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Remote Procedure Call (RPC)

  • a key piece of distributed system machinery
  • goal: easy-to-program network communication
    • hides most details of client/server communication
    • client call is much like ordinary procedure call
    • server handlers are much like ordinary procedures
  • RPC is widely used!
RPC ideally makes net communication look just like fn call:
    z = fn(x, y)
    fn(x, y) {
      return z
  RPC aims for this level of transparency

Go example:

RPC message diagram:
  Client             Server
Software structure
  client app         handlers
    stubs           dispatcher
   RPC lib           RPC lib
     net  ------------ net

A few details:

  • Which server function (handler) to call?
  • Marshalling: format data into packets
    • Tricky for arrays, pointers, objects, &c
    • Go's RPC library is pretty powerful!
    • some things you cannot pass: e.g., channels, functions
  • Binding: how does client know who to talk to?
    • Maybe client supplies server host name
    • Maybe a name service maps service names to best server host
  • Threads:
    • Clients may have many threads, so > 1 call outstanding, match up replies
    • Handlers may be slow, so server often runs each in a thread

RPC problem: what to do about failures?

e.g. lost packet, broken network, slow server, crashed server

What does a failure look like to the client RPC library?

  • Client never sees a response from the server
  • Client does not know if the server saw the request!
  • Maybe server/net failed just before sending reply

Simplest scheme: "at least once" behavior

  • RPC library waits for response for a while
  • If none arrives, re-send the request
  • Do this a few times
  • Still no response -- return an error to the application

Better RPC behavior: "at most once"

  • idea: server RPC code detects duplicate requests returns previous reply instead of re-running handler
  • Q: how to detect a duplicate request?
  • client includes unique ID (XID) with each request
    • uses same XID for re-send
    if seen[xid]:
      r = old[xid]
      r = handler()
      old[xid] = r
      seen[xid] = true

some at-most-once complexities

  • how to ensure XID is unique?
    • big random number?
    • combine unique client ID (ip address?) with sequence #?
  • server must eventually discard info about old RPCs
    • when is discard safe?
    • idea:
      • unique client IDs
      • per-client RPC sequence numbers
      • client includes "seen all replies <= X" with every RPC
      • much like TCP sequence #s and acks
    • or only allow client one outstanding RPC at a time
      • arrival of seq+1 allows server to discard all <= seq
    • or client agrees to keep retrying for < 5 minutes
      • server discards after 5+ minutes
  • how to handle dup req while original is still executing?
    • server doesn't know reply yet; don't want to run twice
    • idea: "pending" flag per executing RPC; wait or ignore

What if an at-most-once server crashes and re-starts?

  • if at-most-once duplicate info in memory, server will forget
    • and accept duplicate requests after re-start
  • maybe it should write the duplicate info to disk?
  • maybe replica server should also replicate duplicate info?

What about "exactly once"?

  • at-most-once plus unbounded retries plus fault-tolerant service

Go RPC is "at-most-once"

  • open TCP connection
  • write request to TCP connection
  • TCP may retransmit, but server's TCP will filter out duplicates
  • no retry in Go code (i.e. will NOT create 2nd TCP connection)
  • Go RPC code returns an error if it doesn't get a reply
    • perhaps after a timeout (from TCP)
    • perhaps server didn't see request
    • perhaps server processed request but server/net failed before reply came back

structure (next all talk about rpc in go)

struct Network
  description of network
    client endpoints
  mutex per network

RPC overview

   many examples in test_test.go
    e.g., TestBasic()
    application calls Call()
      reply := end.Call("Raft.AppendEntries", args, &reply) --   * send an RPC, wait for reply
    servers side:
      srv := MakeServer()
      srv.AddService(svc) -- a server can have multiple services, e.g. Raft and k/v
        pass srv to net.AddServer()
      svc := MakeService(receiverObject) -- obj's methods will handle RPCs
        much like Go's rpcs.Register()
        pass svc to srv.AddService()

struct Server

  • a server support many services


  • add a service name
  • Q: why a lock?
  • Q: what is defer()?


  • dispatch a request to the right service
  • Q: why hold a lock?
  • Q: why not hold lock to end of function?


  • Use reflect to find type of argument

  • Use gob marshall argument

  • is the channel to the network to send request

  • Make a channel to receive reply from network ( <- req.replyCh)

  • MakeEnd():

    • has a thread/goroutine that simulates the network
      • reads from and process requests
      • each requests is processed in a separate goroutine
        • Q: can an end point have many outstanding requests?
      • Q: why
      • Q: what does lock protect?
  • ProcessReq():

    • finds server endpoint
    • if network unreliable, may delay and drop requests,
    • dispatch request to server in a new thread
    • waits on reply by reading ech or until 100 msec has passed
      • 100 msec just to see if server is dead
    • then return reply
      • Q: who will read the reply?
    • Q: is ok that ProcessReq doesn't hold rn lock?
  • Service.dispatch():

  • find method for a request

  • unmarshall arguments

  • call method

  • marshall reply

  • return reply

Go's "memory model" requires explicit synchronization to communicate!
  This code is not correct:
    var x int
    done := false
    go func() { x = f(...); done = true }
    while done == false { }
  it's very tempting to write, but the Go spec says it's undefined
  use a channel or sync.WaitGroup or instead

Study the Go tutorials on goroutines and channels