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Stay up-to-date with what's going on in the most populated country in the world.

The view of the world community was riveted to the problem of relations between the United States and China, known as the trade war. Donald Trump's tweets, renminbi price drop, duties, and much more.

China has continuously been in global news, be it corona crisis, diplomatic relations, army conflicts or trade & commerce. Since the last couple of weeks, everyone is talking about China’s digital currency.

Richard Eng 2020 Noonie Nominee for Blockchain from India has been nominated for a 2020#Noonie in the Future Heroes and Technology categories.. The Noonies are Hacker Noon’s way of getting to know — from a community perspective —  what matters in tech today. So, we asked our Noonie Nominees to tell us. Here’s what Richard had to share.

Alibaba Cloud #3 cloud provider in the world. It is available outside of mainland China, in fact, it has data centers in 25 regions and 80 availability zones.

China Includes Cryptocurrency In Continued Business Reforms

ICYMI Missouri, the US state known for great BBQ, is suing China, the nation with 1.393 billion people.

Mobile payments, wallets, and digital banking have made a splash around the world over the last few years, as smartphone adoption grows and the demand for alternative e-payment options rises.  According to eMarketer:

Well, after 2 weeks of waiting I received my Huawei GT-2. Sure, Chinawatch watches you and all, but that was fine with me.


This confusing exhibition provides a stellar and pretty comprehensive snapshot of China’s NFT landscape from a number of angles

TrueUSD has introduced a new stablecoin called TCNH that is 1:1 tied to the Offshore Chinese Yuan (CNH).

The COVID-19 outbreak has dealt a huge economic blow to China. The country’s supply chains are collapsing, many manufacturing firms have closed down, there is minimal human interaction, and consumer behavior has changed in unprecedented ways. However, as in all known crises, a lot of new business ideas and opportunities have come out of the prevailing crisis. Online-to-offline commerce (O2O) is on the rise, the demand for 5G has increased, and the need for online education has skyrocketed. 

One of the most popular apps of 2019, TikTok ruled the download charts in both the Android and Apple markets. Having more than 1.5 billion downloads and approximately half a billion monthly active users, TikTok definitely has access to a trove of users. With that large user base comes a hidden goldmine: their data.

The big question, not only for both tech behemoths China and the USA but also for the rest of the world, is whether the above countries are enemies or allies?

Norvergence LLC team made this report make you understand the aspects of the US-China relationship on the ground of climate and other environmental factors.

The PBOC's app release gives the world excellent insight into China's e-CNY ambitions, particularly with the upcoming Winter Olympics and Chinese New Year.

On October 25th, China's President Xi Jinping opined that blockchain should be treated "as an important breakthrough for independent innovation of core technologies." He also stated "[We must] clarify the main direction, increase investment, focus on a number of key technologies and accelerate the development of blockchain technology and industrial innovation."  Exciting words from a leader who hadn’t spoken on the subject prior, and naturally, this statement was enough to disrupt the crypto space.

There’s a thin line between decentralization and the “balkanization” of the internet.

In my previous articles, I shared insights about China's digital powerhouse that's shaping today's infrastructure, known from the making of China's Firewall to supporting the domestic rise of start-ups (some of which already have become unicorns). Across various mediums, a lot has been said about China's rise, scaling consumption, and growing number of middle class.

China is planning to unroll a series of blockchain-friendly laws in early 2020 to open themselves up to blockchain use cases. In a recent statement by President Xi Jinping, the country will aim to unroll its own digital coin. China has shown support in the past for projects like NEO, and more recently, TRON. At the same time, the country is very wary about token sales and any project that may cause losses on the personal finance level. China has taken a stance of “blockchain” versus speculative digital coins, and they aim to harness the power of distributed networks to distribute and secure data for various use cases. 

As Europe and the US are bracing for the worst of COVID-19, life in China is gradually going back to normal. Aside from lockdowns and social distancing, what can we learn from the measures taken to control the outbreak, and how life can resume safely?

A lot has changed since I shared my last article related on COVID-19 (the most recent strain of coronavirus), and how AI and Blockchain professionals and industry experts are tackling the crisis.

In this interview we speak with Alex Busarov the co-founder of Taelpay about Taelpay ecosystem a blockchain application developed by the team while operating in China. Tael consists of over 50,000 users in 500 cities, hundreds of products protected with NFC chips and blockchain, all in cooperation with a long list of participating companies like Rakuten, Nestlé, New Zealand Cherry Corp,and many more. The Tael ecosystem is anchored by the Tael token which acts as a reward, loyalty, and marketing incentive for participants in the ecosystem. Now lets delve straight into the interview!

