# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license ## async event notifications """ AsyncCondition() Create a async condition that wakes up tasks waiting for it (by calling [`wait`](@ref) on the object) when notified from C by a call to `uv_async_send`. Waiting tasks are woken with an error when the object is closed (by [`close`](@ref)). Use [`isopen`](@ref) to check whether it is still active. """ mutable struct AsyncCondition handle::Ptr{Cvoid} cond::ThreadSynchronizer isopen::Bool set::Bool function AsyncCondition() this = new(Libc.malloc(_sizeof_uv_async), ThreadSynchronizer(), true, false) iolock_begin() associate_julia_struct(this.handle, this) err = ccall(:uv_async_init, Cint, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{Cvoid}), eventloop(), this, @cfunction(uv_asynccb, Cvoid, (Ptr{Cvoid},))) if err != 0 #TODO: this codepath is currently not tested Libc.free(this.handle) this.handle = C_NULL throw(_UVError("uv_async_init", err)) end finalizer(uvfinalize, this) iolock_end() return this end end """ AsyncCondition(callback::Function) Create a async condition that calls the given `callback` function. The `callback` is passed one argument, the async condition object itself. """ function AsyncCondition(cb::Function) async = AsyncCondition() @async while _trywait(async) cb(async) isopen(async) || return end return async end ## timer-based notifications """ Timer(delay; interval = 0) Create a timer that wakes up tasks waiting for it (by calling [`wait`](@ref) on the timer object). Waiting tasks are woken after an initial delay of `delay` seconds, and then repeating with the given `interval` in seconds. If `interval` is equal to `0`, the timer is only triggered once. When the timer is closed (by [`close`](@ref)) waiting tasks are woken with an error. Use [`isopen`](@ref) to check whether a timer is still active. """ mutable struct Timer handle::Ptr{Cvoid} cond::ThreadSynchronizer isopen::Bool set::Bool function Timer(timeout::Real; interval::Real = 0.0) timeout ≥ 0 || throw(ArgumentError("timer cannot have negative timeout of $timeout seconds")) interval ≥ 0 || throw(ArgumentError("timer cannot have negative repeat interval of $interval seconds")) timeout = UInt64(round(timeout * 1000)) + 1 interval = UInt64(round(interval * 1000)) loop = eventloop() this = new(Libc.malloc(_sizeof_uv_timer), ThreadSynchronizer(), true, false) associate_julia_struct(this.handle, this) iolock_begin() err = ccall(:uv_timer_init, Cint, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{Cvoid}), loop, this) @assert err == 0 finalizer(uvfinalize, this) ccall(:uv_update_time, Cvoid, (Ptr{Cvoid},), loop) err = ccall(:uv_timer_start, Cint, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{Cvoid}, UInt64, UInt64), this, @cfunction(uv_timercb, Cvoid, (Ptr{Cvoid},)), timeout, interval) @assert err == 0 iolock_end() return this end end unsafe_convert(::Type{Ptr{Cvoid}}, t::Timer) = t.handle unsafe_convert(::Type{Ptr{Cvoid}}, async::AsyncCondition) = async.handle function _trywait(t::Union{Timer, AsyncCondition}) set = t.set if !set t.handle == C_NULL && return false iolock_begin() set = t.set if !set preserve_handle(t) lock(t.cond) try set = t.set if !set if t.handle != C_NULL iolock_end() set = wait(t.cond) unlock(t.cond) iolock_begin() lock(t.cond) end end finally unlock(t.cond) unpreserve_handle(t) end end iolock_end() end t.set = false return set end function wait(t::Union{Timer, AsyncCondition}) _trywait(t) || throw(EOFError()) nothing end isopen(t::Union{Timer, AsyncCondition}) = t.isopen function close(t::Union{Timer, AsyncCondition}) iolock_begin() if t.handle != C_NULL && isopen(t) t.isopen = false ccall(:jl_close_uv, Cvoid, (Ptr{Cvoid},), t) end iolock_end() nothing end function uvfinalize(t::Union{Timer, AsyncCondition}) iolock_begin() lock(t.cond) try if t.handle != C_NULL disassociate_julia_struct(t.handle) # not going to call the usual close hooks if t.isopen t.isopen = false ccall(:jl_close_uv, Cvoid, (Ptr{Cvoid},), t) end t.handle = C_NULL notify(t.cond, false) end finally unlock(t.cond) end iolock_end() nothing end function _uv_hook_close(t::Union{Timer, AsyncCondition}) lock(t.cond) try t.isopen = false t.handle = C_NULL notify(t.cond, t.set) finally unlock(t.cond) end nothing end function uv_asynccb(handle::Ptr{Cvoid}) async = @handle_as handle AsyncCondition lock(async.cond) try async.set = true notify(async.cond, true) finally unlock(async.cond) end nothing end function uv_timercb(handle::Ptr{Cvoid}) t = @handle_as handle Timer lock(t.cond) try t.set = true if ccall(:uv_timer_get_repeat, UInt64, (Ptr{Cvoid},), t) == 0 # timer is stopped now close(t) end notify(t.cond, true) finally unlock(t.cond) end nothing end """ sleep(seconds) Block the current task for a specified number of seconds. The minimum sleep time is 1 millisecond or input of `0.001`. """ function sleep(sec::Real) sec ≥ 0 || throw(ArgumentError("cannot sleep for $sec seconds")) wait(Timer(sec)) nothing end # timer with repeated callback """ Timer(callback::Function, delay; interval = 0) Create a timer that wakes up tasks waiting for it (by calling [`wait`](@ref) on the timer object) and calls the function `callback`. Waiting tasks are woken and the function `callback` is called after an initial delay of `delay` seconds, and then repeating with the given `interval` in seconds. If `interval` is equal to `0`, the timer is only triggered once. The function `callback` is called with a single argument, the timer itself. When the timer is closed (by [`close`](@ref)) waiting tasks are woken with an error. Use [`isopen`](@ref) to check whether a timer is still active. # Examples Here the first number is printed after a delay of two seconds, then the following numbers are printed quickly. ```julia-repl julia> begin i = 0 cb(timer) = (global i += 1; println(i)) t = Timer(cb, 2, interval=0.2) wait(t) sleep(0.5) close(t) end 1 2 3 ``` """ function Timer(cb::Function, timeout::Real; interval::Real=0.0) timer = Timer(timeout, interval=interval) @async while _trywait(timer) cb(timer) isopen(timer) || return end return timer end """ timedwait(callback::Function, timeout::Real; pollint::Real=0.1) Waits until `callback` returns `true` or `timeout` seconds have passed, whichever is earlier. `callback` is polled every `pollint` seconds. The minimum value for `timeout` and `pollint` is `0.001`, that is, 1 millisecond. Returns :ok or :timed_out """ function timedwait(testcb::Function, timeout::Real; pollint::Real=0.1) pollint >= 1e-3 || throw(ArgumentError("pollint must be ≥ 1 millisecond")) start = time_ns() ns_timeout = 1e9 * timeout done = Channel(1) function timercb(aw) try if testcb() put!(done, (:ok, nothing)) elseif (time_ns() - start) > ns_timeout put!(done, (:timed_out, nothing)) end catch e put!(done, (:error, CapturedException(e, catch_backtrace()))) finally isready(done) && close(aw) end nothing end try testcb() && return :ok catch e throw(CapturedException(e, catch_backtrace())) end t = Timer(timercb, pollint, interval = pollint) ret, e = fetch(done) close(t) ret === :error && throw(e) return ret end