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Releases: hackmdio/codimd

CodiMD 1.3.1

23 Mar 12:30
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  • Add some missing translations
  • Add Serbian language


  • Fix broken redirect for empty serverURL
  • Fix wrong variable type for HSTS maxAge
  • Fix GitLab snippets showing up without being configured
  • Fix Google's API after disabling Google+
  • Fix broken PDF export


CodiMD 1.3.0

04 Mar 11:39
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  • Run db migrations on npm start
  • Add documentation about integration with AD LDAP
  • Add rel="noopener" to all links
  • Add documentation about integration with Nextcloud for authentication
  • Update URL on frontpage to point to
  • Replace Fontawesome with Forkawesome
  • Add OpenID support
  • Add print icon to slide view
  • Add auto-complete for language names that are highlighted in codeblocks
  • Improve translations for Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Italien, Korean, Polish, and Russian language
  • Add Download action to published document API
  • Add reset password feature to manage_users script
  • Move from own ./tmp directory to system temp directory
  • Add Etherpad migration guide
  • Move XSS library to a more native position
  • Use full version string to determine changes from the backend
  • Update winston (logging library)
  • Use slide preview in slide example
  • Improve migration handling
  • Update reveal.js to version 3.7.0
  • Replace scrypt library with its successor
  • Replace to-markdown with turndown (successor library)
  • Update
  • Add warning on missing base URL
  • Update bootstrap to version 3.4.0
  • Update handlebar


  • Fix paths in GitLab documentation
  • Fix missing data: URL in CSP
  • Fix oAuth2 name/label field
  • Fix GitLab API integration
  • Fix auto-completed but not rendered emojis
  • Fix menu organization depending on enabled services
  • Fix some logging in the OT module
  • Fix some unhandled internalOAuthError exception
  • Fix unwanted creation of robots.txt document in "freeurl-mode"
  • Fix some links on index page to lead to the right sections on feature page
  • Fix document breaking, empty headlines
  • Fix wrong multiplication for HSTS header seconds
  • Fix wrong subdirectories in exported user data
  • Fix CSP for speaker notes
  • Fix CSP for disqus
  • Fix URL API usage
  • Fix Gist embedding
  • Fix upload provider error message
  • Fix unescaped disqus user names
  • Fix SAML vulnerability
  • Fix link to SAML guide
  • Fix deep dependency problem with node 6.x
  • Fix broken PDF export by wrong unlink call
  • Fix possible XSS attack in MathJax


  • Refactor to use ws instead of the the no longer supported uws
  • Refactor frontend build system to use webpack version 4
  • Refactor file path configuration (views, uploads, …)
  • Refactor manage_users script
  • Refactor handling of template variables
  • Refactor linting to use eslint


  • Remove no longer working Octicons
  • Remove links to our old Gitter channel
  • Remove unused library node-uuid
  • Remove unneeded blueimp-md5 dependency
  • Remove speakerdeck due to broken implementation


CodiMD 1.2.1

03 Oct 14:27
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  • Update Italian translations
  • Update Japanese translations
  • Update markdown-pdf
  • Add support for unix sockets
  • Update "follow us" information to Community channel and translation
  • Add Cloudron installation method
  • Add guide for Mattermost authentication
  • Update various packages
  • Add Indonesian language as new translation


  • Fix content types in status router
  • Fix some modal colors in night mode
  • Fix CSP to allow usage of speaker notes
  • Fix some wrong title attributes in the editor toolbar
  • Fix some confusion about the default location of images. It's always the local filesystem now
  • Fix object handling in avatar generation code
  • Finally fix error handling of LZ-String by using self-maintained version
  • Fix migration handling
  • Fix gitlab API version
  • Fix some server crashes caused by PDF creation
  • Fix document length limit on post to /new
  • Fix broken youtube embedding on /features page


  • Refactor generation of table of contents
  • Refactor "copyright"-section to be a "Powered by"


  • Remove unneeded inline styling


Honorable mentions

CodiMD 1.2.0

30 Jun 17:44
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  • Show full title by hovering over to table of contents entries
  • Add generic OAUTH2 support for authentication
  • Redirect unauthenticated user to login page on "forbidden" pages
  • Add ability to add ToS and privacy documents without code changes
  • Add account deletion as part of user self-management
  • Add download of all own notes
  • Add privacy policy example (no legal advice)
  • Increase checkbox size on slides
  • Add support for Azure blob storage for image uploads
  • Add Korean translation
  • Add note about official K8s chart for deployment
  • Add toolbar for markdown shortcuts in editor
  • Add ability to disable Gravatar integration
  • Add print icon to slide menu which leads to the print view.
  • Add sequelize to setup instructions
  • Update various packages


  • Fix local writes for non-existing translations in production
  • Fix wrong documentation about default image upload type
  • Fix possible error if CodiMD is started with wrong working directory
  • Fix issues caused by cached/cacheeable client config
  • Fix issues caused by notes created via curl/API with CRLF line endings
  • Fix broken images for downloaded PDFs while using filesystem as imageUploadType
  • Fix Unicode URLs when using allowFreeURL=true


  • Split auth documentation into multiple documents


  • Remove polyfill for useCDN=false setups
  • Remove unused and no longer needed symlink from translations

Honorable mentions

1.1.1 Community Edition

23 May 10:06
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  • Fix Google Drive integration leaked clientSecret for Google integration
  • Update base64url package


  • Fix typos in integrations
  • Fix high need of file descriptors during build
  • Fix heroku deployment by limiting node version to <10.x