Over the past decade, cryptocurrency has become a term that everyone recognizes. Whether it registers as some far-out concept that has something to do with invisible money, or whether you are a crypto geek who belongs to exchange platforms and follows various currencies religiously.

Image: Sam Tsang

At a share price of 68.8 Chinese yuan, the Ant Financial IPO was expected to raise $34 billion in its public offering at the Shanghai and Hong Kong exchanges -- which would value it at over $300 billion.

Two months ago a bill that would allow the extradition of Hong Kong’s criminal suspects to China led to a revolt that is still going on. The 5th of August, some 64 days after the main protests started, saw Hong Kong’s first general strike in over 50 years.

If integrated properly with emerging technologies, American GPS can be used to protect the sovereignty of a nation’s coastlines in Southeast Asia.

A quick rundown on past cryptocurrency regulation in China, along with some predictions of possible futures.

Binance caught RED-handed?

Being a CEO of cryptocurrency exchange Kyrrex, based in Malta, I would like to tell about the state of the Chinese mining market and the challenges that mining companies will face in the near future.

China's economic and industry outlook for 2023.

Electricity is, for the most part, a worldwide utility easily reachable by consumers. But when it comes to the energy industry as a whole, conditions sway into strict regulation, monopolies, or even total chaos. Producing electricity itself is only half the story - making use of existing grids, matching supply and demand, and reducing greenhouse emissions while producing it is a complex task.

The PRC has created LOGINK, a logistics-focused software, for the purposes of data collection in accordance with its information warfare efforts.

China is launching a national cryptocurrency. In this article, we’ll tell you what information is already known about the project at the moment as well as how it may change the financial world.

From the well-known to the hardly spoken about.

Amazon, mobile, A.I… there are dozens of new threats, technologies and processes a strategy executive must keep in mind to stay ahead of the curve when faced with skydiving sales.

We crack open the technology that keeps 1.4 BILLION people walled in

Is the Great Resignation a global phenomenon?

U.S.President Donald Trump says in a Press Conference: we are monetizing the Chinese app, manly TikTok. TikTok might be banned in the United States. In addition, He says, we are not allowing or support any U.S company Own it. Trump also says that they are looking at a lot of alternatives with respect to TikTok.

As the COVID-19 pandemic goes on, life for some around the world is beginning to look a little more like it did before, except with some more distancing, and more people wearing masks. What doesn’t look the same, is how technology is being used to monitor and track cases, infection rates, and outbreaks.

A couple of weeks ago Alphabet shares dropped 6%, Facebook tanked 7.5%, and Amazon shed 4.5% of its value. Why did this happen? An anti-trust probe was called into life regarding Alphabet’s Google Search business and investors fear a similar fate for its tech brethren, seemingly rightfully so: This news story unearths a public debate that has been discussed intensively since the 2016 US elections concerning Big Tech’s power and the need for anti-trust legislation. A debate, which appears to have the nearly unanimous agreement that these companies should be broken up. Logically, therefore, these firms should already be broken up, yet they are not. Why is this? Aside from the strawman “The government is corrupt/incompetent” reasoning, there actually exist multiple genuine arguments for keeping Big Tech intact, which we’ll be examining in the following.

One area that could benefit from and help foster more growth in China's economy is its agricultural technology (AgTech) scene.

Attributing for one-fifth of the planet's population, China is undeniably an economic superpower that's empowered to become a global blockchain leader in terms of adoption, utility, and overall innovation.

We all remember the previous deadly Ebola virus outbreak, which lasted three years from 2013–2016 affected the dominant population of Africa.

This past weekend came as quite a shock to a vast amount of netizens in the United States. While having a conversation with reporters on Air Force 1, president Donald Trump mentioned banning TikTok in the U.S., a video sharing social platform with 165 million downloads in the region, that is accused of providing data to the Chinese government.

The digital yuan's impact on the world is undisputed; however, will its potential to act as a money laundering system for the PRC override its true benefits?

Here at TimeNet, we’re building a large time series database with the primary aim of benefitting society through access to data. In this post we’ll study different time series representing both the true, and the perceived spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Daily COVID-19 numbers are currently available on for many countries. We’re expanding these datasets with further variables measuring how we (people) perceive the significance of the pandemic. We use stock market movements and internet search trends to quantify the virus’s perceived spread.

