# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license ## low-level pcre2 interface ## module PCRE import ..RefValue # include($BUILDROOT/base/pcre_h.jl) include(string(length(Core.ARGS) >= 2 ? Core.ARGS[2] : "", "pcre_h.jl")) const PCRE_LIB = "libpcre2-8" function create_match_context() JIT_STACK_START_SIZE = 32768 JIT_STACK_MAX_SIZE = 1048576 jit_stack = ccall((:pcre2_jit_stack_create_8, PCRE_LIB), Ptr{Cvoid}, (Csize_t, Csize_t, Ptr{Cvoid}), JIT_STACK_START_SIZE, JIT_STACK_MAX_SIZE, C_NULL) ctx = ccall((:pcre2_match_context_create_8, PCRE_LIB), Ptr{Cvoid}, (Ptr{Cvoid},), C_NULL) ccall((:pcre2_jit_stack_assign_8, PCRE_LIB), Cvoid, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{Cvoid}), ctx, C_NULL, jit_stack) return ctx end const THREAD_MATCH_CONTEXTS = Ptr{Cvoid}[C_NULL] PCRE_COMPILE_LOCK = nothing _tid() = Int(ccall(:jl_threadid, Int16, ())+1) _nth() = Int(unsafe_load(cglobal(:jl_n_threads, Cint))) function get_local_match_context() tid = _tid() ctx = @inbounds THREAD_MATCH_CONTEXTS[tid] if ctx == C_NULL @inbounds THREAD_MATCH_CONTEXTS[tid] = ctx = create_match_context() end return ctx end function __init__() resize!(THREAD_MATCH_CONTEXTS, _nth()) fill!(THREAD_MATCH_CONTEXTS, C_NULL) global PCRE_COMPILE_LOCK = Threads.SpinLock() end # supported options for different use cases const COMPILE_MASK = ANCHORED | CASELESS | DOLLAR_ENDONLY | DOTALL | ENDANCHORED | EXTENDED | FIRSTLINE | MULTILINE | NEWLINE_ANY | NEWLINE_ANYCRLF | NEWLINE_CR | NEWLINE_CRLF | NEWLINE_LF | NO_AUTO_CAPTURE | NO_START_OPTIMIZE | NO_UTF_CHECK | UNGREEDY | UTF | UCP const EXECUTE_MASK = NEWLINE_ANY | NEWLINE_ANYCRLF | NEWLINE_CR | NEWLINE_CRLF | NEWLINE_LF | NOTBOL | NOTEMPTY | NOTEMPTY_ATSTART | NOTEOL | NO_START_OPTIMIZE | NO_UTF_CHECK | PARTIAL_HARD | PARTIAL_SOFT const OPTIONS_MASK = COMPILE_MASK | EXECUTE_MASK const UNSET = ~Csize_t(0) # Indicates that an output vector element is unset function info(regex::Ptr{Cvoid}, what::Integer, ::Type{T}) where T buf = RefValue{T}() ret = ccall((:pcre2_pattern_info_8, PCRE_LIB), Cint, (Ptr{Cvoid}, UInt32, Ptr{Cvoid}), regex, what, buf) if ret != 0 error(ret == ERROR_NULL ? "PCRE error: NULL regex object" : ret == ERROR_BADMAGIC ? "PCRE error: invalid regex object" : ret == ERROR_BADOPTION ? "PCRE error: invalid option flags" : "PCRE error: unknown error ($ret)") end return buf[] end function ovec_length(match_data) n = ccall((:pcre2_get_ovector_count_8, PCRE_LIB), UInt32, (Ptr{Cvoid},), match_data) return 2Int(n) end function ovec_ptr(match_data) ptr = ccall((:pcre2_get_ovector_pointer_8, PCRE_LIB), Ptr{Csize_t}, (Ptr{Cvoid},), match_data) return ptr end function compile(pattern::AbstractString, options::Integer) if !(pattern isa Union{String,SubString{String}}) pattern = String(pattern) end errno = RefValue{Cint}(0) erroff = RefValue{Csize_t}(0) re_ptr = ccall((:pcre2_compile_8, PCRE_LIB), Ptr{Cvoid}, (Ptr{UInt8}, Csize_t, UInt32, Ref{Cint}, Ref{Csize_t}, Ptr{Cvoid}), pattern, ncodeunits(pattern), options, errno, erroff, C_NULL) if re_ptr == C_NULL error("PCRE compilation error: $(err_message(errno[])) at offset $(erroff[])") end return re_ptr end function jit_compile(regex::Ptr{Cvoid}) errno = ccall((:pcre2_jit_compile_8, PCRE_LIB), Cint, (Ptr{Cvoid}, UInt32), regex, JIT_COMPLETE) errno == 0 && return true errno == ERROR_JIT_BADOPTION && return false error("PCRE JIT error: $(err_message(errno))") end