  • Refactor letterAvatars to be compliant with CSP


  • Google Drive integration

Honorable mentions

1.1.0 Community Edition

06 Apr 14:28
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  • Adding CSP headers
  • Prevent data-leak by wrong LDAP config
  • Generate dynamic sessionSecret if none is specified


  • Add Minio support
  • Allow posting content to new notes by API
  • Add anonymous edit function in restricted mode
  • Add support for more Mimetypes on S3, Minio and local filesystem uploads
  • Add basic CLI tooling for local user management
  • Add referrer policy
  • Add more usable HTML5 tags
  • Add useridField in LDAP config
  • Add option for ReportURI for CSP violations
  • Add persistance for night mode
  • Allow setting of sessionSecret by environment variable
  • Add night mode to features page
  • Add Riot / Matrix - Community link to help page


  • Fix ToDo-toggle function
  • Fix LDAP provider name in front-end
  • Fix errors on authenticated sessions for deleted users
  • Fix typo in database migration
  • Fix possible data truncation of authorship
  • Minor fixes in
  • Allow usage of ESC-key by codemirror
  • Fix array of emails in LDAP
  • Fix type errors by environment configs
  • Fix error message on some file API errors
  • Fix minor CSS issues in night mode


  • Refactor contact
  • Refactor social media integration on main page
  • Refactor code to no longer use referrer
  • Refactor webpack config to need less dependencies in package.json
  • Refactor imageRouter for modularity
  • Refactor configs to be camel case


  • Remove unused tokenSecret from LDAP config


  • All non-camelcase config

Honorable mentions

1.0.1 Community Edition

19 Jan 13:44
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  • Fix Dropbox client secret leak


  • Improve version handling
  • It's 2018!


  • Fix image alt-tag rendering
  • Fix Dropbox appkey

1.0.0 Community Edition

18 Jan 12:11
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  • Switch from MIT to AGPL


  • Improve language support
  • Allow themes for reveal
  • Add dark theme for editor and view
  • Add danish translation
  • Add simplified chinese translation
  • Provide new permission table
  • Make HSTS configurable
  • Make PDF export configurable
  • Add Mattermost auth support
  • Add SAML support


  • Fix regex for speaker notes
  • Fix S3 endpoint support
  • Fix German translation
  • Fix English translation
  • Fix broken profile images
  • Fix XSS attacks
  • Fix history order
  • Fix missing boolean settings
  • Fix LDAP auth
  • Fix too long notes droping content
  • Fix mermaid compatiblity with new version
  • Fix SSL CA path parsing


  • Refactor main page
  • Refactor status pages
  • Refactor config handling
  • Refactor auth backend
  • Refactor code styling
  • Refactor middleware to modules

v0.5.1 - Doppio

22 Mar 16:21
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  • Update to indicate version in status API header
  • Update to generate front-end constants on server startup
  • Update to add gitlab api scope option and auto adapt gitlab snippet feature on it
  • Update to add default permission config option
  • Update to add basics for secret management by Docker 1.13
  • Update webpack config to use parallel uglify plugin to speed up production build
  • Update realtime to use timer to avoid memory leaks on busy tick
  • Update to remove history cache to lower application coupling
  • Update to add screenshot on index page
  • Update index layout to add profile on navbar
  • Update to support allow email register option
  • Update to support disable anonymous view option
  • Update to add limited and protected permission
  • Update to allow displaying LDAP provider name on sign-in modal
  • Update to show yaml-metadata and diagram parsing error in the view


  • Fix XSS vulnerability in link regex [Security Issue]
  • Fix todo list item class might add in wrong element
  • Fix pagination error in list.js over v1.5.0
  • Fix update doc from filesystem cause redundant authorship stringify
  • Fix export html to replace fallen cdn to cdnjs
  • Fix rendering might result XSS attribute on self closing tag [Security Issue]
  • Fix out of sync when deleting on same cursor position on several clients
  • Fix not determine OT have pending operations properly
  • Fix to keep selections on save and restore info
  • Fix image path problem when using filesystem backend
  • Fix meta error not clear on before rendering
  • Fix duplicated headers anchor link not been updated properly
  • Fix checkLoginStateChanged might fall into infinite loop while calling loginStateChangeEvent
  • Fix to workaround text shadow for font antialias might cause cut off in Edge
  • Fix and refactor extracting content using metaMarked directly might lead in invalid object


  • Refactor editor related code
  • Refactor code with JavaScript Standard Style
  • Refactor templates, partials and rearrange its path
  • Refactor front-end code with more modular concepts
  • Refactor front-end code using ES6 (also unify configs to config.json)


  • Removed UTF-8 BOM in download function

v0.5.0 - Ristretto

02 Jan 03:22
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  • Update year to 2017 (Happy New Year!)
  • Update to improve editor performance by debounce checkEditorScrollbar event
  • Refactor data processing to model definition
  • Update to remove null byte on editor changes
  • Update to remove null byte before saving to DB
  • Update to support Esperanto locale
  • Little improvements (typos, uppercase + accents, better case) for French locale
  • Update publish button name and icon


  • Fix authorship might losing update event because of throttling
  • Fix migration script of revision lacks of definition of primary key
  • Fix to not use diff_cleanupSemantic
  • Fix URL concatenation when uploading images to local filesystem
  • Fix js-url not import correctly
  • Fixed typo: anonmyous
  • Fix codemirror spell checker not considering abbreviation which contain apostrophe in word
  • Fix possible user is undefined in realtime events
  • Fix wrong package name reference in webpack config for bootstrap-validator
  • Fix email option in config not parse correctly
  • Fix mathjax not able to render issue


  • Remove LZString compression for data storage
  • Remove LZString compression for some event data