The war between the U.S. government and the tech giant, Huawei, has been raging since 2012, when the company was first accused of having links to the Chinese government. But the year 2020 seems to bring the battle to somewhat of a boiling point:

I remember my first visit to China in 2010. We booked a hotel in a good location in Guangzhou, saving the coordinates and routes to Google Maps prior to our arrival. But when we got there, it was immediately obvious that there were no hotels in that area. I was at the correct point where my hotel should be, but all I have around me is a huge square (花城广场 - aka, Flower City Square).

Today I'd like to highlight the challenge of search functionality in Chinese. In this article, we will go through the main difficulties of full-text search implementation for CJK languages and how to overcome them with the help of Manticore Search.

Many visitors to Japan are always surprised by one thing. Despite its East Asian neighbours moving rapidly towards a cashless future, Japan is a cash society. Tokyo’s neon lights and sleek and high-tech public transport system often give the impression that Japan is a place where the future happens. Hop off the train at the newly opened Takanawa Gateway Station and you’ll find a station that has its cleaning and security handled by robots.

Jack Dorser is leaving Twitter. WHY? And, More Importantly, WHY NOW?!

Why is China pushing its digital currency "agenda" so hard?

The Coming Death of Cash and the Battle for the Future of Money. In One Future We have a Private, Anonymous Alternative to Cash but in the Black Mirror Future t

The increasing desire for reduced reliance on corporate identities that require very staunch employer-employee relationships is something that Web3 can enable.

Countries' intelligence services warn for the ongoing threats of espionage and cyberattacks by nation-states in critical infrastructure.


Economic growth has always been one of the most important and crucial aspects of any country’s existence. In ancient times, this trend was happening on a much slower and less conscious manner; people at that time didn’t have enough insight into economic forces to predict, not to mention influence, the forces of the economy to their advantage.

Today, there are more than 900 million Internet users in China -- about three hundred million more than Europe’s total population. It is also more than twice the total U.S. and Canadian populations combined in 2019.

This is the nuts and bolts of the early results and returns of our startup's expansion into China's EdTech Industry.

The Hong Kong national security law created a series of provisions that restrict the flow of information and suppress the civil unrest within the region. In the short term, this new law has had a profound impact on the business landscape, creating a series of winners who seek to expand their share in the local marketplace. In the long term, it will reform the technology landscape in Hong Kong for years to come

Imagine a world where everything you ever do or say is watched and rated by invisible eyes.

Nowadays everyone is glued to their phones and it’s no different in China, the mobile phone is an indispensable tool and something we just cannot live without. Hands up if it’s one of the last things you see at night and the first thing you look at in the morning? I knew it! Coming to China, a very different country with a different culture and language, your phone becomes even more vital as it is one thing that makes you feel like you’re at home and keeps you connected to it.

China and El Salvador's seemingly contrasting stances on digital currencies actually align both authoritarian regimes on many levels.

Despite its history of strict regulation against the industry, China’s gaming market is flourishing. Chinese MMOs and RPGs are topping lists around the globe while high-quality cross-platform releases, along with creative marketing through films, eSport competitions, and livestreaming, have set the tone for China’s growing gaming market for years to come at home.

Much has been written about the mechanisms of social control that have appeared in China since 2010. And especially many publications are devoted to the emerging system of social credit, which will allow monitoring and regulate the behavior of citizens, which later transforms into a system of social rating.

Throughout history, terrible crises have given us some of our greatest innovations. GPS, Drones, microwaves, atomic energy… the list goes on. The COVID-19 crisis is no different, and we are already seeing companies rise above their competition by asking themselves the key question at the heart of all corporate strategies : what can we do, right now, that is hard?

Today, most eCommerce businesses have expanded their reach across the world.

SAN BENEDETTO DEL TRONTO, ITALY. MAY 16, 2015. Portrait of Darth Vader costume replica with grab hand and his sword. Care of ShutterStock for editorial use.

The history of crypto mainly revolves around China. Although it is true that  the first cryptocurrency exchange was launched in Japan, the infamous Mt. Gox, but when it collapsed, all the power over crypto was handed off to the three main exchanges existing at that time:

Amy Tom, Limarc Ambalina, and Natasha Nel are wrapping their head's around the fact that a plot of land on the Decentraland platform sold for $572k.

I have previously written about the investment philosophy of my friend Jinjian Zhang of Trustbridge Partners. A few months ago, Jinjian has founded his own venture capital fund, Vitalbridge Partners based in Shanghai, China. In a recent talk, Jinjian dived deeper into his “Noise vs Signal” investment philosophy.