free_match_data(match_data) = ccall((:pcre2_match_data_free_8, PCRE_LIB), Cvoid, (Ptr{Cvoid},), match_data) free_re(re) = ccall((:pcre2_code_free_8, PCRE_LIB), Cvoid, (Ptr{Cvoid},), re) free_jit_stack(stack) = ccall((:pcre2_jit_stack_free_8, PCRE_LIB), Cvoid, (Ptr{Cvoid},), stack) free_match_context(context) = ccall((:pcre2_match_context_free_8, PCRE_LIB), Cvoid, (Ptr{Cvoid},), context) function err_message(errno::Integer) buffer = Vector{UInt8}(undef, 1024) ret = ccall((:pcre2_get_error_message_8, PCRE_LIB), Cint, (Cint, Ptr{UInt8}, Csize_t), errno, buffer, length(buffer)) ret == ERROR_BADDATA && error("PCRE error: invalid errno ($errno)") # TODO: seems like there should be a better way to get this string return GC.@preserve buffer unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) end function exec(re, subject, offset, options, match_data) if !(subject isa Union{String,SubString{String}}) subject = String(subject) end rc = ccall((:pcre2_match_8, PCRE_LIB), Cint, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{UInt8}, Csize_t, Csize_t, UInt32, Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{Cvoid}), re, subject, ncodeunits(subject), offset, options, match_data, get_local_match_context()) # rc == -1 means no match, -2 means partial match. rc < -2 && error("PCRE.exec error: $(err_message(rc))") return rc >= 0 end function exec_r(re, subject, offset, options) match_data = create_match_data(re) ans = exec(re, subject, offset, options, match_data) free_match_data(match_data) return ans end function exec_r_data(re, subject, offset, options) match_data = create_match_data(re) ans = exec(re, subject, offset, options, match_data) return ans, match_data end function create_match_data(re) p = ccall((:pcre2_match_data_create_from_pattern_8, PCRE_LIB), Ptr{Cvoid}, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{Cvoid}), re, C_NULL) p == C_NULL && error("PCRE error: could not allocate memory") return p end function substring_number_from_name(re, name) n = ccall((:pcre2_substring_number_from_name_8, PCRE_LIB), Cint, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Cstring), re, name) return Int(n) end function substring_length_bynumber(match_data, number) s = RefValue{Csize_t}() rc = ccall((:pcre2_substring_length_bynumber_8, PCRE_LIB), Cint, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Cint, Ref{Csize_t}), match_data, number, s) rc < 0 && error("PCRE error: $(err_message(rc))") return Int(s[]) end function substring_copy_bynumber(match_data, number, buf, buf_size) s = RefValue{Csize_t}(buf_size) rc = ccall((:pcre2_substring_copy_bynumber_8, PCRE_LIB), Cint, (Ptr{Cvoid}, UInt32, Ptr{UInt8}, Ref{Csize_t}), match_data, number, buf, s) rc < 0 && error("PCRE error: $(err_message(rc))") return Int(s[]) end function capture_names(re) name_count = info(re, INFO_NAMECOUNT, UInt32) name_entry_size = info(re, INFO_NAMEENTRYSIZE, UInt32) nametable_ptr = info(re, INFO_NAMETABLE, Ptr{UInt8}) names = Dict{Int,String}() for i = 1:name_count offset = (i-1)*name_entry_size + 1 # The capture group index corresponding to name 'i' is stored as a # big-endian 16-bit value. high_byte = UInt16(unsafe_load(nametable_ptr, offset)) low_byte = UInt16(unsafe_load(nametable_ptr, offset+1)) idx = (high_byte << 8) | low_byte # The capture group name is a null-terminated string located directly # after the index. names[idx] = unsafe_string(nametable_ptr+offset+1) end return names end end # module