edaa0 + (-40) === (-40) + 0x00007ffea27edaa0 === 0x00007ffea27eda78 @test UInt64(1) * Int64(-1) === typemax(UInt64) @test UInt(1) - (-1) == 2 @test UInt64(15) & -4 === UInt64(12) @test UInt64(15) | -4 === typemax(UInt64) @test UInt64(15) ⊻ -4 === 0xfffffffffffffff3 end @testset "left shift with Vector{Int} on BigInt-scalar #13832" begin x = BigInt(1) .<< [1:70;] @test x[end] == 1180591620717411303424 @test eltype(x) == BigInt end # issue #9292 @testset "mixed signedness arithmetic" begin for T in Base.BitInteger_types for S in Base.BitInteger_types a, b = one(T), one(S) for c in (a+b, a-b, a*b) if T === S @test c isa T elseif sizeof(T) > sizeof(S) # larger type wins @test c isa T elseif sizeof(S) > sizeof(T) @test c isa S else # otherwise Unsigned wins @test c isa (T <: Unsigned ? T : S) end end end end end @testset "issue #21092" begin @test big"1_0_0_0" == BigInt(1000) @test_throws ArgumentError big"1_0_0_0_" @test_throws ArgumentError big"_1_0_0_0" end # issue #26779 struct MyInt26779 <: Integer x::Int end @test promote_type(MyInt26779, Int) == Integer @test_throws ErrorException MyInt26779(1) + 1 let i = MyInt26779(1) @test_throws MethodError i >> 1 @test_throws MethodError i << 1 @test_throws MethodError i >>> 1 end