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Hey, there's nothing to be ashamed about. Everyone struggles with money. But you can read these stories to learn about all about money, like investing, lending, borrowing and credit.


  • banking - Why use a bank when you can just stuff your money under a mattress?
  • brick_trade
  • cryptocurrency-investment - The word on the interwebs is that you should invest 1% of your assets in crypto. #HODL
  • finance - “Money is the most universal and most efficient system of mutual trust ever devised.” ― Yuval Noah Harari
  • finance-and-banking
  • financial-services
  • fintech - Your knowledge of the Fintech industry can be improved right here.This community has got it all: from analysis of latest trends, to expert interviews.
  • fintech-trends
  • future-of-finance - The future of finance is here.
  • gold
  • insurance
  • investing - Tips on how to invest but NOT on what to invest in. Bummer!! We know.
  • investment - "Invest for the long haul, don't get too greedy and don't get too scared" ~ Shelby M.C Davis
  • money - Money makes the world go around. And yes, you little crypto nerd - by money we mean ALL kinds of money.
  • payments
  • personal-finance
  • vc
  • venture-capital - Exit While You're On Top: Money stories from the frontlines of the world's many Silicon Valleys